I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 261: 261 Lan Shiruo Arrived in the Clan Land

  Chapter 261 261 Lan Shiruo arrives at the clan land

  On the other side, the four of Lu Chaoyang finally walked out of the swamp after a whole night of tumbling and rolling, surrounded by dangers.

  Extremely tired, thinking that they would be pityed by God, but they were really lucky, and after walking out of the swamp, they encountered a miasma forest again.

  Four people, who did they offend?

   Lie down straight on the spot and compare the **** to the sky.

  After venting, he still had to act. Duan Jianghe spent the whole morning searching for suitable herbs around, but it was not very satisfactory.

  At noon, the gusty wind came as scheduled, and Duan Jianghe was surprised to find, "Look, is the miasma much thinner?"

  Lu Chaoyang nodded, "It's a lot thinner, and you can see the scenery 100 meters away."

   Duan Jianghe was overjoyed, “If we add herbs to the medicines we have now, we can overcome this concentration of miasma, but I don’t know how long the thinning can last.”

Lu Chaoyang groaned slightly, "Judging from the position, we are not far from the land of the race, and we pass through this miasma forest. But it takes at least half a day to pass through the miasma forest. The miasma obviously will not be thin for half a day, so, Next, we don't worry about it, first observe, find the most suitable time, and speed up the passage with our medicine." They are the nearest team from the race, but the road has the most obstacles.

Duan Jianghe nodded, "I take advantage of these few days to get more medicine. Even if I can't go through when we are weak, there will be enough medicine to keep us through."

  Yunshui Yao Han Qingquan sat aside to rest, let the two men discuss slowly, they were happy and leisurely. Therefore, men and women are not tired from working together. The girl who is not tired is the girl, and the guy who is happy is the mood. With this calculation, everyone is not tired.

  The four people set up a simple tent on the trunk on the spot, and observed the result, it would take a day or two.

Duan Jianghe was responsible for making herbal medicine. Lu Chaoyang observed the miasma. The two girls had nothing to do. They collapsed in the tent and counted their fingers boringly.

  The two teams stalemate in the woods, and I don’t know why, there is nothing to eat in such a large mountain range. Not only do they have to face the sneak attacks of various mutant non-mutated creatures, but they also have to endure starvation, and their little friends are desperate for this.

  Lan Shiruo and several people, led and assisted by the Black Panther, arrived at the clan land before noon the next day.

  Looking from a distance, a large area of ​​pitch-black scorched earth is incompatible with the entire mountain range.

   "It's here, nothing is left." Ao Chengyi sighed inaudibly.

  Lan Shiruo's heart is a little sour, and she doesn't know why, but she suddenly felt such an emotion, "Let's go, go down and take a look."

  The leopards hesitated and did not dare to set foot on the black scorched earth.

   "What's wrong?" Lan Shiruo asked.

  "Roar" Brother Leopard roared, there is strong pressure here, and it will be uncomfortable after entering.

  Cui Zipeng worked as an interpreter for Brother Leopard, and Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi raised her eyebrows, “Wait here, let’s see.”

  A family of three carefully stepped onto the scorched earth and felt it a bit, nothing felt.

   "General Goshawk, come and try."

  The two beasts had not experienced the feeling of being uncomfortable by the coercion, and walked in strode without hesitation at all. When they finished, they even looked down on the four leopards, which was simply fragile.


   "How is it?" Lan Shiruo asked.

  The general shook his head, "Woo" nothing happened, because the leopard is too weak.

  Lan Shiruo chuckles the dog's head funny, and then asks Goshawk, "How do you feel?"

  Goshawk fanned its wings, and didn't feel "呖".

  Lan Shiruo looks at Ao Chengyi, what do you say?

  Ao Chengyi's black eyes narrowed slightly, "You four, try again." He beckoned to let the black panther in.

  The black panther was irritated by the sight of the two beasts, and immediately walked into the black scorched land without hesitation. I wanted to endure it hard, but I was surprised to find that the previous depression and pain really disappeared.

  What's the matter with "Roar"?

  Lan Shiruo shrugged, she didn’t know what was going on, "Let’s walk to the center."

   "Mom, Le Bao has to go by himself." There is no smelly Ye Ye here, and the little thing said that older children must go by themselves.

  Lan Shiruo was not at ease. Although there seemed to be nothing in this place, it was full of charred and hard black soil, but it was inevitable that there were strange creatures. "Lebao, it's not safe here."

   "Safe, Le Bao walks by himself, Mom." The little fat man blinked and blinked with black eyes, so cute.

  Lan Shiruo said she couldn't hold it.

  Ao Chengyi slapped her son’s little dull hair, "How do you know it’s safe?"

   "Feeling." Chubby's chest was tall.

feel? If Lan Shi wanted to laugh, how old a kid would feel it?

  However, the ancestors of Lebao are buried here, and the entire Lan and Ao clan, there is only one single seedling left, how can they protect a little bit?

  Don’t blame Lan Shiruo's divine, re-lived life, always believe in something, and always feel more than others. "Let's do it, be careful not to run out of the sight of mom and dad."

   "I see, Le Bao is good." The little thing, the little milk, deserves a particularly good voice.

  Lan Shiruo shook her head and laughed, slapped her butt, and let her go.

  I don’t know if it was an illusion. After arriving here, Lan Shiruo felt very relieved, so when the little thing said feelings, she believed it. "How do you feel?" asked the man next to him.

Ao Chengyi raised his eyebrows. If you want to say it feels a little bit, he has memories, the prosperity here, the tragedy here, the desolation here, are all in his memory, "Sorry and sorrow, I can't go back. It was true before. In Xanadu, the clansmen are very harmonious, there is no careful thinking, no competition for power, and happiness."

  Lan Shiruo squeezed Ao Chengyi's hand tightly. Although she has no memory, the breath emanating from the man can feel how beautiful this place was once. "If you want, in the future, our base will be built according to the family land in your memory. I also want to see with my own eyes how beautiful it is."

  Ao Chengyi looked at her little daughter-in-law, her black eyes gleaming, "Okay, you will love it, and my son will love it too."

  It was the first time that Lan Shiruo saw her husband's emotions so obvious. He smiled and kissed Jun's face, with a pampering like he did to his son, "Listen to you." Then ran after his son.

  Ao Chengyi, touching the face with the gentle touch of the little daughter-in-law, her dark eyes gradually deepened, and she should be able to spend a wonderful night tonight.

The    family land is very large, flying around in circles, it can run for ten days and ten nights, and it is flat. There are unobservable mountains on all sides, and the cliffs fall straight down, and the goshawks said that they may not be able to fly over, but it can be seen how high it is.

  The mountain range is like a warm embrace, embracing the clan land tightly.

  When they came in, they took the winding path on the cliff that Ao Chengyi said. It was very narrow, many places had broken and fallen, and some places were crumbling. People who didn't have the courage and ability really couldn't get in.

  At noon, Lan Shiruo took out the cooking stove, ready to finish eating and tidy up before the storm hits.

  Well, noon has passed, and the afternoon is coming, there is no wind here.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi raised her eyebrows, it seemed weird.

  (End of this chapter)

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