Chapter 118 Chapter 118 Thrilling

   "What's that?" The little friend swallowed, and when he looked closer, he felt even more shocked. This is more spectacular than a mountain.

   "Mutated Great Ape, it is already third order." Lan Shiruo's voice was very deep.

  The friends listened, and their hearts were sinking. Before, what should I do if I met the third-order mutant, but now I have met, what should I do?

What else can I do? I can’t run. Hundreds of cars in front collide with each other, and they can only be overturned by the car. Then they will be crushed by a giant ape. They have no ability to resist. There is a chance of winning.

  A lot of the same ideas as the big team, although afraid, but have to cheer up. Those who can live to this day, have a car and eat, are basically people with a little ability.

  There were a lot of people trapped in the car, and no one was looking at them now. Seeing the giant ape approaching, one person shouted, "Go on."

  Hundreds of people greeted them at the same time, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, all colors, colorful and dazzling.

  But it did little harm to the great ape, but it aroused its anger.

  Open your mouth and roar up to the sky, "Roar"

  The sound waves spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and those who are close are directly overturned, and the ears and noses bleed out, wailing.

  Unfinished one blow, the giant ape smashed his chest a few times with a big fist, swung his forearm, and the car and people were all lifted into the air, smashed down severely, and some fell under the cliff.

   Lost in the first battle, many people retreat in their lives, but some people are unwilling to say, "I'm fighting with you."

   shouted very boldly, but it was not really brutal. Several people looked at each other in a tacit understanding and threw a fireball at the same time.

  The hair on the giant ape's body is thick, and it will burn if it touches the fire.

However, these people's power levels are too low, most of the fireballs were blown away by the whirring cold wind before the giant ape was in front of them, and the stronger ones arrived, but they couldn't stand the light of the **** of the giant ape. Pinch, the small flame can't be extinguished anymore.

  Fire attack is no longer possible, the big guy started a swarm of demons dancing again, ice blade, wind blade, thunder and lightning, earth ball, and the courage to directly hit his fist, wrapped with fragile vines, looking from a distance, like a dancing god.

  The skin of the giant ape is thick and thick, and even the hair is as hard as iron, and attacks are basically futile.

  The big team was crowded behind, and there was still no way to highlight the encirclement battle. There were also several teams next to them who had no chance to take action.

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi looked at each other, and gently pulled their lips.

  "Goshawk," Ao Chengyi drank lightly.

  The huge black shadow swooped down, frightening everyone who didn’t know it, but another monster did not die?

   Without waiting for them to take action, Ao Chengyi grabbed the goshawk's claws, soared into the air, and flew on top of the giant ape's head.

  Lan Shiruo squeezed the crowd and brought her friends forward, the water column snaked forward, "Zhang Yun, frozen." Water can make Zhang Yun's ice ability more convenient.

  It’s just that Zhang Yun’s ice ability is still too weak, Lan Shiruo shouted, "Ice ability help."

  Now it's not about who commands who or who commands who, the ice supernatural person consciously stepped forward to help.

   Lan Shiruo retracted her hand, "Shui Yao Chaoyang, vines bound, wood powers help."

  The vines took the lead, and the thick branches grew rapidly, making the wood-type supernatural stunners. What kind of wood-type supernatural power is this, and why are they so much worse?

  Now there are very few people who know contract mutants, so when you see Yunshuiyao’s vines, you basically think that she is a wood-type supernatural ability, and the few mature guys around you can only be domesticated.

  After stunned, he gritted his teeth and activated the ability, and made a secret decision to advance himself and make the big vine.

  The giant ape's sight was attracted by the attack under his feet, and he moved his legs to easily break free of the restraints.

  Ao Chengyi saw the right time and threw the pillar of fire. Compared with the small fireballs of others, it should not be too enviable and hateful, and it has stimulated many people.

  The fire spread, burning the eyes of the giant ape, slapped with both hands desperately, and the fire that started was extinguished instantly.

  Ao Chengyi frowned, and when he was about to attack again, the giant ape raised his palm to pull.

As a last resort, Ao Chengyi had to let the Goshawk fly high.

   Lan Shiruo frowns, "Earth power, earth sinking, fast."

  Soil subsidence? Those with earth-based supernatural powers have not used them, at most they are earth-wall earth-balls.

   Lan Shiruo was anxious, watching Ao Chengyi flee in the hands of the giant ape, her heart raised her throat.

   "Just dig a hole, get rid of the soil under the giant ape's feet, hurry up."

  Well, they are all people with brains. After being stunned, they started to try. The earth element ability has a strong feeling for the earth element and quickly mastered the technique.

  A huge pit appeared under the feet of the giant ape.

  Lan Shiruo spit out, "Go on, and the ice will continue. Wood-type supernatural power, control a hand, He Lian, aim at your eyes, Jia Jia Feng helps, and the others follow me."

  Lan Shiruo took the lead and rushed out first, and the others would automatically stand in line according to Lan Shiruo's arrangement.

  Showed out his paws, and leaped up, "Woo" a paw was placed on the belly of the giant ape, which made the giant ape see blood for the first time.

  The giant ape was angry and looked down. It was a weak ant, slapped it down, trying to squash the general.

   Lan Shiruo raised the katana, "Bang," his arm was numb, but he couldn't hurt the great ape's fur.

  The giant palm continued to go down, Han Qingquan’s bone-chopping knife hovered around, making two "bangs". Although it failed to injure the giant ape, it prevented its movement and smoothly escaped from the giant palm.

   Then the little friends followed, and many other people greeted the giant ape one after another.

  The giant ape wanted to step on it, but unexpectedly, he could not lift his leg for a while, but the enclosed ice was mostly broken.

  Ice ability quickly remedy.

  Ao Chengyi saw the right time, let the goshawk go down, and then released the pillar of fire, which landed on the back of the head of the giant ape, and the fire spread rapidly.

  The giant ape screamed wildly, the vines broke, the ice peaks shattered, and the people who attacked at close range were knocked into the air by the strong sound stream. Ao Chengyi didn't check it, and was smashed out by the giant ape with a fist. The fist hit the goshawk's back.

  One person and one eagle fell uncontrollably down the cliff.

   "Cheng Yi." Lan Shi Ruo Sui had a crack, and without thinking, he jumped down.

  Goshawk rolled inside and swayed uncontrollably from side to side, Ao Chengyi pulled its claws tightly, not daring to let go.

   Seeing Lan Shiruo jump down, she almost died in shock, "Girl."


  "Shi Ruo"

"sister in law"


  Caring is chaotic. The little friends believe that Goshawk and Ao Chengyi can come back safely, but if Lan Shi has been frightened, how can he take care of it a lot.

   Desperately fell down to drag Ao Chengyi.

  At the moment when the two were wrong, Ao Chengyi stretched out his hand to pull Lan Shiruo, swiping his fingertips, and staggered.

  Goshawk has slowed down, able to balance the flight, but it's too late to pull Lan Shiruo again.

   "Girl," Ao Chengyi released the claws that pulled the goshawk, and then fell down.

  Cangying quickly grasped Ao Chengyi's shoulder.

  Lan Shiruo fell farther and farther, but no matter how hard Ao Chengyi struggled, she couldn't get away from the goshawk.

   "Girl!!" Ao Chengyi's eyes were red, a sign of enchantment.

  An electric whip flashed in front of her eyes and went straight to Lan Shiruo. At the last moment, she wrapped her around Lan Shiruo’s waist, but she didn’t have the energy to pull up, gritted her teeth and shouted, "Help."

  The slow vines continued to go down, looking for the electric whip to wrap Lan Shiruo, and then pulled it up.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but that’s okay.

  (End of this chapter)

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