Chapter 242 Chapter 242 The Leng Family

  All the way to the center of the city, I found two small warehouses, one for loading clothes and the other for storing grain. Because it is a small warehouse, the people in M ​​City are also very confident, so there are not many guards. This meeting has reached the door of Leng Changdao's house.

He Lian listened to his breath and whispered, "There are people in it, he should be his wife, children, and children. There are six in total." This is a high-end community where rich and powerful people live. There are small single-family houses. There are many people around, all of whom are hired. In order to protect the team, there is only Leng's family, except for his family, not half of them.

  For this, it adds a glorious touch to Leng Changdao’s personal design for the people.

  "Let the spider explore again, Shuiyao, let the vines surround the villa and control it in the illusion."


  Sister Spider was very fast. After she came out, she confirmed that there were only six people, four old people, one woman, one half-sized child, and no contract beasts.

   "Go in."

  Miao Miao easily broke the lock and opened the door. Duan Jianghe first went to the six-person room to put the medicine on, making sure they could not wake up, and then searched in the villa.

  Fat Mouse found two basements, one of which was full of all kinds of food and clothing, more than the three small warehouses they received. If you don’t have your own pockets, who will believe it. Any selfless image of a **** is a lie to ghosts.

  The other basement is full of mummified corpses, large and small, and there are everything in sight. The dark shadow is undoubtedly Leng Changdao.

  So many people died, don’t the six people living in the same villa really know? Every day I get along with each other, the villa is not big, a little movement can be heard in every room, Leng Changdao brings so many people back, unless it is blind and deaf, it is impossible not to know.

  Don’t guess, these six people are accomplices. The stronger Leng Changdao is, the more they get. They can discard everything for their own good life and humanity.

  The little friend’s face was dark, he took the supplies away, and put the little black beans in the muck pile, as the last trip to send these mummy corpses, as for the people in the villa whether they can escape alive, it depends on their lives.

   came quietly, and left quietly, the next destination was the office building.

  At night, there are no people in the office building, only some guards and guards.

  Throwing some small black pills in the corner, the fat mouse shook his nose on the ground, "Kicky," Big baby, there's a big baby inside. The little thing was so excited, its blood-red eyes were shining, and it has been a long time since I saw it like this. It seems that it is indeed a big baby.

The sky began to glow red, and it won’t be long before it’s dawn. "Hurry up, Chaoyang Shuiyao, Jiajia Miaomiao, Feng Tao He Lian, Guo Zizhangyun, Jiang He Qingquan, you two in a team, with four children. Staying in different positions, when you find that the guards or guards are killed directly, don't worry about being exposed. The Fat Mouse and the Nasty Armor will come with us to collect supplies, and gather at the gate in ten minutes. "They are trying to make trouble, and it is too low-key that does not conform to the original intention.


  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi led the Lebao general Xiangying Yingjia and Fat Mouse into the building from the safe passage. When they met the door lock, he directly drew his claws, and the sharp claws after the third step were sharper. After that, he raised his eyebrows at the Goshawk, and look, the same is the claw, the Mastiff's is more powerful.

  Uncle Eagle turned his face away, his hairy face was contemptuous. Its claws can grab a thousand catties of beasts, carry them in the air, and tear them into pieces. Can you stupid dog?

  The secret contest between the two spirits, the two masters don’t know, they rush forward.

  There are many guards outside, but there are no people inside the building.

  The fat mouse moves his nose, his goal is very clear, and he is not obstructed by the night at all.

  Outside the building, the five teams automatically went to different directions, took the four cubs, and walked quickly.

  "Who?" As soon as someone shouted, he was pierced by an ice thorn, pierced his head, hit the ground, and couldn't catch his eyes.

  The companion heard the sound coming out of the corner, and only felt a flash of black shadow in front of him, and there was a tingling pain in his neck, unconscious.

  Zhang Yun Guo Zi took a look at each other, took Niuniu into the corner, and some people passed by, assassinated.

On the other side, a team of guards patrolled around the office building. The last person who was walking was covered in mouth, dragged silently to the corner, and broke his neck, followed by the second one, the third one until the last one, in front. None of the people found anything unusual.

   Miao Miao Ding Jiajia guess the box, win, Ding Jiajia scissors, Miao Miao cloth. But the little girl was reluctant, grinning with white teeth, turned her head and rushed out, Ding Jiajia grinned her teeth and jumped with anger. As expected, only the woman and the villain could hardly support her.

Miao Miao was too excited, the movement was a bit loud, and he hadn't taken any action yet. The only person left turned his head when he heard the movement, and when he saw it, he almost urinated. All the friends behind him were gone, and a monster with teeth and claws leaped towards him. , Immediately yelled, "Come here, there are monsters."

Miao Miao "Grass, you are a monster, and your whole family is a monster." He carried a big iron ball and smashed it out. The man blocked it with his hand, and with a "crack", his entire arm was broken into scum. Miao Miao pinched his neck and said, "Look at your grandma, is it a monster, idiot." Using fingertips, he smashed his throat, his head drooped and died.

  The nearby guard heard the shout and rushed here quickly. Lu Chaoyang Yunshuiyao took Fang Tongtong with his hands around his chest, and stood forward, smiling as treacherously as a fox, and as enchanting as a fox, "Where are you going?"

  The guard was taken aback for a moment, and shouted, "Kill."

  Countless vines and thorns stretched, wrapped around everyone's ankles, and then slowly climbed up, entangled the whole body, and hit the guards by surprise.

  The guard was flustered, struggling quickly, and hit back with his ability. Yunshui Yao Lu Chaoyang rushed over at the right time, raised the knife in his hand, and chopped several people in a row.

  Fang Tongtong stood on the spot, her delicate little face was serious, "Uncle Lu, Aunt Yun, there are invisible beasts," she felt the invisible breath, but she didn't recover, and couldn't get out of her hands, so she could only lean against the wall without being burdensome.

The   fox combination narrowed its eyes and quickly moved through the crowd. The vines and thorns fluttered around the two of them, neither humans nor beasts could get close.

   seemed to perceive the invisible air fluctuations in the void. The two looked at each other, and the vines and thorns stretched around in a circle, wherever they went, the air was cut through, with a little **** breath, and they found it.

  The vines and thorns shrank rapidly, trapping the invisible beast in the middle. It was a civet cat, strangling it directly.

  The remaining guards could not escape in the space just now. When the two foxes turned around to clean them up, only one ended up.

  The movement here has already alarmed other guards and guards, Feng Tao, He Lian, Duan Jianghe, Han Qingquan, and Cui Zipeng and Huo Qingyun no longer hiding, and directly intercepted these people who had gathered in one place, and acted as soon as they met each other.

  The two cubs are also the main force. They don't need special protection, their faces are cold, and their hands are not soft at all.

  Outside the building, the war is in full swing.

  In the building, a family of three with their mature partners has arrived on the ground floor. The archives here are useless.

  The young couple ignored them, and followed the fat mouse down. The second floor was a laboratory with a lot of research equipment and drug materials, but no one. This is not normal. No other research room is open 24 hours a day. Even if you don't study in the middle of the night, there will be people guarding it. There is a nine-to-five life here, and there is not even a person on duty at night.

  (End of this chapter)

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