Chapter 208 Chapter 208

  Feng Tao is irritable, and he has to grab his sleeves when he rolls up his sleeves, and he has several supporters.

   Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi's forehead jumped suddenly, pig teammate.

  Forget it, wash and sleep.

  Zhang and Xie lived together, and they took turns cursing Zhang Yun for having no conscience, being condemned by the heavens, and scolding vigorously, the door was kicked open, and he subconsciously hid under the bed in fright.

  The corners of the people’s mouths twitched wildly. What can be done with this kind of goods?

"come out."

   is a human being. Zhang and Xie are relieved. They crawled out with a smile. Seeing that they were very popular, they felt that they must be personalities, and pleased, "This big brother has something to order?"

  The visitor is also an errand runner. He usually stays at the bottom. It is rare to be flattered and complimented. He is in a good mood, "Our boss wants to see you and come with me."

   "Yes, yes," the six people did not face the arrogance of the team in the small town at all. They were respectful and pleased, and honestly followed behind, "I don't know who the boss is?"

   "I'll know when you get there, what do you ask so much for?"

   "Yes, yes, brother is right."

   With excitement and anxiety, six people saw the boss who came to say. They didn’t expect to be a woman. She looked pretty good and had great momentum, and she deserved to be the boss.

Xu Benying frowned slightly, and most hated people who had eyebrows like a mouse in the gutter. "Are you Zhang Yun's family?" In fact, Xu Benying didn't know who Zhang Yun was, but only knew it was from Ao Chengyi's team, as long as it was him. The one in the team is fine, it doesn't matter who it is.

  The six people have a heartbeat, and they are not familiar with Zhang Yun, so come to hold justice for her?

   He turned his mind and shook his head tacitly, "No, no, no, we are not family members, we are not familiar with her."

  Xu Benying slapped on the table, "To be honest."

The six people had a soft foot, and they knelt immediately, "Yes, yes, but since she was eighteen, we rarely contacted each other. We haven't seen each other for several years. They are really not very familiar." Six people almost urinated. , Mom, the boss is the boss, different from ordinary people.

  Xu Benying curled her lips, "So you really are family members?"

   "Also, isn't it?"

  "Are you sure?"

"Really sure," Zhang Weizhong wiped his sweat. "My ex-wife and I divorced when Zhang Yun was 18 years old. At that time, she was already an adult, so she didn't follow anyone. She became an independent household. We are not a family, at best we have some blood connections."

Xu Benying smiled contemptuously. This family is really disgusting. His ex-wife and ex-husband took the current and cheating son. The six people love each other and live together. The daughter who was born is 18 years old. It sounds good to give the child a complete In childhood, to put it bluntly, she was reluctant to put her daughter's name on her hukou book, so she would rather never divorce, keep playing cheating, inexplicably, she kind of sympathized with that named Zhang Yun.

"Okay, it's fine if you have a relationship. Now Zhang Yun is in City G, and you haven't seen it for a long time. Go to meet, repair and repair the relationship, and then persuade you to find a down-to-earth man to live your life and go to a place where you should go. ."

  Six people are a little confused, what do you mean? Did you marry Zhang Yun? Send it away again? Or killed?

   Suddenly, the back is cold, do you want to be so cruel? What kind of grudge? Don't get tired of them.

These people think everything is on their faces, Xu Benying really doesn't want to look at them, "Also, the women with Zhang Yun are all good-looking. I heard that your two sons are not married yet, so you can just pick a good one. ."

  This is true. Zhang En Xie Xiaochuan has seen the looks and temperament of a few women. That's really good. You can have this. "Fine, the boss can rest assured, he will be a good pick."

The younger brother beside    couldn't help but sneer, and even those who crooked melons and cracked dates really had a face.

Xu Benying rolled his eyes inconspicuously, "I heard that those women are arrogant, I can lend you some hands, but things must be done, and I can't reveal that I asked you to do it. Several men with them It's not easy to deal with. If you want to survive, you'd better use your brains."

  "Yes, yes, the boss can rest assured, it must be done well, never reveal a word, and will not let anyone know that it is the boss's idea."

  Xu Benying frowned, this sounded a bit wrong, "Okay, get out of here, things can be done smoothly."


  The six felt a little drifting, and they went back to their residence before slowly sorting out.

   "What the woman meant, it seems that you don't want to see Zhang Yun, son, how do you feel when you have met Zhang Yun?"

  Zhang Enxie Xiaochuan smashed his mouth, "It looks good."

"good body shape."

"good skin."

"Good temperament."



"That's right," Xie Ren slapped his hands. "Jealous, absolutely jealous. I saw this woman today, although she looks good and full of vigor, but her skin is not very good, wrinkles, and her body is average, mainly for her appearance. It’s a bit rough. In the last days, it’s all like this. There are very few white skin and beautiful long legs."

   Xin Ningfang asked, "Where are the men?"

  Zhang En Xie Xiaochuan was unwilling to recall a few men, slumped, "five big and three rough."


   "Barbaric and unreasonable."

   "It's fierce and evil."

  Being a mother, what kind of virtue her son is, she knew everything about her, and she nodded like this, "It must be a few men."

  Zhang Weizhong sighed, "I have a good appetite, I want to get a few of them."

  Shen Julian's eyes rolled, "So, we can deal with a few women at will, and a few men can't move. I don't know if they have any supplies in their hands."

   Zhang En shook his head, "No one wants waste, what materials can there be." He firmly believes that a large team is a scattered team that no one wants.

   "No," Xie Ren shook his head, "If the team is disbanded, how can they live in City G? The important thing is the place where they rented, but in the well-off area, even if the team is disbanded, there must be a lot of supplies in hand."

   "So, can we make a profit?" Zhang Weizhong clapped his hands excitedly.

  Xin Ningfang snorted angrily, "They ruined our business. It is necessary to get something to compensate, but that is a magical medicine, no amount of materials can make up."

  Speaking of medicine, six people felt distressed at the same time. Shen Julian asked, "Are we still in this business?"

Xie Ren shook his head, "I won’t do it for the time being. A scrap iron mine was destroyed. Those people had no source of income, and the business chain was broken. Second, other sources of materials nearby were occupied by other people. We were unable to do so. However, for three things, we still need to do the things in front of us first, and get the materials in Zhang Yun's hands, maybe it will surprise us."

  The five nodded in agreement, "Then what should we do?"

"How?" Xie Ren looked at Zhang Weizhong and Xin Ningfang, "Anyway, you are Zhang Yun's parents, Xiaoen and Xiaochuan are also her own brothers, and he is not the one who is the daughter and the sister. Should I help? As a parent, what is good for her, shouldn't it be listened to?"

  Zhang Weizhong nodded, "Yes, we have been divorcing for more than ten years because of her. She can't be without a conscience."

   "We have spent a lot to raise her for more than ten years. We can't just leave it alone." Xin Ningfang agreed.

    Actually VS. Since... the little friends are all talking about the name of the main male and female, which... expresses deep helplessness????



  (End of this chapter)

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