I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 134: 134 I don't know what to do

  Chapter 134 Chapter 134

  Miaomiao turned her head back when she heard the movement, she suddenly became angry, "Stop it," If it weren't for Dad He's friend, she could just press **** to death. A stride past, pushed the Fei family three people away, and hugged Brother Mouse who had reacted and prepared to fight back.

   "Hey, don't move, let me see, is it badly hurt."

  Mouse grinned viciously at the Fei family three people, nestled in the owner's arms, but did not move, and honestly checked.

  Miao’s father and mother came over, tears bursting with distress, "How's it going, is it badly hurt?"

   "The tail bone is broken." Miao Miao bit her back tooth socket, holding back her anger.

   "Oh, my dear, hug me quickly." Miao's mother called heartily, holding the fat mouse smoothly, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it's all right in a while, it doesn't hurt."

   Brother Mouse hurts and feels wronged, rubbing in Miao’s arms, Lord Mouse is unhappy and wants to coax.

  Lan Shiruo glanced at Fei’s family of three, then retracted her gaze, “Jianghe, show Brother Mouse a good look.”

   "Don't worry," Duan Jianghe passed over and gave Brother Mouse Shun Shunmao, "Our little treasure hunter is the best, let me see, it will be done soon, don't you know?"

   "叽" Brother Mouse replied weakly, but his temper did not disappear.

Duan Jianghe smiled and touched Brother Mouse's dock.

  Mouse was so stiff with pain that he held back firmly.

  Miao’s parents were so distressed that Miao’s mother wiped her tears, "A little bit, lightly, lightly, it hurts."

  "Don't worry, Auntie, you'll be well soon." When the tail docked, white light flashed, and the moment the docked tail was connected, the pain of Brother Mouse brightened his paws. Fortunately, it was only a moment. "Okay, pay attention the first three days, don't run into it."

   "Hey, okay, don't touch."

Dad He knew that Brother Mouse was the treasure of the Miao family, so he was guilty. It’s only when you’re scared, I promise you won’t, sorry, sorry.”

  The three of the Miao family naturally wouldn’t vent their anger at Dad He, and forced a smile and shook his head, “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize, this is a misunderstanding.”

  The three of Fei’s family muttered, just a mouse, as a treasure, sick. But under the eaves, the attitude should be correct. Wang Pei looked guilty, "Sorry, I slept in a daze. I'm really sorry, but I didn't notice that it belongs to you before. It is really the end of the world. There will be nothing but no compensation. No matter what compensation is needed. Mention, we will try our best to do it."

   "Yes, we are not right, we should be compensated for a certain amount." Fei Jiuliang said.

  The little friends stunned, eat them and use them, ask them to **** them, and speak out about compensation. What kind of compensation?

  Dad Miao waved his hand, "No compensation, this time is a misunderstanding, just pay attention to it in the future, it's okay, just be busy."

  Miao’s parents took the fat mouse to the side to comfort them, and the mature guys squatted aside, seeing how it was injured, and decided to let it bully.

  Brother Mouse's eyes glistened and began to float.

  Little Lebao stepped on his short legs, crawled over it in three steps, put the molar stick in his mouth, and put it in the mouth of Brother Mouse, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  The mouse brother who is ready to show off his power

  Miaomiao was going to make some delicious food for the wounded, and the little friend lay hands beside him.

Dad He is comforting the three of Fei’s family, “These animals in the team are as important partners as the others. They are smart and capable, and don’t hurt people casually. Don’t be afraid. Besides, there are big guys here. , The other mutants are afraid to approach. The ones that can approach are all teammates. Just keep your heart in your stomach. Brother Miao is very precious and feels sorry for his injury, but he also knows it’s a misunderstanding. I didn’t blame you. Don’t take it to your heart.” He’s envious of the old Miao’s family. He has a sweetheart, but he hasn’t met someone in his own family, so he can only be enthusiastic about others. He usually loves Brother Mouse very much, and he is hurt when he sees it Distressed, but my old classmates can’t leave it alone, I’m really tired.

  The Fei family laughed three times, "Understand, understand, it won’t happen in the future, this will cause you trouble, I’m really embarrassed."

  "It’s okay. The children are generous and don’t take it to heart. You rest at ease, and I will comfort Brother Mouse again."

  The three of Fei’s family watched Dad He leave, and they got together and muttered, “A beast is really a treasure, and all are sick.”

   "Okay, now I ask for help from others, so I'm safe, and I'll be familiar with it in the future, so I can get some meat."

   "Sizzle, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, it's really fat."

   "That dog is also good."

   "This group of characters must have a lot of capital. See that the kid is raised. You guys are paying attention. Don't annoy them. Let's get more in our hands."


  He Lian frowned fiercely together, glanced at her father, sighed slightly, forget it, let him take a long lesson.

  Lunch is a mess, which is not luxurious for the big team, but for the hungry Fei family, it is an absolute luxury meal. It is very uncomfortable for the drooling and gurgling, and it is really uncomfortable.

  He knew that they were hungry, so he passed a bowl, "first"

  Before he finished speaking, Fei Jiuliang took a bite after taking it. He didn’t know whether he should say the next thing.

  Fei Jiuliang also realized that Dad He was going to talk, and he held back his wolfing down, raised his head and asked, "What do you want to say?"

  He’s dad smiled stiffly, “No, it’s nothing, I said eat slowly and hot.”

   "I know, it's not hot or hot, it's just right." Fei's three people eat a bowl each, and no one thinks of the old lady in the corner.

  He had to take it by himself, "Auntie, get hungry, eat some, don’t worry Uncle."

  The old lady burst into tears in an instant, she shed tears when she watched the family portrait, her wife died so hard, as long as the carrion was killed at that time, no one would die, no one would die. "I'm old and useless. Leave these to young people."

  "Don’t say frustrating words, everyone is working hard. Only if we live is hope. We still have food, don’t save, eat, don’t worry about our children and grandchildren."

  The old lady smiled bitterly, and outsiders can do this, but the family is not as good as having no children and grandchildren, "Thank you, you are all good people, and good people will be rewarded."

  He’s father laughed. Children often say, there are no good people and bad people. "Auntie, eat quickly, while it's hot, and warm your stomach."

  The old lady did not refuse, she wanted to live, she wanted to live for her wife.

  In the afternoon, the big team took a rest in the mall without going out. The next morning, they had breakfast and set off.

  Fei’s family saw the bus that was released, and their chin almost fell to the ground. How big is this space to fit such a big car?

   Then came more hot, must be entangled.

  Because there are unfamiliar people along the way, the atmosphere is not very eager. Except for a joke from time to time, the friends are busy with themselves, or they just close their eyes and calm their minds.

  Occasionally, the carrion that pops out is directly crushed. There is no parking, and no rest during the day. At night, find a safe place to set up a tent.

The Fei family also understands that this group of people, with a woman as the head, the woman has an incalculable size, the unsmiling husband and the white and fat son, that dog is also hers, that is very cruel. The eagle belongs to her man.

  The other men seem to have some abilities. Women are all attached to men, and they usually cook and clean up.

  (End of this chapter)

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