I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 7 The Terrifying Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

Chapter 7: Terrifying Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!

"What the hell happened!"

The headmaster's face turned pale as he walked into Class Four.

"What are you all doing? Why..."


Before he could finish his sentence, another bout of dry heaving occurred.

All the students in Class Four were huddled together in a circle, hiding in the corner of the classroom.

In the center of the classroom, two students were lying down.

Bent over like shrimps, they were dry heaving and experiencing diarrhea at the same time.

Their pants were filled with a yellowish liquid, constantly bubbling.


"Damn! It stinks!"

"Why are they having diarrhea?"

"Quick, take them away. I can't stand it..."


"Could it be Cheng Ge?"

"Damn it..."

Gao Yang endured the stench and quickly shouted, "Zhang Bin, Wang Zichen, help them to the infirmary."

"They have such severe diarrhea and yet they came to our class to fight. They even got their shit knocked out. What kind of deep grudge is this?"

After hearing this, all the surrounding students covered their mouths and chuckled.

The headmaster's expression became even more unpleasant.

Zhang Bin and Wang Zichen, who were called by name, reluctantly walked over.

Covering their noses with one hand, they each supported one of the students and led them out of the classroom.

"Quick, open the windows and clean up with water..."

Under Gao Yang's command, the classroom was quickly cleared out.

However, there still seemed to be a lingering stench in the air.

The headmaster's expression remained grim as he thought about Liang Feifan, who had just pounced on him. It felt as if he had eaten shit.

"Teacher Gao, what about your class..."

As he was about to speak, the headmaster said, "Hand in all the information of the awakened students in your class. One month later, they will participate in the Unified Professional Examination!"

"Alright, Principal, don't worry..."

After the headmaster and his group left, Gao Bo waved his hand, signaling everyone to sit down.

"You guys, you're really fearless as newcomers."

"I have already figured out the whole story. Liang Feifan from Class Two came looking for trouble, and you guys fought back, right?"

Chen Xiao stood up defiantly, "Teacher Gao, are we supposed to let him bully us?"

"Of course not. I'm glad that you guys are so united," Gao Yang said with a smile. "This means that my teaching has been somewhat successful."

"However, Liang Feifan is a seven-star professional, two stars higher than you."

"I will report this matter to the school and let the school handle it."

"You four... Chen Xiao, Cai Kun, Zhang Ping'an, Zheng Cheng."

"Two main combat professionals and two auxiliary professionals. In this month, you should work hard to level up or improve your basic skills."

"After the Unified Professional Examination in a month, I hope you all can achieve good results!"

"Don't worry, teacher, we will definitely work hard!"

"Teacher, I will definitely get into a professional university!"

"Me too!"

Chen Xiao and the others all shouted confidently, full of confidence.

Zheng Cheng stood up, "Teacher Gao, where should we go to level up?"

"Nowadays, the monsters around Eternal Peace City have been almost completely killed. Only in the deep mountains and forests far from the city..."

"Don't worry about that. The school will make arrangements," Gao Yang said.

"Take a ten-day break and wait for the school's notification."

"As for other students, classes will continue as usual."

"Even if you are not professionals, you can still take the regular college entrance examination and contribute to the survival of our human race..."

After some encouragement, Gao Yang suddenly turned his head and looked outside the window.

"And you..."

He faced dozens of ordinary students from other classes who had come to watch the commotion.

"Do you know what you were doing just now? Mocking the new awakened professionals!"

"You may be jealous or envious, thinking that a few words won't bother them since they are classmates."

"But don't forget! They are professionals too! In the future, their status and social standing will be completely different from yours!"

"Even Zheng Cheng's future status will be above yours!"

Gao Yang's voice became more serious. "If you encounter narrow-minded professionals and talk like this... aren't you afraid of death?"

His words caused the faces of the dozens of students outside the window to change drastically.

Only then did they realize that the few people they had just mocked were no longer just their classmates.

But they are professionals!

"Tea-teacher, s-sorry, w-we were impulsive!"

"Zhang Ping'an, I'm sorry!"

"Zheng Cheng, you can just ignore me like I'm nothing!"

"Sorry, we're leaving..."

During the apologies, dozens of students were scared and ran away, worried about being targeted by professionals.

Gao Yang turned around and said to Zheng Cheng and the others, "Remember! From now on, you are professionals and cannot be insulted by ordinary people!"

"Today, let it go. They are just ordinary students who haven't experienced the harshness of society..."

Chen Xiao quickly said, "Don't worry, Teacher Gao, we're not the kind of petty people~"

"That's good, you guys wait here for a while, I have other things to attend to." After saying that, Gao Yang left.

The whole classroom became lively again.

Seven or eight people gathered around Zheng Cheng's seat and excitedly said, "Zheng Cheng, was it you who made Liang Feifan and the others have diarrhea?"

"Chen Xiao just said that your new skill makes people have diarrhea, and Liang Feifan and the others had it so bad!"

"Damn! Is it really Zheng Cheng?"

"A skill that makes people have diarrhea, so damn awesome."

Zheng Cheng simply said, "It wasn't me, don't make things up, I didn't do it."

At this moment, a few more people walked over.

The leader was their class flower, Song Chaoyu.

Zheng Cheng looked her up and down and shook his head.

No chest, no butt, just a slightly prettier face, what's so attractive about her?

As Song Chaoyu walked over, the animals that were surrounding them all moved aside.

Song Chaoyu whispered, "Chen Xiao, Zheng Cheng, thank you for helping me."

Chen Xiao quickly stood up and started stuttering, "It's... it's nothing."

"We... we're all from Class 4, I... I won't let you be bullied by students from other classes..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head.

You're in trouble, you've fallen in love.

After chatting for a while, Song Chaoyu went back with her girlfriends.

Chen Xiao excitedly said, "Zheng Cheng, did you see that? Song Chaoyu talked to me so much, hehehe..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said, "Do you like her?"

"N-no..." Chen Xiao quickly shook his head nervously, "She... she's so beautiful, I..."

"Beautiful? What's so beautiful about her?"

Zheng Cheng said impatiently, "You're a professional now, she's just an ordinary girl, what are you afraid of?"

"Can... can I really do it?"

Chen Xiao hesitated, looking anxious.

His eyes went from ecstatic to nervous, unable to help but look in Song Chaoyu's direction.

"It's over."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and ignored him.

Instead, he leaned on the table and recalled his skills.

Just now, he used Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst three times in a row, and it gave him quite a surprise.

Three people, one professional and two ordinary people, had no resistance at all and were directly knocked down by Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst.

However, there was a difference.

The two ordinary students, after being hit by Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, had a reaction time of only two or three seconds before they exploded.

They collapsed on the ground, directly soiling themselves.

But Liang Feifan managed to hold on for four or five seconds.

He even ran out of the classroom before finally unable to hold it in and soiled himself.

"It seems that Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst is not always effective."

"Could it be related to the target's resistance?"

"The two students were just ordinary people, directly hit and couldn't even react."

Zheng Cheng speculated, "While Liang Feifan is a professional, a seven-star Magic Swordsman, with a semi-digitized body and decent resistance, so he was able to resist the effects of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst for a while."

"The higher the level, resistance, and attributes, the worse the effect of my Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst."

"But no matter what, Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst has given me quite a surprise."

"I wonder what the second skill, Random Dissection, will do?"

Zheng Cheng thought about leveling up.

"To level up, I have to go out and kill monsters, which the school can arrange."

"Besides leveling up, there is another way to improve my strength."

"Improving the level of my skills!"

"Each skill has proficiency. Each time a skill is used, it increases by 1 point."

"After reaching Rank One proficiency, it can also level up from LV1 to LV9."

"And I heard that when each skill reaches LV3, LV6, and LV9, it will have special effects."

"Known as skill characteristics."

"I just don't know what the characteristic of my Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst will be."

(End of this chapter)

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