I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 127: 127 Ye Family's Trump Card

  Chapter 127 127 Ye Family's Trump Card

  Wei Xiong didn’t answer, but instead asked, “I heard that Mao seemed so hurt?”

Lu Chaoyang curled his lips, "Mao used a knife to change his life. He was supposed to save people to the end, but this man is endlessly dying. He has made himself half-dead, and there is nothing we can do. But look at it. This indirectly helped Wei District grow up."

  Wei Xiong laughed, "It's really busy. Wei remembered this situation. Since everyone has a common enemy, cooperation should be a matter of course, right?"

  I really have to count, the Mao family and them really have no previous grudges.

  Lu Chaoyang didn’t say anything, Lan Shiruo put Xiao Lebao in his father’s arms and raised his eyes, “Is the virus research institute in the safe zone built? How is the research done?”

  The Wei family changed their faces at the same time, and they recovered in an instant. "How did Miss Lan know?" The virus laboratory has been built, but it has never been made public. The previous plan to find Ding Yibing to join has not yet been implemented, so it is impossible for outsiders to know.

   Lan Shiruo smiled faintly, “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in virus experiments. I just want to know where you got the news and basic research materials.”

  Ao Chengyi frowned slightly, he always knew the difference between the little daughter-in-law, but he just chose to believe it, she didn't say it, he didn't ask. But now, he clearly felt the little wife's anger about the virus experiment, even if she said it with a smile. What happened to his girl that he didn't know?

  The Wei family confirmed that these people know more than they thought. Wei Yin said, "Miss Lan's adoptive father."

  Lan Shiruo squinted, this is unexpected, but it is also reasonable, so in the previous life, they could only hurt the fur under her desperate revenge, how could no one behind her. "That's why you, Wei and Mao, will deal with their arrogance and dignity? Is there anything in them worthy of your digging?"

  Wei Yin was frank and did not hide, “Yes, they only gave basic information, saying that there are specific research directions, but they can’t do it for the time being, we need to wait.”

  Lan Shiruo's red lips curled up, her white face with a bloodthirsty smile, she turned her head, and she was full of maternal brilliance, "Le Bao, come to mom."

   "Huh?" Xiao Lebao was poking the pectoral muscles of Smelly Baba, and his paws were sore. Hearing Ma Ma's call, he was going to pass with his ass, "Ma Ma, eat."

  Lan Shiruo stretched out her hand and took the little thing into her arms, kissed her little cheek, and touched her belly, "It's still round belly, eat it again? It's a piglet, who wants it?"

   "Ma Ma Ba Ba, Le Bao is good." The fat paw hugged Lan Shiruo's head, and two small deciduous teeth chewed on her face, which was showing her own good.

  Ao Chengyi had a dark face, patted the bun's face, and rubbed his mouth on his daughter-in-law. He didn't even kiss him, but the little rascal took the lead.

  If Lan Shi does not dislike her son's saliva, she is very happy that the little guy has learned three words again. Lifting his eyelids to look at Wei's father and son, "The child born on the day of the last days."

  The father and son were stunned, but Lan Shiruo turned back and forth and they couldn't react.

  Lan Shiruo laughed, bloodthirsty and cruel, "Their research direction is the children born on the day of the last days. It is said that those children carry an antibody that can inhibit or even treat the virus."

  Ao Chengyi was terrified, so the daughter-in-law told me that Lebao’s date of birth should not be known. Is this because of this?

   Then came the terrible anger. Whoever dared to move his wife and children, he must make him die better than life.

  The little friends were taken aback and didn't understand what happened to Big Brother suddenly. Although it was not visible on the face, they could feel that Big Brother is now an atomic bomb, which can explode at any time.

  The Wei family father and son were also shocked, and subconsciously looked at Le Bao.

Lan Shiruo looked back at the past straight, and said in an understatement, "Lebao is my life, whoever dares to touch my life, I will let him die. My Jia Lebao is almost one year old and does not meet the requirements. If someone is not long Eyes, our husband and wife still have the ability to open his eyes."

Wei Yin hurriedly said, "Sorry, we didn't mean anything else, but subconsciously glanced at it, and absolutely didn't make an idea. This matter is very important, but what Miss Lan said is serious? Children born on the day of the end of the world can really effectively suppress the virus or even cure?"

Lan Shiruo casually squeezed his son's chubby hand, "Is it true? You can try it. However, my personal suggestion is that it is better not to try. If you commit too many crimes, you will easily get retribution. This is not an urgent matter. Ye Bingkun and a few people may be using this as a bargaining chip to discuss with the Mao family **** us, should we also discuss it?"

The father and son of the Wei family looked at each other, and Wei Yin said, "It should be discussed carefully. The Ye family is not to be afraid, but the people behind them are very mysterious and powerful. In addition, the Mao family has a lot of influence in the N city. It's not easy to uproot, and it's easy to get hurt by head-to-head. This is also the reason why none of us did it for such a long time."

   "The ability person can contract with mutant creatures, do you know about this?" Lan Shiruo asked.

  Wei’s father and son nodded, “I know, it’s just that the details are not clear yet, and I don’t know if it is true or not, whether there are any sequelae. We are still in the experimental stage.”

  "Mao Xukun used our friend as a back cushion this time and caught a cub of a mutant great ape. I didn’t see anyone else, and I don’t know if the contract was successful. I guess their progress might be faster than you."

  Father and son of the Wei family frowned, they had heard about the fight against the giant ape, but they didn't know that Mao Xukun made it for the cub of the giant ape. Looking at Kong Fenglin, his eyes asked.

  Kong Fenglin has always been a running dog of the Mao family. Although they admire his abilities, they despise his brain, and he is played around by a woman, and there is nothing to do.

  Looking at it now, is it reining in the cliff?

  Kong Fenglin didn't avoid it, nodded, "Yes, we didn't know until then."

  The father and son frowned deeper, and then their eyes lit up again, "The mutants in the blue girl's team are all contracted?"

"Well," Lan Shiruo nodded, "The contract relies on fit and chance. Forcing a contract will be reversed. You can look for mutants with the same power attributes as your own. From the beginning of communication, they are very smart, except that they don't know how to say Human words, everything else is understood, of course, you can also try not to fight but not know each other." In their team, the vines, Uncle Eagle and Brother Mouse can be regarded as not knowing each other. "In addition, some of the brains of the second-order mutant carrion and foreign objects have crystal nuclei, and the second-order ones can be used casually. If you don't be greedy, it will be fine. The crystal nuclei in the brains of the third-order mutant carrion and mutants have attributes. When using it, you must use it according to your own attributes, and you can’t use it indiscriminately. From now on, the carrion and mutant will continue to advance, and the energy of the crystal core will increase with the growth of the class. The crystal core can be absorbed by the ability to increase the ability The ability of the leader to accelerate the advancement. These are our sincerity. How does District Mayor Wei feel?"

  The Wei family and his son were surprised. They were only in the exploration stage. The group of people like Lan Shiruo were already familiar with them. What are they coming from?

  The investigation revealed that there was nothing suspicious at all, which is really puzzling.

  (End of this chapter)

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