I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 101: 101 Guys Bringing Baby

  Chapter 101 101 Guys Bring Baby

  Fatty's eyes lit up, "Really, how much do you want to sell? Say the number, Lord has money."

   "Chi," Lan Shiruo sneered unabashedly, "Do you think money is useful in this world?"

  The fat man blushed, "What do you want?"

"I want to return ten times the material I sold to you, and the car will be a gift of friendship. In addition, I also want your dad to owe us a favor. Of course, you can also turn your heads and deny it, but at that time, we might get angry. , The consequences are serious. Think about it?" Lan Shiruo seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the fat man always felt like a man on his back, shaking.

"Okay, what's this thing? A hundred times the master can afford it. You saved his life. My dad will definitely thank you very much. If you have any requests, please feel free to mention it. I am his only son, more than anything else. Important. I, Rong Dazhi, is a trustworthy person. I can never turn my face and deny people when I say it. Don't worry."

  If Lan Shi was noncommittal, he gave a business car that was not bad or bad, squeezed it to fit them, gave ten charge and ammunition, and gave Fatty two life-saving hands. Lei, then ate, not too good, a few boxes of instant noodles, biscuits and bread, and several generations of cooked meat, almost enough for them to make it to W city.

  There are not many things, even if it is returned ten times, it is not much. If Lan Shi wants only a favor, of course, he still can’t eat at a loss. No matter how little materials are, he will be expensive.

   "That's it, save a little, see you later."

  The beauty invites, the fat man is so happy that he can't find Bei, "Well, see you later, I must see you."

  Ao Chengyi's face has become darkened to the bottom of the pot, and the little friends are holding their arms away, murderous.

The fat man secretly poked and escaped. Lan Shiruo took the smelly man's hand, clasped his palms, squeezed his fingers, and then leaned in to rub his fingers, doing a lot of small movements, and then he calmed down silently, "Go" Well, it's not safe here."

  The little friend poked his eyes, pretending not to see the eyebrows of the two men, and got on the bus one after another. Under the red eyes and green eyes of the crowd, they drove away, the only bus that was well preserved and not damaged at all.

  This is not luck, it is Lan Shiruo's little trick.

The big team is gone, and the others can’t go. They are anxious and panic. They have to calculate. There are not many intact vehicles. No one wants to stay. Besides, everyone’s strength is almost the same now. .

  Looking at everyone's swordsmanship, the fat man didn't dislike ordinary commercial cars anymore, and he smiled and greeted the bodyguards to get in the car and leave. This horrible place made him fat fat. He doesn't want to go to the **** city N. He doesn't want to see the beauty who blows to the sky. With such a bad luck, marrying home is also a disaster, don't want it.

  Those beauties just now, if one can succeed, he will be content.

  Dead fat man, wry smile

  The big team got on the expressway. It was already bright. They didn't go too far. They found a fork in the road and got off the expressway. There was a large vacant lot beside the toll booth. There was no one except the messy cars.

  After a hard night, I am ready to rest here for a long time before heading.

  Lan Shiruo took out the bath tub, toiletries, clothes, and set up a bathing tent. Ao Chengyi was responsible for heating the water, and the big guy took turns to wash it.

  Girls, first, after washing and cooking, it’s simple to cook. It is delicious, convenient and nutritious. The most practical big pot of rice, the big guy has a bowl for one person, and rest after eating.

  A few mature guys are guarding, and the others sleep at ease.

  Mao Wanru was also afraid that she could not get anything to eat all night, but it did not prevent her from relaxing and feeling sleepy.

  There are vines as camouflage. If it is not for close observation, no one will find anyone in this car. The bus looks more broken than all the cars here.

  Spent the whole morning peacefully. At noon, the little friends woke up one after another, and the people also had energy, ready to make some delicious treats to reward themselves.

A group of people got busy with enthusiasm. The boys were directed by the girls to go around and collect large firewood. They used a stove for burning wood in the wild. There is not much fuel, so it can save a little. Let’s talk about firewood. The rice that comes out is more fragrant.

  Either help out, chop bones, chop meat stuffing, these hard work, the girls are very happy, and then only Miao Miao is in charge.

  Zhang Yun filmed all the virtuous scenes of the men, which is worth recording.

  Ding Jiajia is a stinky person, deliberately looking for the camera, posing POSS. Feng Tao was irritable. When the camera came over, his eyebrows were cold and he refused to take pictures. Guo Zi would only look at the camera and smile, Lu Chaoyang Duan Jianghe was very calm, doing his own work with no distractions.

Le Bao was very curious about this new game. He shouted "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Lan Shiruo directly put him in the cart, and the vines pushed him through the crowd. There was General Eagle guarding him, and he was so tightly guarded that the little guy was still holding the ice toad in his arms, squeezing it twice at any time to relieve his boredom. Tsk tsk, just ask, who else would enjoy it better than him.

  As soon as she broke into Aunt Yun’s lens, she started to drool and sell cute. Harazi wetted a large piece of her clothes, and Lan Shiruo couldn’t even look at it, so she gave it to his father to watch.

The little guys who are in the ranks of the guys are even more serious. The guys are big-hearted and want to touch anything that can't be touched. They dare to play with him. Feng Tao is chopping bones, and Le Bao just stretched out his claws. He stuffed it, "Take it, and the man will be able to carry the knife."

  The knife is bigger than Lebao’s small body.


  Lebao likes it very much, and I really want to carry it. He has short arms and legs, and his arms are not as thick as a knife, so don't think about it.

  The little guy was too anxious, Ding Jiajia directly stuffed a burning stick to him, "This is light, just play."

  Little Lebao played casually. It danced like fire sticks and tigers, sparks scattered around, scared the mastiff and squirrel to retreat, and the vines shrank and trembled. The previous damage was vivid and fearful.

  Bingtoad twisted, it didn't like hot things.

  Ao Chengyi has a fatherly face all the time, my son is awesome.

   Lan Shiruo sighed, forget it, they are happy.

  "Chaoyang, have you found the cause of the fog?"

   Speaking of business, the guys put away their playful minds and became serious.

  Lu Chaoyang lifted his glasses, "I have a bold guess."


  The little friends all looked over, and Lu Chaoyang said, “I guess that fog is emitted by something when facing danger. It may have the ability to predict danger.”

   "What is that thing?" The little friend was surprised.

  Lu Chaoyang shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know if this kind of thing is one or the whole area, whether there is any other harm."

  The friends were silent, Lan Shiruo glanced at Ao Chengyi, both of them had light in their eyes, and then smiled, "Taozi come here." Ao Chengyi waved.

  Feng Tao feels his hair standing upright, brother, please be fierce, I am afraid when you are kind.

  "Why, what's the matter, brother? You are my brother. Just say anything."

  Ao Chengyi raised her brows, what's wrong, want to go to heaven?

  Feng Tao didn’t dare to make ink marks anymore, he was afraid that Big Brother raised his eyebrows, “Brother, I’m here.”

  Ao Chengyi looked disgusted and fiddled with Feng Tao for a while, but found nothing. "Girl take a look."

   Lan Shiruo groaned for a moment, "Taozi, let some fog come out."

  (End of this chapter)

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