Chapter 279 279 Holding thigh

Yunzi has always been low-key and has not been so much noticed. His old face is flushed, and he doesn’t know where to put his hands. It’s better for Mrs. Yun to be more generous. "Little brother laughed. Although we are Shuiyao’s relatives, you are everything. According to the regulations, it's all as it should be. She won't blame you, but thank you."

   "Oh, my sister-in-law is really good at talking, now I feel relieved." There is no one who is familiar with it.

  Qin Siyu is funny, these friends of Shuiyao are quite interesting.

  Yun Hengfei was very happy, he knew that aunt was the best, "Brother, is my aunt particularly good?"

   "Young Master Yun can't be called Brother, or I'm a younger generation, who can I tell you? Your aunt is a goddess in the sky, don't you say it is amazing?"

  Yun Hengfei straightened his chest and shouted, "Awesome."

  Xia Xun hooked her lips, "Yes, Maomao doesn't hurry up and hug her thighs."

  Maomao, the honest child, really stretched out two big long hands to embrace Yun Hengfei’s thigh, "Dear Hengfei, don’t forget to exaggerate Maomao with the queen."

  Yun Hengfei chuckled happily, and reached out to touch Mao Mao’s smooth cylindrical body, "Okay, I must tell my aunt Mao Mao is great."

   "Thank you dear Hengfei, let's continue now, please leave a drop of blood, walk into the door, and wait for your parents and relatives by the side."

   "Okay." Yun Hengfei is not at all afraid now, and feels as comfortable as entering his own home, and the Yun family and his party are also at ease, as long as it is not a wolf's den.

  Lugan raised his eyebrows, he was lucky, at least he could barely count as a backer.

  With Yun Hengfei ahead, the others will be much smoother.

  Maomao is a smart robot. When he saw a child who was scared, he handed a lollipop to comfort him, "Don’t be afraid, Maomao, please have candy, sweet, delicious."

  After the end of the world, these abandoned people, who have the ability to eat candy, the children immediately throw away all fears, and answer all questions about Mao Mao.

The more than 200 children brought by Yunzi are also registered one by one. These little guys are over two years old. They can walk on their own. They are not afraid of being guarded by familiar people. They can also eat sweets and not cry. Noisy, very well-behaved.

  It took more than two hours to register the basic situation. Everyone gathered in the Erdao Space, with water and stools, it was not difficult. As for the heat, it’s okay. Anyway, I’ve been used to it for so long, and I don’t care about the shaking of the earthquake. It's much more comfortable than shaking in the car.

After everyone’s inspection was over, in the third space, several sightseeing cars similar to scenic spots came. Xia Xun also pinched her broken mouth, hid behind her, and got out of the car. "Hello friends, I’m the goalkeeper Xia Xun. , I’m very glad you all came here."

  Everyone raised their eyebrows and listened to the voice of a young man. After seeing the real person, he felt younger than he had guessed. Although he was not good-looking, he was full of momentum.

  Seven cars and seven monkeys came. When Xia Xun was talking, they all rushed towards Yun Hengfei. They hung firmly and couldn't pull them off.

  Yun Hengfei was very courageous, only the first moment of fright, but Yunzi Qin Siyu was so frightened, he hurriedly stretched out his hand.

  Xia Xun laughed, "Don't worry, don't worry, these seven guys are just hugging the thighs and won't hurt people."

  It was the seven brothers Sa Bing who drove, and the monkey belonged to them. After getting out of the car, he was embarrassed and smiled, "Sorry, I scared you. The monkey cub is very cute and does not hurt people."

   Yunzi Qin Siyu retracted his hand in a jealousy, "No, no, it's just a little sudden."

  Xia Xun raised her head and chest, always remembering that she was the face of our stone city, with great momentum. If you ignore the back and pinch the hand with the broken mouth, you will be even more imposing, "Their seven brothers are the guard captains of our stone city. They are responsible for safety. The monkey cubs are their contract beasts. Don't worry. Master Yun and Everyone comes from the same place?" Gentle and polite, pretending to be high-level, and pretending to be good at bluffing people, at least this group of people's views on Shicheng have improved by more than one level.

  The seven brothers are all dumb-mouthed, just stand by and nod and smile.

"Thunder-struck **** thing, dare to do this to my old lady, and my old lady will find you to settle the account later." Xia Xun Gu pretended to be poignant, and when he was negligent, he broke his mouth and found a gap to get out of trouble, flapped his wings and slapped Xia Xun. Hengfei avoided misfortunes over his head, and even twisted his buttocks against Xia Xun.

The mouth broke suddenly, and everyone exclaimed before they realized that this was the mouth breaking that began to shout to them. When the mystery was revealed and they saw the truth of the matter, they were a little bit unclear. Heart-stuck.

  Xia Xun was smashed by a wing and all his pretences, and instantly fell from the altar, grinning with pain, and also spreading his teeth and dancing claws, "The mouth is broken, I will strip you alive."

"Scum man, deceive my old mother's feelings, coax her mind and body. When you get it, you don't know how to cherish it. He reveals his true colors. He yells at his old mother all day long, scum man." His mouth was broken into tears, heartbroken, I really feel that I was deceived miserably when I was in a broken house.

  Everyone hurriedly covered their mouths, they couldn't laugh, they couldn't laugh, the eyes looking at Xia Xun were very strange.

  Xia Xun was so angry that his face turned green. He wanted to explain, but he always felt that the description would get darker and darker.

  Forbearance, forbearance, forbearance, it's okay, continue to forbearance, pull out a difficult smile, "It's just a small accident, please ignore."

  Everyone nodded again and again, they would definitely ignore it.

   Yun Hengfei is covered with mutant beasts. These little guys act like a baby and are cute, which is especially fun.

   Yunzi suppressed a smile, "Brother Xia, you are welcome, I am how old you are. If you don’t dislike it, just shout Big Brother like Shui Yao."

   "Oh, good brother, good sister-in-law." You can't slow down and pat the horse.

Yunzi shook his head and smiled, as he understood the nature of Xia Xun, "We are more than 20 or 30 people, with more than 200 children, and these children are all rescued by Shui Yao and her friends. This The Lugan brothers met at the foot of the mountain ahead. They saved our life. They happened to come to Shicheng, so they came together."

   "Oh?" Xia Xun blinked and looked at Lugan, "This eldest brother is so nice, how sloppy, I'm really sorry, did you hear our name in Shicheng and came here on purpose?"

  Name? Lugan's mouth twitched slightly. When he met Lan Shiruo's group, he hadn't even heard of D City. "Hello Brother Xia, I ran into a team by chance. One of the girls gave me a cart of supplies and asked me to come to Shicheng to receive talented but unwilling people along the way. The more the better. This came."

Xia Xun is a smart person. He understood the meaning of it in an instant, and began to flatter again, "Oh, listening to this, it is our blue lady's handwriting, welcome, brother, I can take care of my little brother in the future. "Turning his head to greet the cute monkey cub, "Monkey One, hurry up, go and notify Lao Kong to pick up the person." Seven golden monkeys look exactly the same. No one can tell who is who, except for the owner, the girl in the mountain. With skillful hands, I gave them a small vest with big numbers embroidered on it. Monkey One is Sa Bing’s contract beast.

  Sabing patted the monkey on the head, "Go."

   "Squeak," the monkey grinned at the cloud Hengfei, a few flew, and ran away.

  Yun Hengfei did not understand what the monkey grin meant.

  Sa Bing smiled and explained, “It’s smiling at you, let you wait for it.”

   Yun Hengfei was happy, "Really smart."

  (End of this chapter)

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