I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 187: 187 Brick Factory Mission

  Chapter 187 187 Brickworks Mission

  "When will the ghost weather end? I miss the days when the wind was screaming. At least it won't be too hot to breathe, and the door won't dare to come out." One person sighed.

  "Who said no, I was too cold before, but now I regret not being too cold. I dare not step on the ground outside, it's too **** hot."

   Complaining endlessly, the man in the lead sipped softly, “Save a little energy, go to bed early after eating, and go to the task tomorrow. It’s not safe to leave two more people to watch at night.”

   "Boss, I heard that the brick and tile factory is weird, and none of the teams that went to come back. Should we no longer find two more teams to cooperate?"

  The boss raised his eyelids and said, "Let’s check it out tomorrow."

  The big guy shut up and honestly eats and rests.

  The big team heard nothing useful and went on to sleep.

  Early the next morning, the team in the ruined house left at dawn. The big team ate and drank enough, packed up, put away the villa, and followed to the direction of the brick factory.

  The moment he went out, he took a breath, and the oncoming heat wave burned like a charcoal fire. Even if the weather is too hot, you must wear long clothes and trousers to cover your bare skin, or you will get sunburned in minutes.

  Poor hairy children are unlovable, their hair is draped as if they are wearing a thick padded jacket, but they cannot be shaved off and are easily sunburned.

  Take three breaths at a step, you can smell the smell of barbecue when you step on the mat on the ground, and your eyes will burst into tears as soon as you leave the house.

  From then on, Fat Mouse no longer wanted to go by himself, letting his master carry it on his back, and learning Ice Toad put ice cubes in his back pocket. It is also Miaomiao's strong strength. The fat mouse itself is more than ten catties plus more than ten catties of ice. It is difficult for ordinary people to carry equipment from morning to night in such weather. Ding Jiajia was useless. After carrying some personal essential items for Miao Miao, he couldn't bear the others anymore. Sure enough, men couldn't be trusted.

The fat mouse has fallen, and urged the relative sadness, so big, if Lan Shi can't carry it, his hair is not willing to cut short, this child is also stubborn, and is not willing to enter the space, so he had to make four special shoes for it. , It should be just fine to adapt for a while.

  Uncle Eagle is swimming in the air, a little windy, and a little better.

  The other contract partners stay with their own masters. They have the advantage of being small. With ice, it's not that uncomfortable.

  Little Lebao was wearing a large jumpsuit, a small hat, and his hands behind his back. He walked in front of the Four King Kong, walking with short legs, walking in a serious manner, with a blushing face, and he was not tired at all. The four kings guarded each other, not to mention a lot of style.

  The little thing now refuses to carry it, especially refuses to swap with the dummy, calling him an adult.

  When parents see their sons as sensible, they can only support. The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain. Xiao Lebao should grow up in the wind and rain to be fearless of the world.

  Everyone has a mosquito-repellent medicine bag on them, and remove the hot ice stickers. Produced by Guo Zi, it must be a high-quality product. The ice stickers are easy to use, affordable and considerate.

  Country roads, vehicles cannot pass, the large team walked to the brick and tile factory that the group said last night. Bricks and tiles are also materials, repairing walls and building houses are indispensable. Naturally, they can’t let it go.

  He Lian’s hearing has increased, he can hear more detailed sounds, and can also hear farther sounds. The important thing is to be able to control it autonomously, and automatically shield himself when it encounters noise, so that he will not be deaf.

   "One mile away, there are more than 30 people, two teams, have not yet started, are surveying the terrain."

  Lan Shiruo nodded, "Let's go slowly, not in a hurry."

   When the big team stepped forward, the two teams had just completed the survey and were discussing how to get in.

  The brick and tile factory is very large, and the finished bricks and tiles are piled up everywhere. The color is good, but it is inexplicable. In such a hot weather, a gloomy feeling can be rippled from it.

  Many teams came to do the task before, and did not put this gloom in their eyes. The result can be imagined, and there is almost no return. Later people learned to be clever and no longer entered rashly.

  The two teams are very happy to see the big team, they are worried about the small number of people.

  "Hello everyone, are you here to do the task too?"

  Lan Shiruo nodded.

  The two teams are happier. The tall and thin man stepped forward, “I’m Jin Guangzong, the captain of the Dust Team. This is Quan Daji, the captain of the Mancang Team. We are all affiliated to the Mingzhou A City Safety Base. I don’t know how many are they?”

  Ao Chengyi opened his eyes and said, "Ao Chengyi of the Dragon and Phoenix team belongs to Shicheng."

  Jin Guangzong raised his eyebrows and joked, "Your team name is easy to understand, not bad."

  The little friends rolled their eyes and said that their team names were vulgar, huh, that's because you didn't see how domineering our dragon and phoenix are. The dragon and phoenix transformed by the third-order water and fire abilities are more majestic.

   Next to Quan Daji is a man with few words, but he also raised a question, "Where is Shicheng?"

  There are many well-known safe bases, and boring people are ranked high and low. City N, City W, and City Y are all on the list. Shicheng is not on the list, and has never even appeared in the mouth or even ears of others.

  Don’t worry about your friends, one day, Shicheng will occupy the top spot exclusively.

  "Qinzhou City D."

  Qinzhou? Jin and Quan's minds have changed slightly. Qinzhou has three cities on the list, and the others are not influential, not to be afraid.

   "Oh, it turned out to be City D. I have been admiring for a long time." Jin Guangzong's scenes came with his mouth open, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

  The little friend gave him a weird look, but did not answer.

  Jin Guangzong was not annoyed, and continued to smile with a good temper, "I wonder if you have heard of the weirdness here?"

  The fox in charge of communication went online, "I heard a little bit, but I don't know it in detail, please let me know." The fox laughed at the right place, giving the illusion of modesty and politeness. Jin and Quan were very satisfied.

Jin Guangzong said, "Nowadays, various bases are being built and improved. The demand for bricks and tiles is very large, but due to various factors, the output is very low, so looking for finished bricks and tiles has become a long-term task, and the task is not difficult. , The rewards are considerable, many people will pick it up, and it has been visited by many people. But so far, no one has taken away bricks by bricks. The reason is that there are powerful mutant beasts here. They abandon gentleness due to mutation. It was not able to give birth to sapience, it was only ferocious, very bloodthirsty, and extremely ferocious. According to previous survivors, the mutant beasts are a group of bats whose number is unpredictable. Once humans step into the factory, they will be attacked. In addition to the distance attack, he will also hide in the dark and use the ability to sneak attack. The specific ability is not clear, and it is guessed that it is mental power. In addition, there is a high-level mutant beast command, which is difficult to deal with."

  The little friend is surprised. How strong is the mutant monster team to make so many people return without success?

  Lu Chaoyang smiled in gratitude, "Thank you, I don’t know what you plan to do next?"

Jin Guangzong said, "Nowadays, the teams who come here to do tasks are all working together. Our two teams did not rush, and we did not find other teams. There are too few people in Zhengzhou and the odds of winning are not high. So I want to invite you together. I don’t know you. Do you want to."

  Lv Chaoyang looked at Lan Shiruo, and Lan Shiruo nodded invisible, before Lu Chaoyang returned, "Naturally willing, I don't know how to allocate it then."

  (End of this chapter)

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