Chapter 219 219 Battle Bison

   "Clear spring, corroded its horns." Lan Shiruo shouted, the mutant bison is so powerful, in addition to its thick skin, that is, its horns.

  Han Qingquan stood up and lay on the huge head of the mutant bison, hugged the horns tightly, and the black air spread.

   Mutated cow anger, struggling desperately, regardless of the thunder and lightning on the neck, and not afraid of the iron chains of the hind legs, a few shakes, the iron chains all broke, and they jumped up.

  Feng Tao Miaomiao tried too hard, and the moment the chain broke, he backed back again and again, squatting down on the ground, that sour and indescribable, his mouth was open, his eyes filled with tears, and his poor tailbone.

Guo Zi was directly thrown out. When passing by Yunshuiyao in mid-air, she happened to be taken with her. The two of them smashed to the ground at the same time. Yunshuiyao also used Guo Zi as a backstop, rolling his eyes violently. All right.

  Guo Zi shrank his neck and scratched his head, "I didn't mean that."

  Yun Shui Yao kept biting his teeth, not wanting to speak.

  Han Qingquan was still holding the horns desperately, and was dizzy on the cow's head, and almost vomited. Regardless of it, the bison buried his head against the wall and hit the hard building. It has nothing to fear with its bull's head and horns, and Han Qingquan above is in danger. Quickly throw out the spider silk and wrap it around the horns, fix yourself firmly, try to reduce the existence, and avoid direct impact.

  Lan Shiruo spread his five fingers, threw out a few water ropes, entangled the bison, grabbed one end of the water rope, took advantage of the strength to fly up, and tied himself to the cow with the water rope.

   Another water rope was wrapped around the cow’s neck, and the water rope shook one end to Zhang Yun, "Freeze the arteries in his neck."

   "Okay." Zhang Yun's icicle followed the water rope like a dragon, and the blue water became transparent and wrapped around the bison's neck, thickening it a little bit.

  Lan Shiruo spotted the time and suddenly flipped, hanging herself on the belly of the bison, turning a water blade, and piercing the soft skin on her belly. "Qingquan, look for the right time to go down."

  Mutated bison screamed "moo-moo" in pain, stopped the impact, raised his leg to kick his stomach, Han Qingquan jumped off the bull's head, his head is light and his body is numb.

   Lan Shiruo twisted herself into a weird shape, avoided the hooves, and sent the water blade in her hand forward again.

  Miao Miao Feng Tao turned over and threw the iron chain around its hind legs again.

   His hind legs were tied, and he mutated into a rage, and directly hit the hard roadblock. It was okay after two hits, and Lan Shiruo had to hang up.

  Guo Ziyun, Shui Yao also gritted his teeth, left and right, bound his front legs with an electric whip and a broken rope that I didn’t know where to find, and pulled it to both sides. Zhang Yun wrapped its head with an icicle and pulled it forward.

  Five directions force, the bison jumped on the spot angrily, Han Qingquan wanted to go to the bull's head again, and wanted to corrode its skull and take out the crystal core. The spider silk has been wrapped around the horns, ready to take advantage of it, but there has been no chance.

  In anger, he used all his strength to corrode the horns.

  Contained by several parties, the mutant bison could not advance or retreat, and the struggle became more intense.

   On his stomach, Lan Shiruo seized the time to stab the soft flesh with one knife, every knife was in the same position, and finally saw blood.

  "Moo" The mutant bison screamed in pain, raised its front hoofs, and threw everyone out.

  Six people fell on the ground and fell apart and felt painful, and could not get up for a long time.

  Lan Shiruo was tied with a water rope. Although it did not fall off, the vibration was even more uncomfortable, and the internal organs were about to shift.

   He gritted his teeth fiercely, pressed his wound, opened his five fingers, and pulled in. The water power turned into a meat grinder in the palm of his palm, smashing it fiercely in the mutant wild cowhide, and the minced meat and blood fell to the ground.

  The mutant bison was rampant with pain, injured many mutant beasts and people, and destroyed many buildings.

  Lan Shiruo shielded herself with a water cover, her hand movement continued until she penetrated all the flesh, her palm reached into her belly, and grasped her intestines.

  Five fingers together, pull the intestines firmly in your hand, twist it twice to ensure that it will not fall, sprinkle a boiled water rope, and let yourself fall to the ground. With a "bang", I smashed my eyes with golden light. At the same time, quickly put the water rope on the huge stone pier to ensure that you will not be dragged away by the mutant bison.

  The other hand was not loose at all, pulling the intestines from the blood hole, and the blood followed.

  Mutated bison ran wildly, full of flesh and blood and internal organs all the way, ran for more than 100 meters, and crashed to the ground.

  If Lan Shi does not care about the pain, he quickly steps forward to collect his trophies. The bison is more delicious than the previous yak meat and cannot be wasted, especially the crystal core.

  The little friend slowed down, and the seven quickly went to the entrance.

   is near, and I feel a little relieved to see that the little friends and cubs are in good condition.

   Just about to wave his arm to say hello, a huge mutant wild elephant that didn't know who was injured rolled over and went straight to Ao Chengyi and his group.

   "Be careful." Lan Shiruo shouted.

  Ao Chengyi's pupils shrank and said, "Quickly go."

  Lv Chaoyang section of the river, Ding Jiajia, He Lian dragged a boy and ran wildly, unexpectedly, when Ao Chengyi went to hold Lebao, the little thing disappeared out of thin air.

  All the little friends, including Lan Shiruo, have seen it with their own eyes. If Ao Chengyi and Lan Shi are sure, the little things have not entered the space, why did they disappear out of thin air?

   "Le Bao?" Ao Chengyi shouted, stunned in the same place, forgetting the wild elephant that had been crushed over.

  The vine quickly turned around, entangled Ao Chengyi and avoided.

  Lan Shiruo rushed over to make sure that Ao Chengyi was okay before looking palely at the open space after the wild elephant crushed. No, there was nothing, and whispered, "Where is Lebao, where is Lebao?"

   could not help trembling all over, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air, impossible.

  Ao Chengyi calmed down in an instant, held her little wife tightly, and released the general and the goshawk, "find it for me, dig the ground three feet to find it."

  Moved the tip of his nose, "Bow," here. Throw a leg and ran out of the city.

  Other friends followed closely, and they rushed out when they met the gods and killed the Buddhas along the way.

   Outside the city gate, the general lost his trace on a fork in the road, "barking," I don't know which way, the breath is gone.

  Lan Shiruo’s eyes are red, and she takes a deep breath, tells herself not to be anxious, calms down and asks, "Chaoyang, where do these two roads go?"

Lu Chaoyang said, "To the left, 100 kilometers away is a secondary city in Jiangzhou. The geographical environment is not good and it has not become a safe base. There are small villages on the way. To the right, 100 kilometers away is Jianzhou K City, the largest city in Jianzhou, was once famous for its pharmaceutical industry. There are many pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical factories there, as well as the country's largest planting base for Chinese medicinal materials."

  Ao Chengyi raised his eyebrows lightly, took out the car, and said, "Go to the right."

  "Yes." The big team hurriedly got on the car and drove away. The excitement of City H is beyond their concern. Whether it is a victory for a human or a mutant beast, it is nothing but the weak and the strong.

  Speeding all the way, the atmosphere in the car was very solemn. Ao Chengyi held her little daughter-in-law tightly and silently comforted her. The little daughter-in-law was trembling all the time. He knew that she must have remembered the pain she had experienced.

  Lan Shiruo leaned in the arms of the man and felt Ao Chengyi's breath to remind herself that the nightmare has passed, and now is a new beginning. There will be nothing wrong with her Le Bao.

  (End of this chapter)

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