Chapter 132 132 Old Classmate

  The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "Rush out. As long as you go downstairs, you can find those people. Then you can survive. Waiting here, there is only a dead end."

   "No, no, no, no, the corridor is full of carrion, we can't fight, only death when we go out." The middle-aged woman shook her head again and again.

  The man stared at him, "Then what do you say? Waiting here is death, and going out is also death, but there is still a chance to go out, and you will die if you stay. What do you choose?"

   "I, I don't know, I don't know, I can't go out, I mustn't go out." The woman was incoherent and she kept crying.

  The two old people have no right to speak, so they can only stay aside and wipe their tears.

  The young man seemed to be suddenly turned on, and stood up, "Get out, let's get out."

  The "son" woman wanted to persuade, but she was so scared that she stared at the boy's blood-red eyes.

  The man was forced to say the words to rush out too, no one agreed, and it was just a matter of talking, but the son agreed, and he persuaded himself, "Really, really want to rush out?"

  The guy looked over, "How about it?"

  The man did not dare to speak, and suddenly realized that his son who had been raising him for more than 20 years had become very strange and terrifying.

No matter what they think, the guy just wanted to live, and started tossing through the cabinets at home, "Quickly, pack everything up, hold everything that can be used as a weapon, take advantage of the early morning, and rush out. It’s not safe to wait. Say, it’s more troublesome for those people to leave, hurry up, don’t want to leave, just wait for death here."

The middle-aged couple was so frightened by their son that they did not dare to resist. The elderly couples have no opinion. What should the young people do and what they do? In the last days, they couldn't leave, and they have stayed till now, they don't have much.

  The things in the house have been spent most of their lives, and the old couple want to take them away, but they also know that this is impossible. Just pack some things to keep you warm from the cold, bring everything you need to eat, and bring the family portrait at home. No one knows what will happen in the future, and you can think about it when you bring it.

  Family portrait, laugh so happily, in the future, I can’t do it anymore.

  The old couple secretly wiped their tears, and one took a kitchen knife, followed behind their son and grandson, preparing to fight to the death.

  The guy said firmly, but actually he was shaking too. He had a fruit knife, baseball bat, and a pan on him. If he didn’t have enough hands and feet, he could have more.

   Raise the pan, get ready, "Mom, open the door."

   "Me, me?" The woman trembled, not daring to open. The guy glared at him, wiped away the tears, and tremblingly raised the big spoon to open the door.

  A neighbour's carrion happened to linger at the door. Hearing the sound, she turned and rushed over. The woman screamed in fright, and the guy yelled, "Shut up." A pan went down and exploded the neighbour's carrion head.

The woman’s screams attracted several carrion corpses. The young man couldn’t deal with it alone. He called to the man, “Dad, hurry up to help. Closed."

  The man gritted his teeth and rushed over, raised the big shovel at home and knocked off the head of a carrion.

  The old man looked around. One was his wife and the other was a daughter-in-law. They were all women. Although he was more than sixty, he was still healthy and healthy. He should be the responsibility of a man. He raised his kitchen knife and rushed over.

  People are cruel, and they can always stimulate some potential.

  More than a dozen carrion corpses on this floor were solved, and all five of them showed smiling faces. In fact, it was not too difficult.

"We can only go up the stairs now, keep quiet, don't disturb them, and solve them quietly when we meet them. Fortunately, the floor is not high and the chances of winning are great. Don't lose the chain. Mom and grandma go behind and don't lose track of them. Now, the three of us are in front." The guy whispered.

  The four nodded, looking cautious.

  Their home is on the fifth floor, and they rushed down in one breath. If it goes well, it will take less than five minutes.

  The young man led the way and went downstairs lightly.

  There are several in the corridor on the fourth floor. The guy just took a foot and hurriedly retracted in fright, "Wait, wait for them to turn over."

  Several people suffocated their breath, panting and dared not casually. Seeing the guy beckoning, he quickly followed.

   ran down the fourth floor in one breath, and when he reached the third floor, there were no carrion in the corridor. Several people were overjoyed and rushed down.

  Unexpectedly, when he turned a corner, a rotten face came over, and he almost stuck face to face with the guy.

  The young man screamed in fright, stretched out his hand and pulled back, and drew him to the man. The man yelled in fright and pushed the old father out.

   "Old man!" The old lady yelled out of voice, watching her wife who had been with her for most of her life be bitten into **** flesh by a carrion. I didn't even want to rush to rescue. The woman didn't care about her, and the man had a trace of guilt. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the old mother, "Mom, run quickly."

  The guy in front took the opportunity to run to the second floor, the woman followed closely, and the man dragged the old lady at the end.

The shouts of a few people have alarmed the carrion in the corridor, and they all began to surround themselves. The old lady was dragged, and the four of them could only run desperately, ran out of the corridor, ran out of the community, and ran wildly on the street, followed by a bunch of them. Carrion.

  "Help, help, help"

  The big team is still wandering slowly, He Lian stopped and listened, "Someone is calling for help, they are coming towards us."

   "Chaoyang took a few people to see," Lan Shiruo said. They are old and young, and they can't all join in the fun.

  Lu Chaoyang nodded, took away the men except Ao Chengyi and the two middle-aged men, and ran back in the direction they had come all the way.

  Seeing a group of carrion corpses chasing four people, only one arm's distance away, they were about to be dragged back.

   immediately picked up the charge "Tuk Tuk Tuk."

  Resolve the close ones, rush to the far ones, and do it with bare hands.

   Twenty or thirty, it doesn’t take much effort to fight.

  The four slumped on the ground and panted wildly, "Thank you, thank you."

  Lu Chaoyang glanced at him, “It’s okay, be careful from now on,” he took his friends and prepared to go back.

   "Wait," the guy hurriedly got up, "Several people, can you take us together? We have nothing. Go out and die. Take us together. We can do everything, really."

  The middle-aged couple looked at Lu Chaoyang with hopeful eyes. The old lady kept her head down, unable to see her expression clearly.

  Lu Chaoyang smiled faintly, "I said it doesn’t count if I bring you or not, let’s come with us first."

  A few people are overjoyed. As long as they don’t drive them away, they will be most successful, and they will always be entangled.

  The girls took four middle-aged elderly people to rest and sat on a bench outside a small supermarket. The supermarket was evacuated. There were only messy shelves, and there were a whole lot of carrion without heads underneath.

  It's not surprising to see the guys bringing four people back.

  He got up suddenly, his face was full of surprise, "Fei Jiuliang?"

  The man was stunned, looking for his voice, he was even more surprised than Dad He, "He Jialu? Old classmate, it's really you, oops, great, great," they finally found a way out.

  (End of this chapter)

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