I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 149: 149 A Family of Three Fainted

  Chapter 149 149 A family of three fainted

  The baby girl found that her refuge was destroyed again, and she was so angry that she shouted "Wow".

  Suddenly jumped out of Fei Xiao’s stomach, his gray eyes were sulky.

   Lan Shiruo condensed her eyebrows and swung the knife to slash, but Fei Xiao grasped the blade and couldn't move it for a while.

   simply threw it away, and took out a short gun and dagger.

  The baby girl released a wave of mental energy, and Lan Shiruo snorted. The gun in her hand missed the opportunity to pull the trigger, so she had to throw it away and squeeze her dagger.

  "Shi Ruo"

"sister in law"


  When Lan Shiruo concentrated on the baby girl, Fei Xiao threw away the samurai sword and used his claws to dig out Lan Shiruo's back vest.

  All the little friends are pinned by the carrion mutant bird, and they can't make it to the rescue.

  Ao Chengyi ignored the sharp claws of a mutant bird and scratched his eyes, throwing fireballs with both hands one after another, trying to burn Fei Xiao to ashes, and then fired at the fastest speed.

  But it was still a step too late, ten claws plunged deeply into the skin and flesh of Lan Shiruo's back.


  One of Ao Chengyi’s eyes was scratched by the mutant bird. From his forehead, through the eyes, to his chin, a line of more than 20 centimeters long, with deep bone blood stains, occupies half of his face.

  Lan Shiruo's entire back showed ten pitch-black scratches, flesh and blood turned out. It was also Ao Chengyi's bullets and fireballs that were timely, otherwise it would not only scratch the skin and flesh, it would directly penetrate the back and take out the heart.

Fei Xiao was hit in the head and fell to the ground and burned to ashes.

  Lan Shiruo ignored the back pain and tried her best to pierce the baby girl's head with a knife, "Ah", tearing her head abruptly, pulling out the crystal nucleus inside.

  The cry of "wow wow" of the baby girl stopped abruptly.

  The carrion was at a loss for a moment, and then there was another bite. The mutant bird lost control, knowing the fear, and ran away in the first place.

  Rongde rushed down the tower and took over the command, "Kill, don't leave one, everyone, reward."

  In an instant, everyone was beaten up and shouted, "Kill"

  Ao Chengyi held her daughter-in-law tightly, and the warm liquid dripped on Lan Shiruo's face. The pain and the virus made her brain dizzy, not knowing whether it was tears or blood. The blurred vision can see the bloodstain that occupies half of Ao Chengyi's face, "It's so ugly."

  Ao Chengyi pushed her little daughter-in-law’s head into her arms, exposed her back and let Duan Jianghe heal him, "Good, don’t look ugly, sleep well, wake up and everything will be fine."

  Lan Shiruo smiled weakly and nodded, "Lebao, Lebao is uncomfortable."

   "I'm here, don't worry."

   Lan Shiruo nodded and passed out.

  Ao Chengyi choked on his throat and asked Duan Jianghe with red eyes, "How is it?"

Duan Jianghe frowned, glanced at the wound on the face of the elder brother, did not say to treat him first, and said in vain, "The poison needs to be cleaned, but the area is too large and it takes a lot of time, but the longer it takes, The more dangerous it is."

  Ao Chengyi immediately buried his head and sucked with his mouth.

The   section of the river opened its mouth, but after all, it did not stop it.

  The little friends guarded all around, pursing their lips and red eyes.

  Ao Chengyi inhaled for half an hour and vomited a bunch of black blood. His entire face was jet black. He resisted dizziness and said, "Put medicine."

Duan Jianghe didn't dare to hesitate, so first wipe the medicine made with ice toad mucus. "The things in hand are limited and the environment is not good. Let's go back and deal with it carefully. My sister-in-law is fine for the time being."

  Ao Chengyi nodded, not letting others do it, and hugged Lan Shiruo back tightly, while the friends guarded him back and forth.

  Small bungalow, Ao Chengyi waited for Duan Jianghe to deal with Lan Shiruo's injury before he created Little Lebao, and put the crystal core in Lan Shiruo's hand into the little guy's hand.

   Without saying anything, Xiao Lebao squeezed it himself, the crystal nucleus in his hand reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye, the discomfort on Xiao Rou's face disappeared, and he slept peacefully.

  Ao Chengyi smiled comfortably, and fell to the ground with a "boom".

  The guys dared to come forward and clean up for the big brother.

  The family of three has been sleeping. Duan Jianghe used Bingchan’s blood to extract the medicine and used it for the young couple. The poison on his body has not been completely resolved, but it has not continued to spread. It is good news. Duan Jianghe continued to study, Bing Chan changed his previous laziness and contributed his blood at any time.

  The crisis in W City has passed, Rong Deju is busy with the aftermath, and Rong Dazhi is sent over to guard and send a lot of good things.

  The little friends kept guarding every step of the way. They were not worried. They believed that Big Brother and Big Sister Xiao Lebao would all get better. They just hoped that they could come earlier this day.

  A week later, late at night, the little friend who was guarding the bed did not hold it up and fell asleep.

  Xiao Lebao took a sip from her bulging belly. After she deflated, her round eyes opened, and they were particularly bright in the dark.

  Turning his head around, I found that I was sleeping in the middle of the baba and he was so happy. She got up with her little butt, and she sat on the face of Smelly Baba, pouting her little mouth to kiss him, "Hungry, Lebao hungry, Ma Ma, Ma Ma."

Lan Shiruo felt the damp warmth on her face, frowned lightly, groaned softly, opened her eyes, and through the faint light, she could see the little guy's face clearly. It was a big circle smaller, distressed, "Le Bao, baby, is it still uncomfortable to kiss mom?"

  Xiao Lebao hugged the bad numb head, smeared saliva, and clucked, "Hey, numb."

   Lan Shiruo shook his head and laughed, a heartless brat.


  The air was quiet for a second, and there was a smell of ecstasy.

  The little guy raised his little **** to hide in Ma Ma’s arms, "Smelly, stinky."

  Lan Shiruo was stunned, touched a little butt, didn't pull Baba, just let out a stinky butt. "Good, neither smelly nor smelly, it will be fine in a while."

  The black face of Ao Chengyi who was awakened and poisoned by Ao Chengyi receded, and it became even darker, cheating bad boy.

  If Lan Shi didn’t know about taking drugs, she didn’t know about the fact that her dog man was in a coma with her for a week. Seeing that he was awakened by his son’s fart, he didn’t feel distressed at all, and he was still smiling happily next to him.

  Ao Chengyi instantly threw her bad-hearted son behind her head, turned over and hugged her little daughter-in-law, "Girl, how are you? Are you uncomfortable? Are you still hurting? Is there any discomfort?"

  Lan Shiruo shook his head, and touched the wound on Ao Chengyi’s face with a slender finger, “I’m fine, does it hurt?”

  Ao Chengyi squeezed her small hand and put it to her mouth to kiss, "It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt at all, as long as you are well, I don’t hurt."


  The family of three hugged each other affectionately. The little friends woke up when they heard the sound, and the cheers could break the roof. They knew that the big brother's family was the best.

  The young couple lay on the bed for another week. Little Lebao bounced on Ba Ba Ma Ma every day, with a lot of small arms and legs, and he could run a few steps without pulling the general.

  It’s like opening a new mode. I don’t want to be idle every day. If I don’t want to be hugged, I have to go by myself. I don’t know it hurts when I fall on the ground.

  Grandma, grandparents, aunts and aunts looked terribly distressed, so they made a lot of small knee and elbow gloves by hand, and nothing happened to them.

  The poison on the body of the young couple has been almost cleared, and the mucus of the ice toad in the wound healed quickly, and then apply Duan Jianghe's mucus to remove scar cream every day, it will take a long time to heal.

  Ao Chengyi was also lucky. The sharp claws slashed directly on the eyelids without hurting his eyeballs, otherwise he would really become a cyclops.

  (End of this chapter)

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