Chapter 247 246 Adsorption of Metal

  Some hesitant people behind saw this, their faces were full of horror, and they were completely rested.

  Yun Shui Yao twisted Xiaoman's waist, raised his red lips, and squirmed his voice, "Remind you, people who seek death can't be saved by immortals."

  Talking about Zhenjia clenching their fists, how did these people do it, so that only a certain circle of electricity is present? Who are they?

  Little friends, hehe, they are gods.

  Leng Changdao was angry secretly, waste, it is all waste, it is better to **** up blood early and improve himself.

  He couldn't move his feet, he could only twist his upper body to avoid it, but these **** only hit the lower body, and the ground current was also converging toward his feet, what a damn.

  Lower body: I ​​was terrified at the time.

  Thinking that this will kill him? Wishful thinking, "Today, none of you want to escape, ah" arms spread out, ten fingers into claws, a loud shout, a radius of a mile, flying sand and rocks, a group of people in the battle had to stop their movements, hands covering their eyes.

  The guys guarded the cubs in their arms, kept them in front of the girls, and watched Leng Changdao.

  The iron net was trembling in the sand and clanging, as if unable to bear a certain call, flew to Leng Changdao and gathered above his head. Not only the iron net, all the metal objects within a radius, including the metal weapons, accessories, and utensils in everyone’s hands, were all sucked away. Miao Miao’s big iron ball was naturally hard to survive. Chang Dao hovered above his head.

  Miao Miao opened her mouth and exclaimed. Before she said anything, she took a mouthful of mud and rolled her eyes, choking wildly.

Lan Shiruo squinted. This is the third ability of Lengchangdao. Therefore, it is not that some mysterious power makes the machine building unusable, but Lengchangdao secretly destroys, and the previous ability cannot be used, and then encounters an unusable vehicle. , Everyone will subconsciously think that it is some kind of invisible mysterious power, and will no longer find the problem of vehicles rationally. But even if the problem is found, there is no way to take out the maintenance equipment from the space, it is in vain.

The   big team wanted to test the helicopter at the time, but there were too many people and it was inconvenient to expose it, so they didn’t mention it again. Therefore, if they wanted to leave, there were not so many ways to do it.

Above Leng Changdao’s head, all kinds of discarded metals, weapons, vehicles, and iron nets hovered and fluttered. Leng Changdao’s claw-shaped hands gradually used force, forcing everything to fuse together. His eyes were full of madness, dull voices, which made people horrified. Laughing, "You all die" all the completely deformed metal was suddenly shaken by a force and hit everyone.

   "Build a wall." Lan Shiruo shouted, spreading her arms, transforming a transparent water cover over the head of the large team, and Ao Chengyi added a fire cover on it. Zhang Yun’s ice wall, Yunshuiyao and Lu Chaoyang worked together to build a plant wall. The four-pronged approach, the various scraps of copper and rotten iron that were also smashed over, were smashed, including the size of the seedlings. The iron ball has been integrated with other scrap iron, and it can no longer be used, Miao Miao feels heartbroken with anger.

  Taking the Xiangxiang silently on the chest, fortunately, he didn't wear the red diamond vest given by Rongde. There was a gold thread on it. Otherwise, the mastiff would be miserable.

  Goshawk shrinks its paws, but fortunately it doesn't like big gold bracelets, otherwise the eagle will be miserable.

  Feng Tao touched the big bald neck. Fortunately, he moved fast, otherwise he and Xiaolonglong would be miserable. So, these years, you must not pretend to be forced, pretending to be struck by lightning.

  Ice Toad rolled over in the crystal nest and continued to sleep. The fat mouse was spreading out in the space, his legs trembling and trembling, comfortable.

  Others do not have the ability of a large team, so it is terrible. Some people have their hands and feet broken, some have their heads blasted, and some have been smashed into meatloaf. There is no worst, only worse.

  Situ Weikui and Ni Yueping two teams died several times, half of them were seriously injured, and half were slightly injured. The only thing fortunately was that the stolen materials were hidden far away, so I was afraid that they would not be able to take care of them after a fight. It just seems to be useless now.

  Talking about Zhenjia, a group of people were slightly injured. Perhaps they were close to Lengchang Road. When things were scattered, they all flew away.

Therefore, the most serious loss was the chasing soldiers in M ​​City. One-third died, one-third was seriously injured, and one-third was slightly injured. None of them were intact. There were hundreds of people who chased them, and now there are only a few 30 people. Can move. The wounds in the body can be tolerated, but the wounds in the heart are really unbearable.

   with a face full of disbelief, staring at Leng Changdao, "Hand, take power, for, why? Why?"

  Leng Changdao’s eyes exposed are only indifferent, "Because you are too stupid."

  The leader of "Puff" couldn't stand such a blow after all, vomiting blood for three liters, lying on the ground, recklessly.

   Lan Shiruo said coldly, "Fifth-order ability."

  Leng Changdao laughed loudly, "The stinky ladies still have some insight, it's a pity."

   "Heh," the big team sneered, "We can kill all Tier 5 monsters, let alone a beast."

   "Really? Then try." Leng Changdao jumped out, lightning fast, and pounced on the big team.

  Among all the people, only this group of people are opponents, and only this group of people makes people hate, Leng Changdao can't wait to break the big team into pieces.

  In the big team, the only person whose speed is comparable to that of Leng Changdao is the general.

  Yeah said that it has been a long time since he met the opponent of the match, looking for the trail of the shadows and rushing over, staged a chase.

Lan Shiruo said in a deep voice, "Taozi, let the fog, and Shuiyao, let the vines protect everyone's backs, He Lian, find out his whereabouts, goshawk, guard the periphery, not allow it to escape, others, Prepare for war."


  The fog was filled, the little friend put on the fog mirror, and gave some of the surrounding Situ Weikui and Ni Yueping teams.

The general's level is not as high as that of Leng Changdao, and his speed is slower, but although he can't catch up, he doesn't have a chance to make a move.

  The vines extend their branches indefinitely, and each friend is like a green turtle shell on his back. He Lian's ears trembled, catching Leng Changdao's movement.

  The friends have already formed a tacit team, guarding their position.

   "Go to two."

  Miaomiao directly threw a fist, which weighed at least a thousand catties. A muffled hum was looming, and then disappeared. Miao Miao laughed, he should have hit his arm, and then kicked the middle leg next time.

  "Left one."

   Zhang Yun’s icy thorns fly out like a meteor shower, and the air on this side is icy. Wherever he went, there was a sound of breaking through the air, a drop of blood, along with the ice thorn, plunged into the soil.

   "One on the right."

  Guo Zi directly smashed out the nasty armor, flashing thunder and lightning, intertwined with silver and purple, especially conspicuous in the thick fog, "Ah"

  Leng Changdao couldn't help but scream, slowing down.

   "Approach, straight ahead, up."

  "Ao Wuzheng" will show off its sharp claws, pounce on it, leaving ten **** scratches on the back of Lengchang Road.

   "Ah" Leng Changdao couldn't help but let out another scream. He quickly raised his speed. Through the dense fog, his eyes looked in the direction of the big team with a gloomy haze, "You damn, damn."

   Take a turn and dash in the other direction.

   "Others be careful, he passed." He Lian reminded coldly.

  Everyone was shocked. In such a thick fog, they couldn't even see themselves clearly. How could they see the enemy clearly?

  Situ Weikui and Ni Yueping were crying and crying. They could see themselves clearly, but they could not see the enemy clearly either.

  (End of this chapter)

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