Chapter 221 221 Chasing up

  The sky shone, and Ao Chengyi worried that people over there would get up early and rush to wake up the mother and son, "Girl, Lebao, it's almost dawn, get up to eat something, it's time to go out."

  Little Lebao's confusion became sober for an instant, with a flat mouth and wanting to cry, but he quickly held back. He is an older child and can't cry.

  Lan Shiruo looked sad, and the family of three finished breakfast in silence, no matter how slowly they ate, the ones who should come are still coming.

  Lan Shiruo held Xiao Lebao, "Baby, let mother kiss again, behaved, and take care of yourself, don’t get hurt, don’t get sick, you need to have enough food, wait for your parents, you know?"

  Le Bao’s chubby put his hands around his mother’s neck, his big eyes were red, "Well, Le Bao must be obedient, Mom and Dad, you have to come quickly."

   "Okay, I definitely will."

  Ao Chengyi tightened her thin lips and kissed her son’s forehead, “You are a big kid, be brave, go out quickly, mom and dad will look for you soon.”

  The little thing turned around one step at a time, watched by mom and dad, got out of space, and returned to the carriage.

The kid in the carriage just woke up and was scared to cry by the surroundings. Le Bao was infected and cried along with it. The two men outside cried awake and knocked **** the carriage, "Shut up." , Shut up."

  The roar did not stop the crying. Instead, it became stronger and stronger, and the other person blocked it, "Okay, just put a little more poisonous gas. Anyway, you can't live, just breathe, why bother."

  The man took a sip and called the white fox to put the stunned poison gas into the carriage. Seeing that the situation is not good, Xiao Lebao hurried to hide in the space, and after the white fox was finished, he came out with his nose covered. The children around him fell asleep again. Le Bao didn't know what to do, so he simply lay down with him, pinching the humble little yellow duck in his fat paws.

  On the other side, the young couple watched their son leave, and the loving father and mother instantly transformed into Hell Shura, leaving the space.

  One night, the little friend did not rest well, and was always worried. Seeing the two of them came out, he quickly got up.

  Ao Chengyi took the steering wheel, "I'll drive, girl, you can get everyone some food and talk about the situation."


  The team performs their duties. Ao Chengyi often lets the brothers play their roles. He only makes decisions at critical moments, but this does not mean that he can only make decisions.

He knows how to use all kinds of steering wheels, all kinds of geographic conditions are in his mind, and all kinds of transformations can be used. Fighting tracking blasting is definitely an expert. In addition to only skinny medical skills, he can be regarded as omnipotent, but it is not like it. The little buddies specialize like that.

  Now, there is fire in his heart, and he needs to vent. The accelerator stepped heavily, and the car drove out with a roar of arrows like Li Xuan.

  Don't talk about the girls, even the guys rarely see such Ao Chengyi, each holding his breath, not daring to pant loudly.

Lan Shiruo took out the food prepared before, "Eat some, let you worry about it together. Le Bao entered the space last night and told us about the general situation. We guessed that he might be robbed and sold by children. The person doing the experiment in the laboratory was taken away, and there were many children with him who were kept in a closed car. The other party had only two people and a white fox that could hide and release poisonous gas. The children were poisoned. Dazed and never awake. The smell on the road was also destroyed by the white fox, which is difficult to track. The strength of the two opponents and one beast are both at Tier 3, Le Bao has been drugged, and the mental power has been consumed too much when H City is against the battle beasts. I am not sure about the recovery, and I don’t know if someone is following in the dark, so I can’t do it at will. The current speculation is that it is indeed going to K city. The white fox has a keen sense of smell. I dare not let Le Bao make too many movements. I can only move Guo The little yellow duck made by Zi gave Lebao a message when he had the opportunity. I will stay in the space as a contract partner and protect Lebao at critical moments."

   "These beasts," Feng Tao cursed fiercely, stealing children, they all knew, and they had always been careful not to let Le Bao out of sight. They didn't expect these people to be pervasive now.

   "Where is Lebao, are you injured?" He Lian asked.

"No, I was frightened. The little guy left everyone for the first time and was very scared." Lan Shiruo took a deep breath, "So we speed up now and try to catch up as soon as possible. Can't let it go."

"no problem."

  The Four King Kong blamed themselves, their task was to protect Le Bao, which disappeared under their noses. After hearing what Lan Shiruo said, they all stayed quietly with their heads down, not knowing what they were thinking.

  The little friend ate something at random, and the car fell silent again. Everyone was earnestly absorbing the crystal nucleus and working hard to improve.

  Ao Chengyi drove, his face was cold, and he kept overtaking the oncoming traffic all the way.

  Lan Shiruo sat in the co-pilot, "Let’s take a while, you didn’t sleep all night last night, take a break."

  Ao Chengyi smiled at the little daughter-in-law, “I’m not tired, you will raise your spirits obediently, so we can take our son back.”

  Lan Shiruo looked at the man in front of him, reluctant to speak, with cold, aloof, and blood in his bones, but he gave their only blood, tenderness and love to their mother and son. She knew that he was angry, blaming himself, and hating himself for uselessness, but in her heart, he was only the best husband and the best father.

   shook the man’s white hand, "Let’s work hard together."

  Ao Chengyi felt the softness of his palm, and the rolling killing intent dissipated. He took his little hand and put a kiss on his lips, "Okay, work hard together."

   galloping all the way, even going to the toilet without stopping, until the night had to stop before stopping.

In the middle of the journey, Lan Shiruo consciously entered the space and saw a little yellow duck. He took it out and heard it. There were a lot of small things, such as noises outside the car, what he saw with his mental energy, and what was on the road. What kind of mountain, what kind of water, what kind of brand, what the people in the passing car said, and the two bad uncles who caught him said what they said and read them in.

The big team caught a lot of points. The car was indeed going to K city. The two men were going to sell these children to the experimental research center in K city. This was not the first sale. It had been done at least three times in half a year. There are dozens of children together. The final outcome of these children can be imagined, but it is not within their scope of concern, they only care about the benefits they obtain. It's just that the children seem to be about to cut prices now, and they want to make a few more votes now.

  There are indeed people in their dark places. I don’t know how many. They will not communicate during the shipment, just in case they are discovered by the enemy.

  Lebao completely stopped his thoughts of running away, and Lan Shiruo and the others did not dare to let him take this risk.

  The other party seemed to be afraid of long nights and dreams. Except for not daring to rush at night, they were all going at full speed at other times, so even if Ao Chengyi's speed had reached its limit, he could not catch up.

   But judging from the road conditions along the way described by Le Bao, they are not far apart.

  So, when there was a little light the next day, immediately started to drive.

  It’s just a coincidence that there was a series of car accidents ahead, blocking the road to death.

  (End of this chapter)

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