I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 302: 302 The Misfortune of Xu Quanfu

  Chapter 302 302 The miserable Xu Quanfu

  The dragon and phoenix team in the rumors can simply fly into the sky. He Xu Quanfu doesn't believe in evil, and only knows if people are pulled out by ghosts.

   "Since it is the Dragon and Phoenix team, call it out and see how capable you are, lest you die."

  Wang Hu angrily, "What are you, you dare to compare with our boss. If you want to see the boss, I will talk about it after you have passed the level of Lord Tiger and brothers."

   "That's right, let's talk about it after we pass this level." Thousands of people, all of them crusade in unison.

  Xu Quanfu blushed with anger and his neck was thick, "Ignorant idiot, I will let you die to understand."

  The words fell, and he drew a knife to take Wang Hu's life, and the ignorant ants dared to yell at him, knowing nothing about life or death.

  Xu Quanpay is a fourth-order speed ability mutation, so it can be eaten so well in Q city.

  Wang Hu looked at the big knife slashing his head, and his face was pale in fright. He is only a third-order soil ability, how can he compare to a fourth-order speed ability, seeing a sharp blade coming like the wind, there is no time to respond.

   Instinctively quickly built a wall of soil, which could be blocked by a single slash.

  The earth wall formed in a panic. It was just the tofu dregs project, which turned into **** after a single cut. There was no chance to withstand the second critical attack. Wang Hu hid in a panic, before catching a breath, the big swords continued to fall one after another.

  Wang Hu can only continue to hide by rolling and crawling, and there is no chance to fight back at all.

  Xu Quanfu despised, waste is waste, he has no ability to do so, his hands become more arrogant, teasing Wang Hu, just teasing mice with cats.

  Wang Hu gritted his teeth and waited for Wang Ye.

Upon seeing this, thousands of people from the past gathered around. They were low-level and tried to make up the number with their heads to save their heads.

  Xu Quan Fu squinted his eyes, not knowing whether to live or die. "Come on to me."

Like Xu Quanfu, the teammates behind him are arrogant and accustomed. They don’t look at the Thousands of People at all. They are Tier 3 collectively, and they are all extremely fierce attacking abilities. A rare team in the world has this kind of capital. Arrogant.

  It’s not futility to play against the Thousands of Legends. Don't talk about people, the zombies of Thousand Lai have dealt with them before.

Wang Hu narrowly escaped his life, shrinking behind others, breathing heavily, carelessly, he won't lose too badly in the third-tier vs. fourth-tier, but he lost the first opportunity and let Xu Quanfu Lise, hum, wait, Wait until he has enough rest and see how he takes revenge.

  The little boss sneaked in secretly and approached Wang Hu, "Head, what's going on? Are you really leaving Q city, going to Laoshizishicheng, and mixing with the Dragon and Phoenix team?"

Wang Hu turned his head, this little subordinate, who has been with him for almost half a year, has the same urination as him, is flattering, and afraid of death. He didn't expect to dared to rescue him this time. Unexpected.

"For your kid's good work this time, don't blame your master for not giving you a chance. Follow the Dragon and Phoenix team to eat and drink spicy food in the future. If you are unhappy, you should hurry away, lest you lose your life in time. People who praised Haikou in front of us will not ruin their good deeds because of you."

  The little boss's thoughts have changed rapidly, and the change is too fast. He doesn't know who is the best choice to follow. "Head, the Dragon and Phoenix team is just rumored to be powerful. We don't know if it's true. There is also Shicheng, which is a small place where birds don't shit. Is it really good? Or, would you consider it again?"

"Huh, there's nothing to consider," Wang Hu pushed away the little boss, "Anyway, the Lord is given the opportunity. Do you want to decide for yourself? When you finish cleaning up the surname Xu, if you don't think about it, don't blame the Lord. Heartbroken." When the words fell, he rushed into the crowd and surreptitiously approached Xu Quanfu, who was besieged by the number one hundred. He wanted to attack.

  The little boss grinds his teeth secretly, his mind is rushing, but he still can't find a point, let himself make up his mind.

  Xu Quanfu’s team had a total of more than 40 people, and was besieged by nearly a thousand people.

  Thousands of people are also talented, and they have not faced the enemy head-on. They find the right opportunity to fight on wheels in an attempt to exhaust these people.

  Xu Quanfu and his teammates were vomiting blood with anger, and the things that couldn't be on the table are just like mice in the stinking ditch. They only know how to hide, which is really disgusting. He made a fierce and desperate attack, and couldn't lose his face because of the smelly mouse in the gutter and spread it out. They would still mess around in the future.

Wang Hu is really Yin, shuttles in the crowd, reduces his presence as much as possible, sees the opportunity to dig holes for Xu Quanfu and his teammates, otherwise he will come to the ball, how to stumble and how to come, anyway, just not let them. There is a chance to stand firm.

  Xu Quanfu and his teammates are almost depressed, these people are so sinister.

  The time was right, Wang Hu went straight to Xu Quanfu, slammed a ball over, and aimed at Xu Quanfu's forehead.

  The earth ball was as hard as a rock, and Xu Quanfu was as fast as lightning, and it was difficult to escape under the containment and restraint of the one hundred and ten. For a while, he was dizzy and his nosebleeds spurted wildly.

  Xu Quanfu was embarrassed.

  Boss of teammates, stand up, we will rescue you as soon as possible.

  Wang Hu shook his hips happily, "Grandson, let's see how your nostrils are upside-down, no one looks at you."

   "Damn it," Xu Quanfu roared, using the speed ability to the extreme, trying to break through the siege and shatter Wanghu's body.

  But two fists are hard to beat four hands. Thousands of people also have speed abilities. Their level is not as high as Xu Quanfu, but they are better than the number. At the same time, Xu Quanfu can only beat his chest and yell at the bastard.

  Wang Hu saw the right time and continued to smash, and from time to time, he digs a hole. Xu Quanfu did not pay attention to it, and his ankle was broken.


  I felt aggrieved.

  Xu Quanfu's painful, limping opponent, his teammates, helpless, can only watch the boss sad and desperate.

  Wang Hu was so happy that his hair was rustling, "Sun Zha, look at your grandpa Wang’s death to the world."

   "Boom Boom Boom" crashing loudly, people could not help but clench the back teeth, feeling very painful.

  Xu Quanfu's nose and face are swollen instantly, don't be too miserable.

  Wang Hu was overjoyed, "Brothers, come on and kill them. Let's go on a happy life."


Thousands of people’s team is very powerful. Although they are disabled, it does not prevent them from seeing the light. They also have a full sense of accomplishment. This is one of the best teams in the Q market. It’s an existence that I didn’t dare to think of before. It's really cool to hit under the soles of your feet.

Xu Quanfu’s front teeth were smashed, and the blood in his mouth and face was horrible. Both eyes were so swollen that only one seam could be seen. The other team members didn’t seem to be very good either. They either had missing arms or legs, or spurted blood frantically. None of them were. Intact and sound.

Xu Quanfu was a little bit square in his heart and roared angrily, "Don’t forget, we are from Q City. Those of you who have lived in Q City don’t know what kind of place Q City is. Don’t think you can get Q if you kill us. How about the city, just wait for death. Now it’s still too late to turn around, and I can still intercede in front of the base commander, otherwise, the gods will not be able to save you."

  Wang Hu and the brothers behind him dismissed it. Of course, they knew where Q City was. It was because they knew that they were determined to leave. Staying in a place where it will die sooner or later, and there is no bright future, it is better to find a way out again. With good luck, they can fly to the top in this life, and the worst is death. They have died countless times, and they are afraid of being a bird.

  (End of this chapter)

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