Chapter 298

  Lan Shiruo took the lead, "Where are you from, why you burned the city, and honestly explain, it will give you a chance to survive."

The little boss is a sluggish man. He is not very capable, and he has a lot of counsel. There is no need to intimidate him, so he confessed himself, "I, we are from Q city, and this place is under the jurisdiction of Q city. Because of the outbreak of the disease, I had to burn the city to prevent it. The disease has spread. These are all orders from above. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just a handyman who doesn't know anything. Really, let me go."

   Lan Shiruo squinted, "You haven't done such a thing less, have you?"

The leader waved his hands again and again, very sincerely, "No, no, no, this is the first time, really the first time, hero, heroine, let me go, I will never dare to do it again, I will definitely reform and re-behave. , Do good deeds and do good deeds every day, please let me go and don’t dirty everyone’s hands.”

  The little friend rolls his eyes, who cares if you do good or bad things.

  "How did these people's illnesses come from, and have they been cured?"

"I don't know how it came. These are wastes like rubbish. They stay in the **** all day. It's normal to get sick. Who would spend time and energy to treat them with medicine? Now everything is precious. Give them back. It's better to give away people for supplies. These people are just waste anyway, and they don't die anyway." The leader confided a little, but he likes to tell the truth. This is an advantage.

The people in the small town vomit blood, but they can’t find a rebuttal. Yes, they are all useless waste. They were abandoned and driven to the small town to die. In order to survive, they wandered in various garbage dumps every day and got sick. It is normal, and no one will care about them and spend materials, time and energy for them.

  It’s just that, even if they know, they still feel uncomfortable when they hear these words. Who wants to be a useless person, who wants to be trampled on, who wants to live like a zombie, but what can they do, what can they do?

  A group of people even forgot the pain on their bodies, they just cried in grief.

The little friends frowned, their sympathy is not overflowing, the world is difficult, everyone is difficult, this is not an excuse and reason for self-willing to fall, as long as there is hope, pursuit, and belief, there is more than just a way of living through the garbage heap. .

  It’s just that Q City’s approach also makes people feel chilling and angry. The places and people under their jurisdiction are so abandoned. If something happens, it will be destroyed directly, which is too cruel.

  If there are too many people like this, the Dragon and Phoenix team has the ability to reach the sky, and it will be difficult to save the common people.

  So, if you meet one, you have to clean up one, and remove obstacles for your future career.

"Please help us, all kind people." An old man with a gray beard, pleated face, panting for three steps, pustules all over his face, exuding foul smell, only a pair of eyes that should have been cloudy are exceptionally bright .

  Seeing this, the others seemed to have grabbed the life-saving straw and jumped on their knees and prayed.

  The little partner was unmoved, watching everyone crawling on the ground with cold eyes, crying and begging.

  Lead the slumped mouth, "These are cheap bones, heroes, women, don't pay attention to them, otherwise they will be like dog skin plasters, they will not stick to them."

   Zhang Yun swept over coldly, "You are also a prisoner, where can you go."

   led the smirk, but did not agree with Zhang Yun's words. He is a useful prisoner, unlike this group of garbage.

  Lan Shiruo stared into the old man’s eyes with an indifferent expression, “They shouted and screamed at us in the morning. Why do you think that we will save you all without prejudice?”

The old man sighed helplessly, "I know, it's all our fault. Everyone feels sorry for themselves and even hates all those who have a good life. Now they are still sick, waiting for death day by day without hope, hating the whole world, but extremely Unwillingness, so distorted heart. Seeing the people not only had a good life, but also brought the source of the virus that they guessed, jealousy and resentment broke out at the same time. Regardless of it, it is everyone's fault to anger them, but I beg you, give us One chance, help us, and we will repay you as oxen and horses."

   Lan Shiruo sarcastically, "Repay? You are all the people who were expelled and gave up on your own. What repay you talk about? How to repay? I don't think that the walking dead can repay the kindness of others."

  The old man choked and couldn't find any rebuttal, let alone excuse. Yes, it is not terrible to be expelled, what is terrible is self-giving up.

  He has persuaded countless times that those who have walked into the ivory tower, and those who complain about the world in it can’t listen at all, sinking down day by day, and can’t get out anymore.

  My heart sinks a little bit, but after all, I still can’t escape the catastrophe.

   Lan Shiruo said lightly, "I think Lao Xian lives very well, why not abandon them and find a way to survive?"

  The old man sighed faintly, "My family was kicked out of the base because of disability. It was the big guys who helped them to make them walk decently. Everyone helped me. I can't be ungrateful and ignore them."

   "Really?" Lan Shiruo's expression was light, unable to hear any emotions, "What did the old man do before?"

Speaking of the past, the old man cherishes and regrets, "I used to be an ordinary professor at the Agricultural University. I should retire and enjoy life, but I didn't expect it to usher in the end times. I didn't do much in my life, so I can only do this." The unwillingness implied in it proves that he still has a heart full of passion and ambition, but conditions do not allow it, and all dreams and pursuits can only be buried in his heart.

  Lan Shiruo raised her eyebrows, “I’m a professor. If you want to come here, the old man should have a good understanding of agriculture. I don’t know if you have any ideas on the research of new species?”

Speaking of majors, the old man flashed light all over his body, "Don’t hide it from the girl, although I am a professor, my ambition is not to teach students, but to do research on new species. After retiring, I can concentrate on studying how many things I have. This self-developed project is all initially effective. It’s no use to think of it. Forget it. It’s useless to say more. In the current situation, it’s useless to say anything.” He has such a hobby in his life. He used to be poor and worked hard. Make money and support your hobbies. Later, I had money and no time, and I taught students in school all day long and took them to do subject experiments. Later, when there is time and no conditions, he may die, and his dreams will not be realized.

   "Not at all." Lan Shiruo smiled, "It depends on whether the old gentleman has this ability."

  The old man raised his head in surprise and looked at Lan Shiruo, "What does the girl mean?"

  "Literally, if the old man is really capable of learning, I can give the old man a chance to realize his ambition, but we never raise idlers, let alone raise waste."

  The "I" old man hesitated. He wanted to try. No matter whether the girl in front of him said it was true or false, he wanted to try. He was a dying person and was not afraid of being deceived. It's just that if you just leave like this, what will the others do?

  After hesitating several times, she said, "I am willing to follow the girl and dedicate my decades of research results, but I don’t know if the girl can satisfy my unrelenting invitation?"

   Lan Shiruo calmly said, "Talk about it."

   "Ask the girl to heal them and give them a chance to survive."

   Lan Shiruo stared at the old man, "Is it just a cure?"

The old man pursed his lips, and firmness flashed across his old face, "Yes, it's just a cure, do your best. Whether you can take care of your life or not, of course, it is the best to be able to heal, and how you live after you get better depends on them. All I can do is ask the girl for a chance."

  (End of this chapter)

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