I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 211: 211 Bringing a Man to the Door

  Chapter 211 Chapter 211 Take a good man to the door

   A slip of envy and jealousy, if it weren't for this tuo followed by more than a dozen men and women, they would specify to grab it.

  Looking at their formation, you know that it is everyone who travels, the King Kong is left and right, and the twelve guards are absolutely high-matched and can't afford to provoke them.

  Everyone's son Le Baojun, raised his fleshy chin, pretending to be old-fashioned on his fat little cheeks, waiting for the smoke, the baby on his face became fat, and his facial features were erect, just like his father.

  Look at Fan, who looks ahead and is not affected by the surrounding sounds. It's kind of like that.

   Lan Shiruo leaned close to Ao Chengyi, "Your son can't decide how happy he is, he's a virtue, sullen, and good-natured with you."

  Ao Chengyi's mouth twitched, can he justify himself? How could he be such an upright and resolute and promising young man to have anything to do with Mensao?

   glanced at the little daughter-in-law in a posture that she didn't want to talk about, shut up decisively, and let's get bored. His own son is as fine as him.

  The little thing swaggered all the way, and only returned to the rented house at noon. He was so excited that he pulled his brother and sister to share what they saw.

  Lan Shiruo sighed, the current streets are not at all the excitement before the end of the world, and they have not yet become unique after the end of the world, and they are not worth seeing at all. However, the memories of these children for more than a year have remained in **** desolation and hardship. Xiao Lebao has never seen the tranquility and prosperity before the end of the world, so he is new to such a slightly popular street now.

  The current street has no privately traded shop stalls, no dazzling array of goods, no gourmet clothes, no novel toys, nothing but rare peace.

  The people on the street are all irritating, either **** or full of vicissitudes of life, the more they look, the more boring.

  The fun of not intervening in small things, but it has strengthened the determination to build a territory of its own, not to mention building a paradise on earth, at least so that these children can see beautiful things at any time.

  Have a meal, the weather is too hot, it is rare to have time, I did not let the boys go out, stay at home and have a good rest, and the usual study can't be left behind. Although there is no examination in the last days, learning is not for examinations. Those who need to learn have to learn.

  Fortunately, these children are sensible and firm. Adults don’t need to worry too much. As long as Xiao Lebao doesn’t control the Four King Kong rebellion, it will be easy.

  Ding Jiajia was no longer happy, and couldn't resist the instigation of a group of hurting friends, and in the end he had no choice but to implement the beautiful man's plan. The big guy didn't ask how he did it, just waiting for the result.

  Zhang Weizhong's six people calmed down and came to Zhang Yun in the afternoon. In order to cooperate with Ding Jiajia, they didn't rush people, but they didn't care much.

  The six brains made up Zhang Yun's anger, and as long as they coaxed it out, it could be done, and then they were patient.

  The six were so excited that they didn't realize that Zhang Yun's face was getting colder and colder, and he was getting more and more disappointed.

In the past, Zhang Yun could see steadiness from her own father, and neatness from her mother. Now, she can only see the same servility in six people. For more than a year in the last days, she wiped out all of them as human beings. Haughty, it's sad.

   "You can go back if there is nothing to do."

  Xin Ningfang rubbed his hands and smiled, "Xiao Yun, we have a hard time, it’s been a long time since we had a full meal, look."

difficult? Zhang Yun laughed. There are a lot of black-hearted materials earned from the potion, how could it be difficult, "No, let's go, don't come to the door when you don't leave."

  Xin Ningfang was so angry that he shouted immediately, and was dragged back by Xie Ren, "Well, we will leave first, and we will see you tomorrow."

When the six people left, Zhang Yun only felt tired. In other words, they were all parents and mothers, and did not do anything angry and grievous. It was a bit unreasonable to want to marry her, but it was not to the point of killing them, for the sake of beautiful men. The plan went well, and I had to face it every day, and I was really annoyed.

  Guo Zi has a stupid mouth and tongue. He can only watch Zhang Yun anxiously while scratching his head and cheeks. "Fool, what a big deal, I'm not so fragile, I don't care about it a long time ago, it's just a bit annoying."

  Guo Zi chuckled, "It’s fine, it’s really annoying, hit me twice to vent my fire."

  The little friend walked away shaking with goose bumps, and he was so stupid.

The six people who left were not so harmonious. Xin Ningfang yelled, "Bad girl, my old lady has been offering her food and drink for more than ten years, but she is reluctant to give up, rotten heart and lungs, not good to die, why didn't you die in the monster's mouth? Thousands of people ride. I thought that a few men could go to heaven without seeing if I had that fate."

  Shen Julian's mouth is sullen, and the tiger poison is still not eating children. She is so cruel to curse her own daughter like this.

  Zhang Weizhong didn't hold the injustice for Zhang Yun, but felt that Xin Ningfang was ashamed of yelling on the street. Fortunately, after a divorce, such a rude woman would have to jump off the building for a lifetime.

  Zhang Enxie Xiaochuan listened happily, these words did not go too far, it was very interesting to see them as a joke.

Only Xie Ren tugged Xin Ningfang, "You are a little bit more minded, annoying people, and unable to complete the task. It is you who are waiting to feed the monster. Can you come back without hearing her? As long as you can come, you can slowly Repair the relationship. When the relationship is over, you can do whatever you want with your mother. Don’t make a moment of talking and smash everything."

  Xin Ningfang was right to think about it, and she felt a lot of anger, and mumbled that she wanted Zhang Yun to look good in the future, and she must find a perverted man for her.

  At night, Ding Jiajia came back with a dark face.

They stared at each other, hum, they were all unscrupulous things, "I took to the street angrily today, and I ran into the old woman Xu Benying. It was rare to meet an acquaintance. I sat and chatted together. I accidentally leaked that I was squeezed out by my teammates. Maybe she will find someone to inquire about the news, so don’t do bad things about the Lord."

  The little friend laughed, "This is a fact, I am not afraid of being spied on, in order to be perfect, so, as the person who is being excluded, it is time to get out."

  Ding Jiajia was silly, "What do you mean?"

  "Meaning, you were swept out tonight, hurry up to find spiritual salvation." Before Ding Jiajia responded, the little friend lifted the person out, threw the door, slammed the door, clapped his hands, and went back to the room to sleep.

  "Oh, it's not" Ding Jiajia is angry. Is the process too fast? We still have to have a transition period. Crushing the teeth of a mouth, looking up at the sky, it's so pitiful.

  Where should I go? In the big evening, he doesn't want to send sheep into the tiger's mouth.

  The next day, the six Zhang Weizhong came again. Zhang Yun’s attitude was better. On the third day, as usual, my friends felt that it was almost the end. We are eschatology, don’t come out the whole spy movie, so Zhang Yun will start to be moved.

Zhang Weizhong’s six people are also impatient. Zhang Yun just showed signs of moving. On the fourth day, he brought a "good man" to the door. The "good man" had black teeth and darker eyes, and his eyes were yellowish. He was about the same size as the young Cui Zipeng. , Less than one hundred and sixty, skinny like a stick, but blown to the sky by Xin Ningfang, "Xiao Yun, this is Xiao Wan, don’t think Xiao Wan is not outstanding, good temperament, smart, will hurt people, but also practical He is willing to work and has the ability. He is a guard in City G. Whoever sees him can't call Wan brother. The point is, Xiao Wan is still in love, unlike some men, who are just a little proficient. Be safe, look for this kind of down-to-earth man. Just looking at you will suffer. Mom is all for your good, and I picked it out for you. You haven’t been around for many years. Mom feels that I owe you too much. Do your best to make up for it. Xiao Yun, you see that the world is not so good now. We don’t want to hire those three media and six hires. The big guys can sit together and have a meal. Tonight, you will go back with Xiao Wan, yours Sisters, your brother will take care of it."

   Bong VS Peng



  (End of this chapter)

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