I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 310: 310 Zombie Scheming to Attack the City

  Chapter 310 310 Zombies conspiracy to attack the city

   Lan Shiruo raised her eyebrows, "Let’s find a place where no one is." Although they are invisible, outsiders can still hear their movements. There are only few people here, not no one.

  The little friend nodded and walked towards the alley.

  He Lian is sure that there is no one here, and all the talents show up.

   "Talk about it," Lan Shiruo said.

  He Lian spit out stale air and suppressed his anger.

"What I heard was the conversation that Hu Feng was looking for at the place where the goods were delivered. From their words, I know that the blood of the supernatural being contains supernatural powers. As long as the supernatural being ingests it, it can increase its own abilities. Known by everyone, and just like the incident of antibodies in the bodies of children born on the day of the end of the world, many people, in order to earn money and earn a living, capture supernatural persons everywhere, imprison them in captivity, and sell them to people in need at a high price for them to eat. They are. Call the captured abilities the prey, the higher the prey level, the more supplies they get. Almost everyone in L City is doing this business, but the difference is how much they do, Hu Feng and the group , Can be regarded as the best in it. Some people have found that the blood of the abilities is faster than the absorption of the crystal nucleus, so the buyers are almost all over the state and the country. This is a shortcut to become stronger, and there are many people who go."

  The little partner couldn’t help cursing, too, really frantic.

  Lan Shiruo had expected it, and had experienced it for a lifetime. There was resentment, but it was not as exposed as her little partner. "Since we have encountered it, we will naturally be destroyed. This time, we are no longer just hiding in the dark, looting a little material, and those who should pay the price can't let it go. Therefore, the warehouse is handed over to Wang Hu and the others. , It just so happens that they are also willing to do this, we go directly to the leadership team of L City and the people involved in this matter, one of them counts as one."

  My friends have no objection, it's time to make good activities.


   A sudden scream, sounded without warning, but instantly let L City go to extinction.

  The little friends who haven't acted yet, does anyone want to go with them?

"what happened?"

  He Lian hurriedly stretched his ears to listen, frowned slightly, "There are zombies attacking the city."

  "Or should the inside and the outside be combined?" Is it too ridiculous? Even if zombies give birth to spiritual wisdom, they will not do such a high-level intelligence thing inside and outside, right? He Lian suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, or maybe the caller was frightened and stupid.

  Other friends are also a little confused, should the zombies join forces to attack the city? With whom should we cooperate with each other? With humans or with the same kind?

  "Any other news?" Lan Shiruo asked. Gao Lingzhi's zombies, she has seen them, but they have to be pushed back for several years. They appear now, isn't it too early?

   "Yes," He Lian said uncertainly, "It seems that someone is picking up prey and picking up the zombies, and then there is now a close match between the inside and the outside."

  Little buddy, this is much more shocking than the previous news.

   "Zombies don't attack humans, let them pick themselves up? They were also picked up at the river beach? The river beach also affects the zombies?" He Lian just shrugged and said that he didn't know.

  The outside is chaotic. There are a lot of zombies picked up, and they will be picked up as human zombies. They are absolutely intact and can reach at least Tier 6.

  A group of Tier 6 zombies, enough to quietly destroy a city, not to mention there are foreign aids. It seems that the doomsday of L City does not need to be given by the Dragon and Phoenix Team.

"If zombies can be disguised as human beings and mixed into the city, they must be led by a high-spirited species. Generally, places with such a high-spirited species must have formed a large scale, commanding a large number of carrion zombies. This time L City is doomed to escape. We don't need to take action. However, we can't let go of the zombie power." Lan Shiruo said calmly.

  The little friend raises his eyebrows, which is more challenging than doing human beings.

   "What do we need to do?"

"The power of zombies should not be underestimated. We must not take it lightly. We must unite the forces that can be united so that Wang Hu will gather all the detained people and be ready to take action at any time. It will be wasted. Chaoyang and Shuiyao, you should go back and inform Wang Hu. By the way, check the situation again and pay attention to safety."


  The two left, Lan Shiruo took the other humans and beasts and walked out of the alley.

  The entire city of L is in a frantic escape. There are many zombies in the city, hidden in the crowd, making people hard to guard against.

   At the gate of the city, countless zombies are attacking the city. The leadership team of L City is either thinking about how to escape for their lives or how to accumulate money. Few really make suggestions for the safety of L City.

  Fat Mouse led the way, and a group of people rushed through the city. They didn't meet anyone and found the warehouse smoothly.

  Everyone is in danger at this time. The warehouse guard just wants to survive, but the demand for supplies is not very strong, and he ran away early.

  But there are still people in the warehouse who are trying to rob, just like the big team.

  The two teams confronted, and the other side scolded with a cold face, "Who are you, do you know where this is? Who allowed you to come in, hurry up and get out."

  The man who was speaking was a forty or fifty-year-old man. He was full of momentum and leadership style. He was followed by thirty or forty subordinates. If the target was not Lan Shiruo, they might be bluffed away.

  Ao Chengyi directly smashed a ball of fire. Their time is precious, so how can they have the time to play with these people.

  The man didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant, he would do it if he didn't agree with him.

   quickly avoided the fireball and yelled, "Go."

   Thirty or forty people rushed out from behind and went straight to the big team.

  The little friend sneered and greeted him.

  Ao Chengyi squeezed her little wife’s hand, "Go and collect, I'll watch."


  Lan Shiruo ignored the cannibalistic eyes of the man opposite, calmly walked to the material, waved his hand, no dust was left.

  The man was angry. Before he could even react, the supplies were taken away.

  What kind of space is so big?

   "Look for death, hand over things." Red eyes rushed to Lan Shiruo.

  Ao Chengyi threw the chain of fire, hooked the man's neck, and pulled back suddenly.

  The man couldn't escape at all, he was wrapped up, and fell back uncontrollably, hitting the ground, dizzy, blood surged, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

  Ao Chengyi stepped forward and stepped on the man’s neck. With a "click", the man was breathless.

  The man's subordinates were also easily cleaned up by his friends.

  Ignoring these corpses, the big team quickly rushed to the next warehouse.

  They are fast, and they have collected several complete ones. They also solved the problem smoothly and easily when they encountered robbing of supplies.

  It's just that there are still some small warehouses, which were emptied before they went.

   "It's almost there, let's go back."

  L city, has been attacked by zombies, the city has become a purgatory, the streets and alleys are screaming and fighting, blood is covered in the ground, and it emits dazzling red under the scorching sun.

  The big team took a casual look, and the zombies didn't seem to be killed.

  Too late to think, ran back to the place where the prey was closed.

  It’s a miracle that there was no attack here.

  The people in the small black room have been released, they have been relieved of their cigarettes, have eaten, and are mostly healed.

  Everyone sat together in a group with different looks.

  "What's your situation?" Lan Shiruo asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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