Chapter 177 177 Persuade the old professor

  Chi Meng Yong suddenly woke up, overjoyed, "This is the ice toad? The legendary ice toad? The ice toad that can cure hundreds of poisons?"

  Bing Toad trembles, the old man is so bad, he obviously wants its blood and is afraid of it.

  Lan Shiruo took Bing Chan back when the old professor stretched out his hand and returned it to Zhang Yun.

  Zhang Yun quickly calmed Bing Chan's glass heart, don't break it.

  The old professor is anxious, "Hey, wait, wait, let me take another look, just one look, hurry up, let me take another look."

  Lan Shiruo smiled and stood forward, "Follow us, I will give you Bingchan's saliva and blood to study, go?"

   "Go, go," completely without consideration, even if the opponent is a murderous monster, maybe he will follow without hesitation.

  Fourteen people were slapped in their faces, covering their faces and staring at the old professor sadly. Can't you hold on to it when you are old?

  Old professor, hehe, do you think I can understand how I look like a beggar?

   "However, you have to bring me these things, one can't leave them."

   "Yes." Lan Shiruo waved a big hand, except for the wall, leaving no ash.

  Old professor and his team

   "Walk around, hurry up, and do research on things for me when I get to the place, and I can't shame."

  Lan Shiruo nodded, "Don’t be shy, give you a small gift first."

Duan Jianghe received the signal from his sister-in-law and gave a small bottle of trauma medicine made from Bingchan's saliva to the old professor. "It can heal wounds quickly. I'm also studying how to artificially breed Bingchan recently, and I have seen some results."

  The old professor was shocked, "Really? How did you study it, tell me quickly." The fourteen people couldn't care about being proud, and all of them stretched their ears to listen.

However, Duan Jianghe just smiled without talking.

  The old professor vomited blood in a hurry, and eagerly moved towards Duan Jianghe. Ding Yibing was very envious, old professor, I am here, take a look at me, take a look at me.

  The old professor can't hear or see.

Lan Shiruo took out a bucket of meat porridge. They cooked a lot of porridge of various flavors and stored them in the space. If you want to drink it, you can take it directly, which is very convenient. No one is coming outside now. One person drinks a bowl, warms his stomach, then changes clothes, and then we go out.” The group of people are all in white coats. This is unclear and intriguing. They can't do stupid things. , Become the public enemy of the whole city.

  The old professor and his group have no objection at all. They are really hungry. One person has a bowl. They do it by themselves and drink slurs. In order to leave early, the old professor went to the place early, and he didn't linger at all. He was simply a bad old man.

  The seven brothers were convinced by the big team, found the door that others couldn't find, opened the door that others couldn't open, and didn't even bother to persuade the stubborn old man to follow them and persuade them.

  After eating, pack up, put on the clothes Lan Shiruo gave, and just go out like this after discussing it. There are not many people who have seen the old professor anyway. Besides, they even dressed up the old man. He didn't have the old professor Fan himself, so he wouldn't be exposed at all.

Before leaving the house, one of the seven brothers who was guarding outside hurried over and said, "Something has happened, and I don’t know which stupid thing it is. It provokes the carrion in the hospital. The carrion corpses are madly hitting the glass. And the window is about to run out. Now the whole city is desperately running out. The carrion around hearing the movement is still gathering here, we are about to be surrounded, what should I do?"

  The big team frowned. Except for the old professor, the old professor and his group were all in horror. Can they not survive?

   "Chaoyang, tell Kong Fenglin to move forward at full speed, don't wait for us."


   Lan Shiruo waved and released more than ten Harleys, and looked at the Seven Brothers, "Can you ride it?"

  "We can ride motorcycles, go home and take the winding mountain road on the narrow path, and we can all ride properly."

  "That's good, seven of you, take the old professor and his party and Deng Wen, go in the middle, Ding Yibing, you are leading the way and follow the route we arranged before. Is there a problem?"

   "No," the eight people said in unison.

"Okay, the dragon team took the phoenix team, tied back to back, walked on the two wings and after the broken, guarding them away, paying attention to the carrion that suddenly jumped out around and in the air. Is there a problem if you hit someone who doesn't have long eyes, and other people act on their own?"


   "Go, hold tight, don't fall off the car."


  Fourteen motorcycles, like Lixuan’s arrows, rushed out of the tunnel, "Bang."

  The glass walls and windows of the hospital fulfilled their final mission and shattered into slag.

  The carrion is like a flock of sheep being driven out, swarming out of the hospital, and those who are too late to run bury their bodies.

   A group of carrion corpses upstairs, with dumplings falling on the ground, their bodies crooked and slanted, they couldn't bear to look directly, and they got up and chased them forward.

  Screams one after another on the street, the carrion wandering in the shops on both sides of the street, heard the movement, and flew over.

  Goshawk with one claw tore the carrion that was about to fall on the head of a research team member in half, threw it away, and threw it at the other.

The team members turned pale with fright. For the first time, he saw the carrion at such a close distance. No matter where he went before, he was protected by flowers in a greenhouse. He had never experienced blood and cruelty personally. Nearly a year in the last days, they all This is the first time I feel it.

  Chi Mengyong has a solemn expression. He has been involved in medical research all his life, so that the world is pain-free, but now, watching everyone fall into hell, there is nothing he can do. Sad, sad.

  A man of ethnic minorities suddenly saw an arched iron plate fall in front of him. It was too late to change the lane or brake, and his face paled in fright.

  The red shadow flashed by, and the iron plate was broken into several pieces and lay flat on the road.

  The man exhaled, "Thank you, General."

   "Wow," follow closely, human beings are really weak.

  The man laughed, followed closely behind.

Behind   , hordes of carrion corpses hurriedly chased here, and Lan Shiruo threw a grenade in mid-air, "Shui Yao, let the vines shoot me backwards."


  Like playing a ball, if Lan Shi just throws in the air, the vines can always shoot out accurately, one by one in the carrion group, the stumps and broken arms fly all over the sky.

  "Miaomiao, pay attention to the upper left." Lan Shiruo reminded.

  Miaomiao turned her head, and a carrion jumped from the upper left window, an iron ball passed over, burst her head, and carried a charge to continue sweeping behind.

   "He Lian, you and Shui Yao throw grenades." Lan Shiruo gave a bag of grenades all by himself.


   "Zhang Yun, I used the ice thorn to pierce my head."


  "Qingquan, try to condense the black energy into any shape, greet the carrion head, and use the smallest ability to get the enemy the most damage. If you can't, use the charge first."


  Lan Shiruo finished explaining, stretched both hands to form a water bow, ten arrows were sent out, and one arrow pierced through several heads at the right angle.

  The men tacitly cooperated with the girls' attacks, riding very steadily, leaving most of them behind.

  The carrion has been chasing, and the screams continued, and most of the people who came to do the task were killed or injured.

   Lan Shiruo frowned slightly, she couldn't save everyone. Opened his arms, condensed Shuifeng, "Go."

  "Boom" Fengming shook the sky, circled around, swooped down, jumped into the carrion group, shattered countless carrion corpses, many people took the opportunity to escape, with lingering fears, and feared the sudden appearance of the water phoenix.

  (End of this chapter)

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