I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

90. Chapter 89 Virtual Fire Incinerationlv3! New Features!

Chapter 89 Virtual Fire IncinerationLV3! New features!

Li Zhen said immediately: "You saved our lives. These black squid fishmen can take away as much as they want."

"As for the proposal you just made, we also agreed!"

"Then take action!"

Zheng Cheng gave the order and several people took action immediately.

Qin Zheng, Yao Zhixue, Cai Shen, and Li Zhen went to support Bai Jingqi.

As for himself, he, Song Chaoyu, and Liang Feifan went to rescue Li Jiao.

After both parties complete their tasks, they will reunite to snatch the Heart of the Earth!

When Zheng Cheng was about to put away the corpses of these black-slurry fishmen, he heard that Cai Shen ran into the corpses again and was looking for something.

"Rookie, what are you doing? Take the time to rest, you guys have to go rescue Bai Jingqi!"

"Brother Cheng! Come and see, there are gems on these fish-men corpses!"


Several people's eyes lit up slightly, and they quickly ran over and started searching.

Sure enough, some fishmen had a dusty gray bead hanging around their necks.

When I picked it up and took a look, it turned out to be a special gem!

[Props: Gray Moon Stone]

[Attribute: Gem]

[Level: 1 star]

[Effect: It can be embedded in armor, cloth armor, chain armor, vestments, helmets, shoes and other equipment to gain a slight water element shield. ]

[Explanation: The mysterious stones hidden deep in rivers and lakes gain special energy by absorbing the power of moonlight and water elements. ]

"Good stuff, put it away!"

Several people quickly started looking for these gray moon stones on the fish-man corpse.

Qin Zheng came over and asked strangely: "What are you looking for?"

"Special gem." Zheng Cheng threw a gray moon stone over: "It can be embedded in equipment to increase its ability."

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up slightly: "It turns out that those special gems in the family were taken out of the Secret Realm. No wonder they are so rare."

"You know?" Zheng Cheng asked, "We also found another special gem from the orcs."

"Of course I know." Qin Zheng threw the gray moon stone back with his backhand: "Although our family's special gems are precious, there are also many."

"But let me remind you, these gems are big pits!"

"What's the meaning?"

Qin Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "The equipment needs to be drilled by a Blacksmith or an alchemist before gems can be inlaid. The rules for inlaying gems are that one-star gems must be inlaid first, and then two-star and three-star gems can be inlaid, and so on."

"Most of the special gems we find in Secret Realm are one-star. If you want to find two-star gems, you must upgrade some skilled Blacksmith, Alchemist and other life professions."

"Three one-star gems can be upgraded to two-star gems; three two-star gems can be upgraded to three-star gems... and so on."

"And there is a success rate for upgrading the gems. Once it fails, all the gems will be destroyed."

Qin Zheng shrugged and said: "Even with the strength of our Qin family, there are only three seven-star gems in the family, and these are accumulated over hundreds of years!"

"Ordinary tribesmen can only inlay three-star gems at most!"

"That's it." Zheng Cheng suddenly realized that according to Qin Zheng's words, it was really a big pit!

For a seven-star gem, if you count, you need... 2160 one-star gems!


Zheng Cheng took a deep breath.

This is not even counting the probability of failure.

If you fail so many times in the middle, it will really make you want to die.

Zheng Cheng asked again: "What is the price of first-grade gemstones?"

"It depends on the type of gem." Qin Zheng said: "For example, the sun stone, which is most popular among physical and melee professionals to increase attack power, and the moon stone, which increases spell defense, are worth about one hundred gold coins each. "

"Two stars are worth five hundred gold coins, and three stars are worth three thousand gold coins."

"Once it reaches four stars, the price will increase tenfold!"

"For ordinary professionals, it would be good if they could use three-star gems."

Qin Zheng counted on his fingers again and said: "The equipment worn by professionals includes weapons, armor, pants, hats, shields, jewelry, rings, links, earrings... A set of three-star gems will cost about three to five. Ten thousand gold coins..."

"Damn~! Such a trick!" Zheng Cheng cursed secretly, rubbing the gray moon stone and said: "According to what you said, special gems should be consumables. Do the night watchmen need these?"

"of course yes!"

Qin Zheng said: "A one-star gem can be exchanged for 10 merit points."

"Of course there is an upper limit and cannot be exchanged infinitely. Otherwise, the merit system of the Night Watch will be in chaos."

"Since it is valuable, then save it first."

Zheng Cheng made a decision immediately: "Okay, don't look for it now. I will collect all the bodies and look for them slowly when I get out!"

After saying that, he activated the space ring and collected all the black pulp fish-man corpses on the ground.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Zheng Cheng came to Li Zhen again: "If I want to save your sister, I want to borrow something from you."

"What?" Li Zhen asked strangely: "As long as my sister can be rescued, I will agree to any conditions."

"The egg you just snatched from the black jelly fish man. Since that egg is so valued by the black jelly fish man, I can definitely use this egg to lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

Li Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up: "What a great idea!"

"Don't even ask me to borrow it. I don't know what the egg is for, so I'll give it to you."

After that, Li Zhen took out the reddish egg and handed it to Zheng Cheng.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Zheng Cheng directly drank the blood of the black jellyfish to the maximum.

30 pieces!

His agility increased by another 60 points, and his spirit also increased by 30 points.

Even the toxin resistance has increased by 30% again.

The most important thing is that the ability to breathe underwater has also increased by 30%!

Coupled with the underwater breathing potion taken from Li Zhen and others, he can be regarded as half a fishman at this time.

In addition, he also swallowed the bile of the two black water black snakes.

Spirit increases again by 6 points, agility increases by 3 points, and poison resistance increases by 4%.

Male function... also increased by 2%!

Finally, he swallowed the orc's heart blood to the maximum.

Physical fitness, increased by 30 points!

Strength, increased by 30 points again!

Now his four-dimensional attributes have reached:

[Physique: 94]

[Strength: 115]

[Agility: 85]

[Spirit: 70]

The strength attribute directly exceeded the 100-point mark.

The other three attributes are also above 70!

This attribute is enough to crush anyone present!

Several people had almost rested and were immediately ready to separate.

"Take care of yourself!"

"Take care of yourself!"

By the river, Qin Zheng and Zheng Cheng said goodbye, and the seven of them separated immediately.

Li Zhen and Qin Zheng took out four floating talismans and gave them to Yao Zhixue and Cai Shen.

The four of them drifted slowly towards the opposite shore.

Zheng Cheng, Song Chaoyu, and Liang Feifan dived into the water.

The two of them were surrounded by two giant python soul beasts, which blocked the approach of the water flow and allowed them to breathe temporarily.

As for Zheng Cheng himself, he immediately felt a cooling sensation flowing through his body after entering the water.

A trace of cold oxygen penetrated into the body along the skin, maintaining the flow of oxygen in the body.

Breathe underwater!

Making Zheng Cheng swim quickly in the water like a fish.

The three of them could not communicate underwater. Zheng Cheng shook his hands and asked the two of them to follow his guidance and swim towards the bottom of the water.

The surrounding water flow was gentle and dark, but with the low-light creatures swimming in the water, you could still see clearly.

Especially since Zheng Cheng also has the guidance of Central Radar Life Detection technology, there is no problem.

After descending about forty or fifty meters, Zheng Cheng suddenly stopped and grabbed his left hand backwards.

Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan stopped quickly.

This is the gesture when encountering an enemy.

In the Central Radar Life Detection map, a dozen black murlocs swam toward them at extremely fast speeds.

Behind them, there are more enemies!

Zheng Cheng waved his hand again, and Song Chaoyu made a seal with one hand. Suddenly, ten dark black murloc soul beasts swam out from behind and rushed toward the group of black murlocs!

These black pulp fish-man soul beasts were specially condensed by Song Chaoyu when he was on the shore.

In an instant, more than a dozen black murlocs and soul beasts were fighting together.

Zheng Cheng took this opportunity and took out a one-handed sword from the space ring.

This one-handed sword is about five feet long, thick and sharp.

But with Zheng Cheng's 115 points of strength, he was as easy as a toothpick.

While these black murlocs were entangled by the soul beasts, Zheng Cheng grabbed the one-handed sword and shot it out like a javelin.


Although it was at the bottom of the water, this one-handed sword still tore through the water at an extremely fast speed, ruthlessly penetrating a black murloc!

The thick blood immediately gushes out, making the surrounding black squid fishmen become even more ferocious.

Zheng Cheng flipped his hand, grabbed another javelin, and shot it.

Repeating his old tricks, javelins and swords shot out like arrows, slaughtering these black murlocs with ease!

On the other side, Song Chaoyu's beautiful eyes were fixed on Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng...why is he so powerful!

This is underwater, and it has such strong power.

How on earth did he do it?

It's a pity that he actually rejected his own prompt. It would be great if it was like before.

Unlike Song Chaoyu, Liang Feifan felt completely desperate.

He looked at Zheng Cheng with extremely horrified eyes. He couldn't figure out how Zheng Cheng did it?

One-star Priest, why is he so powerful?

Even in the water, he can exert such strong combat power.

"How did Zheng Cheng do it?"

"Night watchman? Or does he have some secret that no one knows about?"

He subconsciously grabbed the magic sword, his heart beating loudly.

"If I knew this secret, wouldn't it be..."

"That's right!" Liang Feifan's eyes flashed suddenly, as if he remembered something.

"I remember that along the way, his mouth kept moving, as if he was eating something?"

"Especially those two snake gallbladders..."

"The secret to his becoming stronger lies in the things he eats?"

"Just catch him and force him to tell these secrets..."


He frowned again: "I am no match for his pure strength now. I can't catch him unless I make a sneak attack. If I miss, it will be bad!"

"Or, I can sell this secret to Qin Zheng and the others..."

"Hehehe, a child from a wealthy family must be willing to pay a big price to buy this secret!"

"Gu Gu Gu~"

"Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu...~"

The three of them were preparing to take action when they saw dense black spots swimming in the distance again.

Still a black pulp fishman!

This time, there were more black murlocs, at least seventy or eighty, surrounding the three of them in a fan shape.

Especially the strong smell of blood and the corpses of their own race that filled the water made them even more angry.

At this time, Zheng Cheng took out something.

The seventy or eighty black pulp murlocs present immediately fell into a state of madness.

What Zheng Cheng just took out was the red...egg!

The coral baby inside the egg membrane seemed to be trembling slightly.

"Gu Gu Gu~"


The leader of the black-slurry fish-men screamed a few times, and dozens of the same race behind him immediately rushed forward.

The ten black pulp fish-man soul beasts blocking the road were immediately submerged.

Zheng Cheng reached out and grabbed it, and the bloodthirsty staff appeared in his hand.

A strange mental fluctuation immediately fell on the leader of the black jellyfish.

Virtual Fire Incineration!


An illusory flame immediately burst out from its body and burned!

Affected by the corpses of their own race, especially stimulated by the seizure of the sacred objects of their race, the already furious Black Otter Fishmen could not stop the burning of the Virtual Fire Incineration.

In almost just a second, it was burned into a mummy along with its body, killing it instantly!

The body floated silently in the river, drifting with the current.

With a thought, another Virtual Fire Incineration fell from the sky and landed among the fish.


The flame only burned for a second before he was instantly killed!

In this very short period of time, the army of black squid fishmen had already killed them.

Zheng Cheng waved one hand, and the Yunxiao Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed with it!


The water surged and cut the first black-slurry fish-man in half!

At this time, the giant python soul beast that enveloped Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan also rushed over.

Tearing and biting these black murlocs.

Zheng Cheng felt like he was in a deserted place. He was killing and hacking indiscriminately with the Yunxiao Sword, and there was no enemy in his hand.

While fighting, he also continued to use Virtual Fire Incineration, burning these black slurry fishmen who were unable to stop them.

In just a few minutes, these seventy or eighty black murlocs were slaughtered by Zheng Cheng and the others!

In addition to the orcs and black murlocs he killed before, Zheng Cheng's level has directly entered LV12!

Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan have also been promoted to LV11.

After adding all the free attribute points to his spirit, Song Chaoyu cast a spell again, and four more black-slurry fish-human soul beasts climbed up from the corpse.

The level of Zheng Cheng Virtual Fire Incineration was also raised to LV3 just in time!

[Your skill Virtual Fire Incineration has been upgraded to LV3! ]

[Virtual Fire IncinerationLV3: Mutated skills, instant, group (1-3 people). Consumes one's own mental power to trigger virtual fire in the target's body, which spreads throughout the body and causes a large amount of damage to the target. The greater the target's mental fluctuations and emotional changes (including anger, sadness, fear, etc.), the higher the quality of the virtual fire caused, and the higher the damage. ]

[You activated Virtual Fire Incineration feature 1! ]

[Characteristic 1: Heart-burning and soul-burning. After the virtual fire burns, it can touch the target's soul in a short time, so that its soul can be burned in a short time. ]

"Burn souls?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed. He did not expect that the characteristics produced by the virtual fire Doppelganger Technique upgraded to LV3 would actually directly burn the target's soul!

He glanced at Song Chaoyu subconsciously.

This skill of mine... seems to be completely overpowering her.

Song Chaoyu saw Zheng Cheng's eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Gu Gu Gu~"

Thanks to the boss of "Lone Wolf Tianyue" for the 10,000 starting coin reward!

(End of chapter)

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