Chapter 116 116 See He Dad and Ma

  The little friends cheered, "Great, our brother Han is a cow, we have a drink to celebrate today."

  "Make some more hard dishes." The big team is busy again.

   Lan Shiruo said, "Thank you." It is risky for the third-order crystal nucleus to be absorbed by the first-order ability. Lan Shiruo did not say in advance, she believed in Han Qingquan.

  Han Qingquan understands, she doesn’t think this is a matter, she knows a lot, but there will be unnecessary worries, “It’s not hard, I want to do something for everyone.”

  The two of them were tacit understanding, Duan Jianghe's eyes kept falling on Han Qingquan's face. The little-spoken girl made people feel distressed.

  Han Qingquan returned to the cold again, glanced at Duan Jianghe, not quite comfortable with the heat in his eyes, turned to the beginning, and joined the girls' team to help.

  This busy work, it was halfway through the afternoon, I was full of food and drink, it was getting dark again, the big team didn't go far, and stopped after getting away from the broken factory. Eat simple in the evening and set off early the next morning.

  The bus was destroyed, and the cross-country was replaced, and the speed was accelerated to N City. After half a month passed, I don’t know what happened there.

The situation is still good at present. Ding Yibing and Xia Xun took Niuniu and used Mao Wanru to ask for credit. Mao Wan was like her father Mao and Yi with doubts. She pretended to be grateful, arranged for them to stay and gave them some special treatment. , I went secretly to check whether my daughter was what the two said, the situation so far is not different from what the two said.

Ding Yibing Xia Xun No matter if you are a true believer or a false one, anyway, you entered the city with a high profile that day, everyone knows that they are Mao Wanru’s lifesavers. If Mao and Yi can't show evidence that they are enemies, they have to treat them preferentially, and they have to endure their fall. . Xia Xun is a traitor, and every time he hits the autumn wind, everyone knows that he goes there, and Mao He Yiqi scratches the wall. The competition between first and second commanders was fierce, and he couldn't be at a critical juncture, because these little things broke the plan, and Xiao En Xiaohui tolerated it.

But what made Mao Heyi even more unhappy was that Mao seemed to be dying, and Rong Deju suddenly heard news that the marriage could not be done, saying that the two children were inappropriate, but there was a message both inside and outside the words, his son. I used to go out for a blind date this time, and I almost died, so I just said that his daughter was unhappy, bad, and Mao and righteous nose were all angry. Isn't this slapped him in the face?

What can I do, I can only bear it, Mao is just like the current virtue, and there is no way to marry. She can still fight for it if she wants to be alive and kicking. Yes, I can tear him after knowing the truth.

   is supposed to be a mutually beneficial thing, when the time comes to get an enemy out, not let the surnamed Wei take advantage.

  So, when Rong Deju proposed to cancel the marriage, Mao and Yiqi returned to their anger and agreed. At least they can exchange some guilt for Rong Deju. When there is something to help, it is easy to speak.

  Rongde is guilty? You should burn the scent if he didn't come to kill the unlucky guy.

  Ding Yibing Xia Xun, regardless of Mao and loyalty, settled down, and went to find out about the old couple of the He family.

  The two still live in their own home, in the unit building of the community. Because of Wei Xiong's care, the old couple didn't have to go out to kill the carrion and do tasks. In the safe zone, they found a light job, earning some rations every day, and being able to survive, just because they were worried about their daughters.

  More than half a year has passed, and there is no news. Every time a foreigner comes over, especially those from City B, the old couple will go back with expectations and disappointed.

  They also wanted to go to City B to find them. They just used their own ability to go out to die. They were afraid of missing out with their girls, so they kept waiting at home.

Every day, the heart sinks. They plan to go to City B with the team on their own, and they will go to City B with the mission team. The old couple desperately go there by themselves. Even if they die, they can’t do anything. Don't do it.

   Just as the two men poked and packed their things, two people who claimed to know their daughters came to the door.

  The old couple’s heart beats suddenly, why is it that someone else brings the news instead of the girl who comes back by herself?

  All kinds of cranky thoughts almost made the old couple fall.

  Holding one last breath, after listening to the news, he immediately let go of the big rock that was pressed by his heart, hugged each other and cried into darkness.

  Ding Yibing and Xia Xun sat next to Niuniu with Niuniu, and didn't know how to persuade them.

After crying happily, the old couple are full of energy. "Thank you, thank you guys, we are so happy, so happy."

The two men waved their hands embarrassedly, "It is us who want to say thank you. If there were no He Lian and her friends, we would have died long ago. We came here this time because we are useless and will drag them down. One Come here to wait for them. Secondly, let’s take a look at you and bring He Lian’s news so that you don’t worry. He Lian is worried that his uncles and aunts are not doing well, so let us bring a lot of supplies."

  "Good kids, they are all good kids, can you tell us about Xiaopian’s situation, this is really what we are"

  Ding Yibing and Xia Xun naturally said that there was no problem, and said everything they knew, “Don’t worry, uncles and aunts, they are all great, and there will be nothing wrong. They will come back when they pick up Uncle Miao.”

  The old couple were amazed at hearing, they always felt that the pity they had in their mouths was not their daughter.

  My daughter knows that she has been timid and squeamish since she was a child, how can she fight any monsters. But after listening, I feel proud that this is their girl, who can do it since childhood, reading and looking for work, they never have to worry about it, and now they can even kill monsters.

   "Okay, OK, it's okay, then you are now living in the place arranged by Mao Heyi? Who is this kid?"

   "Before Mao Wanru woke up, I just lived like this. We will talk about it when the time comes. This child is called Niuniu, and his parents are no longer there. They were also rescued. It is inconvenient to bring them around. Let us take care of them temporarily."

  The old couple suddenly felt distressed. For a child of this size, it is no wonder that the eyes of such a big child have been dull, not crying, making noise, or talking. This is a serious crime. "Oh, the world is difficult."

The old couple have never gone out. I don’t know how difficult it is outside, but every day I see people coming back from the outside with embarrassment and depression, I can hear many rumors from the outside, and I can see many dead people thrown out. I can feel the malice of this world more or less.

"Why don't you live here? The surname Mao is not a good person. He desperately exploits the people who come here to take refuge, and he pretends to be hypocritical. Everyone comes here when they are desperate, but he treats people as slaves. Really black heart. I heard that we are going to be married to Rongdeju in W City, and when we squeeze Old Wei down, life here will be really hard. He won't let you go, no matter if Mao seems to be the victim of yours or not. I can’t let you go because I’m so cheating on him now. Oh no, Lao He, you can talk to Lao Wei."

  He's mother is a short-term child, so he immediately urged He's father to find Wei Xiong.

  He also felt that this matter could not be delayed, and he had to go out with the only good wine in the family.

  Ding Yibing Xia Xun hurriedly stopped, "Uncles and aunts, don’t worry, the surname Mao and Rongdeju can’t get married. Sit down and listen to us slowly."

  He’s father and mother are curious, so they sit down.

  (End of this chapter)

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