I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

75. Chapter 75 The Second Nine-Star New Professional

Chapter 75 The Second Nine-Star New Professional!

Zheng Cheng clearly remembered that during the siege of the Lord of Black Sun, the Lord of Black Sun had said a sentence.

Zhao Yunxiao, from the Zhao family in the Imperial Capital, is a descendant of the Pioneers!

"Yes, I also come from a family of professionals!"

Zhao Yunxiao said unabashedly, "However, our family is somewhat different from ordinary families and cannot be generalized."

Zheng Cheng interjected, "Pioneers?"

Zhao Yunxiao shook his head, not wanting to explain.

"Pioneers are not something you can access now. Wait until your level is raised to LV69, or after graduating from a higher vocational college!"

The three nodded slightly, and Song Chaoyu asked in a low voice, "Captain Yunxiao, how should we interact with these five family professionals?"

"It's simple, cooperation and competition at the same time."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "Our rules with family professionals are based on the principle of 'to each according to his contribution.'"

"Whether it's a dungeon or a Secret Realm, once you enter, it's entirely up to your own strength to strive for it."

"The things you obtain and the treasures you find are yours, and vice versa."

"If cooperation is really needed, it will also be based on the principle of 'to each according to his contribution.' The greater the contribution, the better the reward!"

Zheng Cheng suddenly asked, "Which families in Eternal Peace City do the five professionals come from? Do we have any information about them?"

Zhao Yunxiao looked deeply at Zheng Cheng and said, "The five new professional recruits this time come from three families in Eternal Peace City."

"Two from the Li family!"

"Two from the Bai family!"

"And one from the Qin family!"

"These five individuals are all high-level professionals, with the lowest being seven stars!"

"And the young master from the Qin family, like Zhi Xue, is also a nine-star professional!"


The group was surprised, even Yao Zhixue's eyes showed some ripples.

A nine-star professional?

Just like themselves?

But they didn't know what profession it was.

However, Zheng Cheng asked, "How many nine-star new professionals are there in Eternal Peace City this year?"

Zhao Yunxiao smiled, "Three!"

"Zhi Xue, the young master from the Qin family, and another one who comes from the military."

"In addition to the three nine-star professionals, there are five other eight-star professionals in Eternal Peace City this year!"

"If we count Song Chaoyu, then it's six."

"Among these five, there is also an eight-star professional who will join you in three days!"

Zhao Yunxiao shook his phone and said, "I have sent their specific information to your email. You can get to know them in advance."


"Alright, everyone go back and rest."

Zhao Yunxiao began to urge them, "Gather here in three days."


"Song Chaoyu, stay."


Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue left, while Song Chaoyu obediently stayed behind.

"Song Chaoyu, you have another task."

Zhao Yunxiao instructed, "Starting from tomorrow, you need to enter the Fire Rat's Nest to level up. Level up as much as you can."

"Alone?" Song Chaoyu hesitated, "Can I go find other classmates?"

"You can."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "But there will be people arranged by me around you. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Captain."

"Also, if someone asks you about your profession, say that your profession is a hidden profession." Zhao Yunxiao explained, "The awakening of a hidden profession has a lag, and the awakening of a professional crystal is just one aspect. There are other stimuli, understand?"

"I understand."

Song Chaoyu said softly, "By the way, what about my, my mother..."

Her memory was still stuck at the Black Sun Church Mass.

At that time, she was brought into a room by a divine messenger in the name of blessing.

She only saw a dark shadow pouncing towards her, and then she knew nothing.

When she woke up, she was already at the Night Watcher's base.

She was in a daze and it was difficult for her to remember what had happened.

Zhao Yunxiao sighed and said, "Your mother... is still in the hospital. After this is over, I will take you to see her."

Song Chaoyu's eyes lit up, "Is my mother really okay?"

"She's fine. Thanks to Zheng Cheng this time, otherwise your mother might have been buried with the Lord of Black Sun!"

Zhao Yunxiao's eyes looked strange, "You should thank Zheng Cheng, if it weren't for him..."

"I understand!"

Song Chaoyu quickly said, "By the way, Captain, I keep having a flash of memory, it seems to be a residual memory of the Lord of Black Sun."

"It's a secret base deep in Qingshan, and it seems to contain a lot of supplies from the Black Sun Church."

"And there are many things, the most memorable of which seems to be a damaged world artifact..."

"A world artifact!"

Zhao Yunxiao suddenly stood up, surprised, "The Black Sun Church's secret base really has a world artifact?"

Song Chaoyu hesitated, but still nodded earnestly, "I can't remember the other supplies clearly, but that world artifact is really there."

"That memory is very deep..."

Zhao Yunxiao immediately said, "If it's really a world artifact, then you have made a great contribution, Chaoyu!"

At this moment, she even changed her address.

"Where is the address? I will send someone to investigate it..." Zhao Yunxiao gritted her teeth, "It's a pity that Pu Jia is being transferred, only Meng Fusheng is left..."

"It's under a place called Shigu Mountain."

"Write down the specific address, or draw it, and I will have someone bring it over."

"Okay, Captain."

After Song Chaoyu left, Zhao Yunxiao muttered, "The Lord of Black Sun's secret base, I wonder if it's dangerous."

"It seems that I can only rely on their help!"

Outside the base, Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue were chatting when Song Chaoyu suddenly ran out.

"Zheng Cheng!"

"What's up?"

"I have something to tell you."

Song Chaoyu looked at Yao Zhixue, and Zheng Cheng also looked at her.

Yao Zhixue stood still, looking like a third wheel.

"You can trust me to keep a secret."


Song Chaoyu's eyes flickered slightly as she said, "Thank you for this time. If it weren't for you, I would have died for sure."

Zheng Cheng casually said, "It's okay, after all, we are classmates."

"Classmates..." Song Chaoyu gritted her teeth, "Do you still stand by what you said to me before?"

"What did I say?"

"You, you..." Song Chaoyu looked at Zheng Cheng blankly, and soon realized.

"I remembered it wrong, but still, thank you."

"I had some memories when the Lord of Black Sun possessed me."

"Especially when she left my body... Anyway, we will still be teammates in the future, right?"

"Of course."

Zheng Cheng nodded, "I have to go now, see you in three days."

"Okay, goodbye."


Song Chaoyu glanced at Zheng Cheng, turned and left, and Yao Zhixue suddenly caught up, "What did you say to her just now?"

Zheng Cheng rolled his eyes, "How would I know?"

"She's now an eight-star Soul-Sucking Witch, the only profession!"

"I'm just a lowly one-star Priest, hehehe..."

"Don't laugh, your laughter gives me goosebumps."

Yao Zhixue said, "Zheng Cheng, you have to work hard."

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "Work hard for what?"

"Being a lone traveler on the Great Dao is really lonely. I want someone familiar to accompany me."

"???" Zheng Cheng looked Yao Zhixue up and down, "Young lady, you seem to have a serious case of chuunibyou~"

"Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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