I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 179: 179 Meeting the Tribe

  Chapter 179 Chapter 179 See the tribe

  "Hey," Goshawk whispered, the eagle eye looked at the weak human being proudly and disgustingly, jumped up, grabbed Sa Bing's shoulders, and flew up to the cliff.

  The trembling Sabing was too sudden, he was afraid, mother, he was also afraid of heights.

Goshawk raised his claws, and threw Sa Bing into the edge of the hole. Inside was a wooden door. The edge was only twenty centimeters wide. Sa Bing’s whole body was not good. His limbs were weak, his head was dizzy, and he squatted on the ground like a toad. Dare to move, this is the first time he has come up here, help

  To knock on the door with a trembling trembling, half of his hand froze, what should I do if the door is pushed open from the inside to the outside?

   Touched a bit of bitter tears, he squeezed the door and knocked, "Is there anyone, is there someone inside, I’m Sa Bing, open the door, open the door."

  Sha Sa Bing listened in close to the door, tentatively pushed twice, but did not push.

  The murmur seemed to be talking, and he knocked several times, "Open the door, I am Sa Bing, grandma and dad, are you there, I am Sa Bing."

The old woman holding the little baby was very excited, tears all the time, "Yes, it's my Sa Bing, I heard it right, it's really my Sa Bing, my son is still alive and alive." She staggered to open the door, and The girl who was there hurried to help, "Mother, don't worry, let's open the door."

  Madame Sa wiped off her tears and said again and again.

  The cave is very big, divided into two parts, inside and outside, with doors, so the shouting outside is not very audible.

  The pretty girl in her twenties looked out from the crack of the door first. She was sure there was nothing, then she opened the second door. She took another look before opening. She was really Sa Bing. Pretty girl's blush turned into a big apple, she didn't know if she was excited or shy, "Brother Sa Bing, it's really you, are you coming back?" She yanked the door open, and Sa Bing opened the door with a single click. Fortunately, It was pulled in.

   Seeing that the girl was about to rush over for a warm hug, Sa Bing was so scared that he scrambled and ran in. He was really hit, and both of them had to fly freely.

  The pretty girl was full of disappointment, her head was down and she couldn't be aggrieved.

  After the rest of his life, Sa Bing realized that he had hurt the girl’s heart. He quickly explained with a clumsy tongue, “Aman, no, I’m just scared. It’s too high here and too narrow outside. My legs are soft, I’m not.”

  The pretty girl chuckled, "I know Brother Sa Bing, go in, the aunt is very anxious."

   "Hey," the black man looked at the pretty girl embarrassedly, blushing and running in, he saw his old mother at first glance.

  His mother gave birth to four children. His youngest and oldest brother is more than ten years older than him, so the old mother is already more than sixty. But when he left, the old lady was obviously not as old and haggard as she is now, and it has only been less than a year, how can she be like a ninety-year-old woman?

   "Ama, my son is not filial, and he is only coming back now, which makes Ama worry."

   "My son, I'll be fine when I come back, I'll be fine when I come back, let my grandma see, my son has lost weight, and I have suffered a lot, right?"

Sa Bing shook his head, "No, I'm fine, I haven't eaten a bit of suffering, grandma, how about you guys, how are you? What about Abba and Brother, as well as nephews, nieces and sister-in-laws, why are you and Xiaoluan alone? Uncle and aunt, what about the clan elders?" The cave is very big, but there are not many people, and they are all women, children and young children, less than 30 people.

  There are more than a thousand people in their clan, how come this is happening?

  When the big guy heard it, he wiped his tears.

  Sa Bing understands, and has been mentally prepared, but it is still uncomfortable.

   "Ama, the brothers we went out together are fine. They are waiting for us below, and there are benefactors who have helped us. If we don't have them, we can't come back. Let's go down first and talk about things slowly."

   "Okay, go down first." There were other relatives among the seven brothers in the crowd. He was very happy to hear what Sa Bing said and couldn't wait to go down.

  It’s just that I came up with a momentary panic and stimulated the potential, but when I go down, I always feel that my legs are weak and I can’t take a step.

  The soft ladder wafted in the wind, dazzled by the swing, but did not dare to move.

  Aman only then personally felt the horror at the entrance of the cave, understood how Sa Bing felt at the time, and thought about how terrifying the consequences would be if he really rushed forward. Now I am really not wronged at all, just how do I go on?

  Goshawk swooped down, and a huge black shadow was projected into the hole, making everyone scream.

  Sa Bing hurriedly explained, so as to calm everyone's emotions, but, even though he stopped screaming, he didn't dare to come close.

  Goshawk is impatient, the soft-footed shrimp is too slow.

  Sa Bing quickly pleased, "Yingye, don’t worry, right away, right away."

  Ying Ye gave a roll of eyes, and immediately rushed over, one paw and one person, dragging Sa Bing and Aman down the cliff.

   "My son"


  The person caught was frightened, and the person next to him was frightened mad.

  Aunt Sa hadn’t had a grandson in her arms, she would have chased her.

  It’s not much better to stay on it. I am confused that my only son is going to be over, and my whole life is irrelevant.

  Other people are also roasting in the two heavens of ice and fire. The first second is still happy, the next second is purgatory, and they can't live.

  The two who were arrested, Sa Bing was okay. After experiencing it once, he also fully trusted Ying Ye, so the shock was only a moment, and then, the legs were a little soft, and everything else was fine.

  Aman is not working anymore, her face is pale and shaky. If Sa Bing hadn’t caught it after landing, she would have turned both eyes and fell down.

  The seven brothers gathered around and asked about the situation above.

  Sa Bing briefly talked about the situation, comforted Aman, and looked at Ao Chengyi, "Mr. Ao, can you please be gentle with Yingye?"

  Eagle, despise the face

  Lan Shiruo pursed her mouth and smiled, although she is not kind, but she really can’t help it.

   slapped Master Eagle, "Don't bully."

  Goshawk is rubbing against the palm of the hostess's hand, not because it bullies people, but because humans are too weak.

  Of course, except for the pervert of its owner.

  Ao Chengyi found the vine, "Go and help together, don't scare people out of you."

  The vine shook, expressing understanding, and leaped on the back of the eagle.

  Ying Ye rolled his eyes and jumped onto the cliff.

  The people in the cave only saw the shaking of figures on the ground, and couldn't see the actual situation. When they saw the giant eagle appear again, they were scared to hide in the cave.

  The vines jumped directly out of the branches and entangled the nearest ten people. These people have been hungry and cold for almost a year, all of them fluttering and carrying ten is not a problem.

  Everyone screamed and experienced a free fall. After landing, the whole person was floating.

   twice back and forth, dragging everyone in the cave down.

There are a total of 28 people. There are ten children. The youngest is three years old, which is Sa Bing’s little nephew. The eldest is ten years old. There are boys and girls. The others are women and children. There are 13 young girls. The rest are middle-aged and elderly. Women, not a man.

  The big team asked the seven brothers to relive the old with these people, and then make some food, drink and wash, clean up, and calm down before talking about business.

   "Ama, are all of our people here?"

  Madame Sa wiped her tears, and the others also blushed and whimpered.

   "Maybe it's only us."

   "What do you mean? Grandma, tell me, what about my elder brother, dad, and others, as well as other people? Aren't they all turned into monsters, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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