Chapter 129 Chapter 129 See clearly

The three of them changed their faces in an instant, "Big brother, what kind of ecstasy did that woman give you to make you so self-defeating? You don't want such a good opportunity, but you want to leave. You know what's going on outside, where do you leave? Continue to live elsewhere. Is it better than a pig and a dog, is it used as a gun? Or is it to live a life of licking blood from the knife? Now it is not before the end of the world. You can go wherever you want. You know more than anyone about the dangers outside. Why do you want to die?"

   "What if I say to go out and find a place to form my team?"

The three of them had obvious sneers on their faces, and they said with all their heart, "Big brother, don't be silly, it's so easy to form a power, do you know how the N city was formed? It is the Wei family and the Mao family who used all their previous relationships. And the personnel, it took a lot of effort, materials and manpower to organize. What do we have? We don’t have anything. How can we build it? Maybe we didn’t even find the ground and we were already dead on the road. We know that the big brother has been wronged, but now It's a good opportunity. As long as you stand in the right team, you can fly into the sky and live the life of a master. When the time comes, let alone He Minyan, or ten, are you picking it at will?"

  Kong Fenglin tightened his lips. He didn't even listen to the words of the three of them. The mockery flashed across their faces in his mind. Suddenly, they realized that they looked down on themselves at all, yet they had to rely on themselves and stepped on their own superiority. They know very well that no one wants them with their abilities, so they have to bring him.

  It's really ironic of life.

"I will not stand in teams, nor will I prevent you from standing in teams. Splitting and combining is the normal life of life. You should choose what kind of life you want to live in the future. I will not force you. You can go now if you want to stand in line. It’s too late. You don’t have to persuade me, let alone force yourself to be with me, so as not to have any accidents later and complain. We are brothers born and die for so long, so we can get together and get together. We will have a chance to meet in the future. Let's have a drink together." Standing in line is just to be cannon fodder. There is no advantage in the world. Kong Fenglin is not ready to persuade. In the eyes of the three, he is not cannon fodder.

  The three of them looked ugly, "Big brother, what do you mean? Is it useless to reject us and want to dump it? Big brother has already found a way out and is unwilling to bring us burdens?"

Kong Fenglin looked straight blankly, "In your heart, I am such a person? Yes, I have plans, it is impossible to stand in line. I said to form a force by myself, and you also sneered. I also have self-knowledge and it is difficult to form a force, so , I want to join someone else’s team, if you want, you can be together."

   "Other people's team? Who?"

   "Lan Shiruo."

The three of them coldly said, "Big brother, are you stupid? Lan Shiruo and He Minyan are sisters, no matter what their relationship is, go as you, do you think she will treat you kindly? Also, we come along the way , What is it like when you get along with them, don’t you know, one by one, one by one is indifferent, aren’t we going to serve as cows and horses? It’s better to form forces in their team, or at least to be individuals. Yes, no matter how strong they are, they are just a team of more than a dozen people. They also have to be sent under the fence, and the team is old, weak, sick and disabled, and they have everything. Sooner or later they will be exhausted to death. Brother, have you not been hurt enough by those white-eyed wolves? Brother, you wouldn't be able to get He Minyan, so you want to start with her sisters, right?"

Kong Fenglin turned black for a moment, "If you can't speak human words, just shut up. I have already decided, where you like to go, it has nothing to do with me. Let's go away now." Kong Fenglin got up and left, he understood, not only It was only He Minyan's matter that made them feel complaints. He received old and weak women and children along the way, and they also complained.

  Different ways, do not seek each other, force each other together, sooner or later, will grudge against each other.

   Regardless of the three people behind him shouting, Kong Fenglin didn't take anything, and left directly. These things should be regarded as brothers, the last friendship.

  Regardless of the squally wind and rain outside, the big team stays in one corner and enjoys life in a small bungalow.

When   Kong Fenglin went there, the road was still ambitious and sincere, and he hesitated when he reached the door. The little friend directly dragged the person in and stuffed a bunch of food over, "Eat, don't be polite, it's rare to be leisurely." Kong Fenglin's thousands of words just got stuck in his throat.

In the room, in the space, in the villa, in the lobby, Xiao Lebao slept with his belly, his white and tender belly was bulging, and he covered him with a small blanket, and then lay down. On the one side, on the other side was Brother Mouse, the ice toad and the chameleon were in the two paws of Little Lebao. He didn’t know what the little thing had dreamed of. He grinned, saliva came out, and the fat paws squeezed happily. The two little guys squeezed their hands and rolled their eyes wildly.

  Uncle Eagle was on the side with the old father guarding him with a sense of sight and sharp eagle eyes. The vines pierced and swim in the soil outside, it likes the soil in the space.

  On the third floor, in the bedroom, Ao Chengyi hugs her little daughter-in-law, wandering around the world.

  Lan Shiruo stared at the smelly man, feeling inexplicably happy, don't suffer from depression. "Which beauty do you want?" squeezed his handsome face.

Ao Chengyi returned to his senses and rubbed the little daughter-in-law’s hair. On the night with his son, the little daughter-in-law had waist-length hair. Later, when I met, it was shoulder-length hair. Now it is longer, rubbed in the palm, soft and delicate." Like short hair?"

  Lan Shiruo smiled, the dog man thought a little jumped, "It's okay, at the beginning of the last days, if you are alone, it is inconvenient for anything, so just cut it. Do you have a lot of questions? Why don't you ask?"

Ao Chengyi kissed her little mouth, "I don’t want to ask. What you don’t say must mean you don’t want to say it. I don’t want to be embarrassed. As long as you mother and son are okay, I can know nothing. It’s just a little bit, if there is any danger, Or an enemy, you have to tell me in advance, I'll take care of anything, and you and your son can stay behind me with peace of mind."

Lan Shiruo slapped Ao Chengyi's small white face against the palm of Ao Chengyi's palm, "Some things are too heavy to say that it will not affect us now, so I don't want to say it to affect our mood, and I don't know how to say it. You just need to I know, I have you in my heart, you and my son occupy my whole heart, just fill it up. I also know that I have forgotten some things, and I have forgotten who I used to be, but it’s not important to me, it’s important It’s us now. If you mind, you can tell me and I will try to remember."

   "I don't mind, the memories of the past are precious, but it is not necessary to remember. We are fine now, enough."


  The young couple stayed warm in the room for a long time, until the little guy downstairs woke up with humming, and then went downstairs. After feeding some breast milk, Lan Shiruo decided to feed it until she was one year old, and added a bottle of milk powder. Then they threw it to the fine guys. The young couple went to work in the fields. In the future, they will build their own power. It is essential to eat. Prepare early to avoid getting blinded.

  The little friends outside are yelling, it’s getting dark, and there is room.

  (End of this chapter)

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