Chapter 168 The past of a young couple

  Lan Shiruo didn't bother them, and asked his own man, "Do I have any enemy? Or do we have any enemy?"

  Ao Chengyi frowned and thought, "If there is an enemy, we do have one."


Ao Chengyi touched her little daughter-in-law’s head, "This is about to start with us. Your Lan family and our Ao family are hermit families who live together all year round. They live in a valley surrounded by mountains. The cliffs, there is only a winding trail on the steep mountain wall, but the trail is like a single-plank bridge, and it is a cliff of ten thousand feet down. No one dares to cross it, no one of us has ever gone out, and no one has ever come in. Isolated from the world and self-sufficient. There are tens of thousands of people in the two families, intermarried with each other to continue offspring, and they have a very comfortable life."

"Until, when you were ten, when I was eleven, the old patriarch called us to the front, gave us a brocade box, said nothing, tears in the corners of his eyes, and let us leave. That night, the whole family tens of thousands People, all dead, I woke up in the sky of fire, took you to escape, the valley turned into a sea of ​​flames and nothing was left."

"We fled in a thrilling way along the winding mountain trail, but we greeted chasing soldiers behind. I can only hide you and lead the enemy away by myself, but when I go back, I have disappeared. I have been there all these years. Look for it until our night. I didn't want to leave while you were asleep, but my brother was in danger and I had to save it. See you again, it's on the island in City B."

  Ao Chengyi said that before, Lan Shiruo had no impression at all, and never thought that he still has an enemy of genocide, and he has never heard of it in his previous life. "Have you checked, who is the genocide? How did tens of thousands of people die? It can't be silent, right?"

  Ao Chengyi shook his head, “I checked it and found nothing. I guess everyone may be poisoned. It’s just that the valley became ashes and nothing was left. There is no way to do an autopsy. I don’t know why we are okay. Maybe it has something to do with the brocade box.”

   "Broke box?"

"Well, there are two jade bracelets in the brocade box, the one I brought you that night. After the old patriarch gave it to us, he tried it at that time and was miraculously sucked a drop of blood. You were too young to take it, let me keep it for you. Apart from this, I can't think of any reason why we are the only ones who are fine."

   "Then, then, the genocide may be the person behind the grandfather. I was adopted by Ye Bingkun, and it was also the work of the person behind?"


   "What does he want? Brocade box? Jade bracelet?" Lan Shiruo even thought, in the previous life, it was those people who took Lebao away. With thoughts, blood is boiling all over.

Ao Chengyi hugged her daughter-in-law, "I don’t know, but don’t worry. When we settle down, we can check it carefully. We can return to the homeland. Maybe there will be clues. We will also find someone to find the whereabouts of Ye Bingkun and He Minyan. You can always find it. I didn’t know it before. Let the people behind it go away, but in the future, it will never go anymore."

  Lan Shiruo let out a sigh of breath and nodded, “You must break them into pieces.” Her Lebao cannot suffer in vain. The children born on the day of the last days can control the virus, shit, damn, damn.

   "Okay." Ao Chengyi squinted his eyes, and wind and rain were brewing in his bottomless black eyes. What happened to his girl? "Tell you a happy thing."

  If Lan Shi is curious, what can be happy about this time? "tell me the story."

"When I was one year old, you were just born. The old patriarch took me to see you and said, "You are my destined daughter-in-law. Let me take good care of you. The old patriarch is right. You are my destined daughter-in-law." Isn't it happy that no one can take it apart?"

   Lan Shiruo rolls his eyes, smelly man, who is happy? Can you remember so clearly when you were one year old? What about a liar?

   However, the destined daughter-in-law seems to be right. "Since the old patriarch said, you have to do it well, or it depends on how I complain."

  Ao Chengyi chuckled, "Of course, I have been doing it and doing a good job."

  Lan Shiruo wants to roll her eyes again, she has lost her for so many years after doing a good job?

   Hmph, the dog man is really unreliable.

  Tired all night, Lan Shiruo leaned in the arms of his own man and began to fall asleep, confused thinking that there is still something to be done, "The abnormality of the roadblock, I should smash him."

  Ao Chengyi licked her lips and patted her daughter-in-law on the back, “Don’t worry, I’ve already broken him.”

   "Oh." He fell asleep completely.

  Ao Chengyi shook his head and smiled. In a flash, a huge wave overflowed in his black eyes.

Over the years, he has devoted all his energy to finding his own daughter-in-law, and he has interrupted many clues. He only regarded it as a coincidence. Now it seems that the man is undoubtedly. Who is the person behind? Is the purpose of the space they have? ?

  The big team slept until noon, got up to eat lunch, and rested in the room.

  When Cui Zipeng woke up, he happened to see a baby face in a New Year painting. He thought he was in heaven, "Heaven is so good, I don’t know where my mother is."

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Little Lebao pouted his little **** and leaned forward to Cui Zipeng, "Brother, Lebao is good."

  The soft and glutinous little milk sounded back to Cui Zipeng's consciousness. By the way, he had seen this little brother, and he was the baby of a kind-hearted aunt.

  Where is this place? Is he not dead? Obviously saw a big monster?

  The general who has awakened, who is the monster who is staring at death?

  Duan Jianghe heard the sound and came over to review Cui Zipeng. The young man looked confused and smiled, "Are you called Cui Zipeng?"

  Cui Zipeng nodded, "I am, uncle, where is this?"

  "This is our house, do you remember what happened last night?"

last night? Cui Zipeng's memory slowly recovered, his small face was instantly pale, and his body trembled uncontrollably, "I, I"

   "Hug, Le Bao hug, brother," Xiao Lebao nestled his fleshy body into Cui Zipeng's arms, and the fat man patted his hands for comfort.

  The sweet milk flavor and soft and warm body made Cui Zipeng find a sense of security, and subconsciously reached out and held Little Lebao tightly.

Duan Jianghe curled his lips, "Don't be afraid, you are safe, and the person who hurt you is dead. The injury on your body is not serious. Just raise it. Where is your family? You suddenly disappeared at night, they may be worried, you tell My place, I'll send a letter."

   "Dad?" Cui Zipeng was shocked, struggling to get up, tore to the wound, grinning in pain, and still did not give up.

Duan Jianghe pushed him back, "Okay, don't do it, you have a serious injury on your foot, and you can't walk for the time being. I will bring you a letter and promise to bring it."

  The young man blushed, wiping away the tears that were about to fall, "Thank you, uncle, my dad and I live in the underground garage downstairs in the corner of the unfinished building. My dad has bad legs and can’t walk. I’m worried."

  "Don’t be old-fashioned, kids, I'm responsible for picking up your father in good condition. Just stay."

   "Thank you uncle, thank you uncle."

  (End of this chapter)

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