Chapter 223 223 Girls fighting

Lan Shiruo opened a bow, shot ten arrows in volley, without any arrows, but these people are not low-level, and they are all people who have lived on the edge of the knife for a long time. Most of them have been avoided. All have fears.

  The three men glanced at each other, and at the same time they threw out the electric whips, interlaced each other to form a power grid, and went over to Lan Shiruo.

  Lan Shiruo hooks her lips, and the longbow turns into a large iron tongs in the blink of an eye, and it clicks against the power grid. Don’t think that her iron tongs are useless if water conducts electricity. They have special characteristics when they are transformed. Don’t use them too smoothly.

  The three men were stunned, what the **** was this? I began to doubt life inexplicably, and my previous cognition was completely subverted.

  "Use an electric whip to restrain it up and down."

   Lan Shiruo condensed her eyebrows and set off a huge wave to form a wall of water. When the electric whip came over, the water wall stretched out countless tentacles, grabbed the electric whip and pulled it back, wrapping the three men around.

  The three men of "My Grass" quickly withdrew their abilities, turned around and ran. The water wall is like the octopus's open mouth, and the tentacles are like the octopus's feet, chasing the three men wildly.

  Miao Miao didn't want to fight with the old and weak women and children who looked weak, she rushed directly to the tall man, and the iron ball welded with sharp iron cones cut through the void and threw it out with a roar.

  Some people want to use their physical strength to resist, but they don't think that they will be broken their hands directly.

   Quickly drew out the big knife behind him and slashed.

  Metal bumps, sparks splashing everywhere.

   "Grass, are you or him a woman?" the stout man shouted, a woman who was as thin as a chicken cock, and an iron ball smashed down, almost shattering the bones of his hand.

Miao Miao grinds her teeth. Although her beauty as a woman is not obvious, she absolutely does not allow others to question, "I'm going, you are blind with soft feet, you can't see it as a woman like your Miao master, you will kill you. Grandson tortoise who can't be tough."

  The man is angry, did this woman eat **** suddenly, so fierce, who the **** can see this is a woman, he has changed sex.

  Yun Shuiyao played against a few women in their forties and fifties. I don’t know if these women are jealous of her beauty. Her eyes are particularly angry, and her hands are even more fierce. He greeted her on her face and chest.

  Yun Shui Yao was stunned. She rarely beats these people. Isn't this a bright provocation to her? Can't bear it. Let the vine directly turn into a whip, just like when the vine whipped the girls. Several middle-aged women have three abilities of Tushuimu. Tu is responsible for defense, and Mizuki is responsible for attack. However, the soil can only build a wall of soil, which is smashed by a whip of vines. The water system can't make Lan Shiruo's supernatural transformation, nor does it have a steady stream of Lan Shiruo's water abilities. It can only rely on the brutality of the supernatural person to pass the knife next to it.

  The wood element ability wanted to learn from Yunshui Yao to spawn vines as a whip, but as soon as he swung it out, he was ruthlessly torn apart, unable to withstand the slightest damage.

  A few women are so angry that they can't fight supernatural powers anymore, just go straight to the guy. Yunshui Yao smiled contemptuously, no matter what you were on, just pump it, the vines turned into countless whips, pumping from all directions.

   "Bitch, who has the ability to fight for strength, what is the trick?" Several women were drawn to the floor, shouting unwillingly.

  Yun Shui Yao smiled brightly, "Isn't my old mother what the strength is? Old slut."

  He Lian walked through the crowd, tried not to fight close to people, and found the opportunity to release cold arrows, and injured several when people were unprepared. The enemy seemed to have discovered her weakness. He secretly poked and attacked her, excited to find her flaws. As soon as she approached, the woman didn't do anything. She opened her mouth, her ears were like being caught. As if the needle pierced the eardrum, the pain was so painful that he could not wait to pass out, and his mind kept humming. "This woman is weird, please be careful."

  He Lian Xiao, everyone has always regarded her as a bully and wanted to take her hostage. This feeling is really uncomfortable. It's rare to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, how could you escape. Silent sound waves rippled out wave after wave, and everywhere they went, they all rolled on the ground with their heads in their arms. The scene was very strange.

  Han Qingquan held the spider silk in his hand, and cooperated with Sister Spider tacitly. Taking advantage of the situation, Sister Spider grabbed her face directly, scared that person yelled and stretched out his hand to pull. Sister Spider left a long time ago. The person was scratched with blood on his face. Before he recovered, he was bitten on the neck. But after a breath, the whole head was black, and he screamed and died.

  The people surrounding them were terrified, so poisonous?

Hurry up and call for the same poisonous companion, a small old man. When passers-by are wandering, keep your head down, shake one step at any time, and be able to ascend the virtues of the immortal at any time. This will raise your head, and your eyes will be hazy. His contract partner is a poisonous centipede. It was more than 20 centimeters long, with three thick fingers, lying on the shoulders of the old man, and the eyes staring at Sister Spider were equally gloomy.

  Countless feet kicked at the same time, landing on the ground, and flying towards Han Qingquan like a snake.

  Sister Spider also has a temper, and she can't be provoked, so she jumped off Han Qingquan's shoulder and fought with the centipede on the ground.

  Han Qingquan is not worried about Sister Spider, but his partner believes it. Looking at the little old man with cold eyes, she felt the same kind of breath.

  The same goes for the old man, curling his lips and showing a dark smile, "It's a pity, what a nice girl."

  Han Qingquan squinted his eyes, his figure flashed, and disappeared in place. The old man turned around quickly, and the two fought together. Han Qingquan covered the black qi on his palms, and all the stains turned into black qi and disappeared.

The little old man squinted his eyes. The ability is really gratifying. Unfortunately, although he has contracted poison, he is not a poisonous ability, but a gold ability that is useless in his opinion. The contract is forced and he likes to play. poison.

  When Han Qingquan’s poison palm struck again, the whole body was golden, avoiding the frontal attack. The poison that he lives on should be useless against the woman in front of him. Instead, use a hidden weapon. Regardless of his age and weakness, he uses a hidden weapon, comparable to Xiao Li's flying knife.

  Zhang Yun's battle is very handsome. A popsicle is tricky. Compared with other girls, her way of battle looks the most normal, and people who want to take advantage of it come around.

  Zhang Yun raised her eyebrows, the corners of her lips curled up, swept across a large area, everyone didn't take it seriously, but the place that was swept was frozen quickly, the muscles, bones, flesh and blood were completely frozen, and he couldn't move at all. Zhang Yun strode forward and knocked at the vital part. These people couldn't avoid it. The place where the knock was frozen quickly, and the fire power hurried forward to help. Although the ice was prevented, it was not strong enough to control. Many people were burned.

  Everyone has learned to be smart, and the popsicle can’t be touched, "Fire ability is on."

   Zhang Yun was not in a hurry, the popsicle was three times bigger in an instant, and she was holding it in her hand. It looked like Monkey King was pulling out the sea god's needle on the seabed, very exciting.

  When the enemy threw a fireball over, a stick slammed it back, and the stick fell on top of the head.

  A behemoth like that fell down, and everyone ran away in fright.

"Bang," Zhang Yun fell to the ground with a stick, a little disappointed. Although it was caused by her supernatural power, the weight is no different from the real big stick. It is really heavy, holding a stick that is thicker than herself. tired.

  It was a big heart this time, and Zhang Yun reluctantly shrank the popsicle, raised it up and continued to smash it.

  (End of this chapter)

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