Chapter 227 Crimes in 227K City

  The big team asked the Yun family to hide first. They waited for the chasers to come in the bright spot, and then threw a few shells, and the chasing troops left the huge area.

The Yun family took the opportunity to leave, and the city of K became chaotic due to the unexplained skyrocketing fire. The streets were full of people and vehicles fleeing. They were not eye-catching, and they went out of the city smoothly. The gate of the city had been escaped long ago. The writer made a gap and just rushed out.

  The big team is still creating chaos in the city, and the artillery is bombarding everywhere. Whether it will hurt the innocent is not in the scope of consideration. They want to flatten K. Now they just set off the cannon, which is much more merciful.

K City was insane with power, and issued several orders in a row, all without mercy, "Let the mental power superseders search the whole city, I want them to lay their wings and escape. Kill directly."


  K City’s guards, patrols, and affiliated teams were all dispatched, and the civilians were shivering in their homes.

  The big team is divided into three groups, all the way Miao Miao Yunshui Yao He Lian Zhang Yun Feng Tao Guo Zi Duan Jianghe, with a few cubs, high-profile chasing soldiers wandering around the city. All the way, Lu Chaoyang, Ding Jiajia, Han Qingquan, went to the nest where K City was in power. Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi went to the warehouse to rob.

  The young couple took the Goshawk to bring the Xiangmo brother's brother's armor. The mouse brother hunted for treasure, and the brother's dig a hole. There was a clear direction. It was easy to find the treasure location, and there was no need to worry about breaking the door. There is no need to worry about the guards. Han Jia walks directly underground to clear the way.

  When the office building in power in K City was crumbling with a bang, the young couple not only took away all medicines and medicinal seeds, but also cleaned up the inventory.


  The eagle screamed loudly and resounded throughout the city of K. This was a retreat signal.

Ao Chengyi was lifted by the goshawk and slipped into the air, overlooking the entire city of K, with a cold voice, "City K is in power and frantic, forming multiple experimental teams, using more than one-year-old children to do live experiments. The methods are cruel and bloody, causing millions of young children. He died after suffering endless torture, and his heart is deplorable. K City should pay the price for this and pay tribute to the souls of thousands of young children." The voice spread through special loudspeakers to all corners.

  Many people know the news that a child born on the end of the day contains antibodies. There are many capable and competent experimental bases that are doing experiments with children, and everyone knows that. It's just that who is doing it hasn't been disclosed to the public, and it is too **** and cruel after all to be brought to the table.

  Most people are also unwilling to contribute their children, so there have been incidents of stealing and robbing children.

  Those who lost children hated this, but they couldn’t find a place to vent, so they could only grieve themselves. Thousands of children are tens of thousands of families. In addition to the three laboratories in City K, there are also many such laboratories, which cause many millions of children and millions of families to suffer. As soon as the news comes out, regardless of whether the lost children are taken away by City K, Families who have lost children will use this as a vent. City K waits.

  K City was in power and roared in the ruins, "Kill me, kill him, kill him quickly."

Ao Chengyi shuttled in mid-air, attracting most of the chasing soldiers for his friends. Lan Shiruo sat on the general, and the wind was blowing under him. He rushed to the gate of the city as fast as lightning, and other friends were also there. Hurry to the gate of the city.

  The abilities of K city are all dispatched, all-round siege, colorful abilities flying all over the sky, and the roar of thermal weapons.

  Goshawk opened his mouth and spewed out a column of fire, the sky was dry and everything was dry, and it lit a lot of places. At this time, there was a shortage of water, and everyone could only scream and flee.

  The scene is chaotic again, and there is no place or opportunity for the supernatural person to quietly take action.

  Ao Chengyi watched the little daughter-in-law arrive at the gate of the city, and asked Goshawk to act, and the young couple made a tacit understanding.



  "Dragon and Phoenix Yin"

  The fire dragon, water and phoenix flew together, the dragons and phoenix screamed through the world, wherever they went, their abilities collapsed, or became a sea of ​​fire or a vast ocean, screaming everywhere.

  "Boom" Feng Tao carried the shells and shattered the city gate, and the large team left unhurriedly.

  Behind him, City K is struggling to survive in the double ordeal of ice and fire. It is hard to say whether there will be a security base in City K in the future.

  On the way, the little friends are very happy, and it's been a long time for them to do such a cool thing. Although I was playing a game of chasing me in the city, I didn't have much hands on it, but it also requires ability. It is impossible to escape perfectly in the dense hunting of the whole city without any ability. It's just a pity that I can't slash the enemy head-on, so I can only do small moves to collect interest, which is still too weak.

  He Lian was a little worried, "Will City K hire a team to take action against Shicheng?"

   Lan Shiruo smiled, "If he can get paid, it is not impossible."

  The little friends are happy, the eldest brother and eldest sister have emptied people’s nest?

   "Are you too many?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

  Lan Shiruo thought for a while, "a lot, enough for tens of thousands of people for two or three years."

   "Grass, making a lot of money." Feng Tao slapped Ding Jiajia on the shoulder, making Ding Jiajia roll his eyes, and when he finished, he got a disgusting glance, "Weak sissy."

  Ding Jiajia was about to roll up his sleeves immediately and couldn’t bear it, “I’ll go, brash man, do a fight.”

  Ao Chengyi frowned and swept over coldly, "Quiet." The little brow in his arms frowned, and he was very restless in his sleep. Ao Chengyi gently patted him on the back, and gathered in his arms.

  The little friend is honest, and dare not shout loudly anymore.

"This time Le Bao suffered such a serious crime. A little thing is really cheap for him." Miao Miao grinds his teeth. He is still too weak and can only fight this kind of fight and run. Unload eight pieces.

  Everyone fell silent, yeah, they are still too weak to pursue it, otherwise Le Bao will not be tied up, will not suffer, and they will not even be able to directly attack the enemy.

Le Bao woke up leisurely, opened Black Grape's eyes, saw the stinky father's cold face, his little head crooked, "Dad?" The little milk sounded softly, and the effect of the medicine was just past weakness and just asleep. Wake up confused.

  Ao Chengyi tightened some of his arms, "Well, Dad is here, Le Bao, don’t be afraid."

  The little guy's eyes rolled, and he saw the nasty face, "Mom?"

   "Mom is here, baby is safe, don't be afraid, mom and dad are here, they are all with Lebao." Reached out his hand to the little thing, and kissed the chubby face and chubby hands.

  Little Lebao was sure that she hadn't dreamed. He cried loudly with a "wow", and stretched out Fatty's hand to be hugged by his mother. "There is a bad uncle who wants to cut Lebao with a knife, Lebao is afraid."

Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi's heart was twitching and painful. Lan Shiruo took the little things into his arms, kissed, patted and comforted, "Le Bao behaved, don't be afraid, the bad uncle has been caught by his father, mother, uncle, aunt, brother, and sister. We ran away with the contracted buddies. They can no longer hurt Lebao. We have also saved many children like Lebao. Everyone is safe. We Lebao is a strong and brave good boy. No bad guys can hurt them. Yes, baby, it's okay."

  (End of this chapter)

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