I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 313: 313 Entering the Zombie City

  Chapter 313 Chapter 313 Entering the Zombie City

Lan Shiruo sighed secretly, "After I go back, organize a few more teams to patrol in turn every day to search for less-traveled places." A hundred miles, or even farther away, they didn’t let it go. They didn’t want to be the next L city. It takes more time.

  My friends agree very much, otherwise they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

  The zombies have already entered the city with their prey. The breath of strangers makes most of them lack the wisdom and can only rely on the instinct to bite the rotten corpses, becoming irritable. The roaring one after another made everyone tremble.

  This feeling of being wrapped in carrion zombies is really bad, as if the blood has stopped flowing all over, for fear that these corpses will come over and swallow them alive.

  The strong smell of corpse made people tumbling in the stomach. After several days without eating or drinking, they could only retching.

  The face of the big team is not very good either, there are more than they thought.

   "At least one hundred thousand." He Lian whispered, "The level cannot be judged. There are not only carrion zombies, but also rotting beasts, birds and beasts."

  The heart of everyone is slightly cool, they are only a thousand people, even if you add the disabled people outside, they are still crushed in number.

  Wang Hu’s heart babbled, he danced so fast, he felt that he was floating this time.

  But the responsibility of being a man and the admiration of the Dragon and Phoenix team did not allow him to shrink.

  Nie Liangbao hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was too late to leave.

  The hesitation dissipated when only looking at the Dragon and Phoenix team. In the Dragon and Phoenix team, even the one or two-year-old kid was calm and calm, and he couldn't persuade him.

  One or two-year-old kid Hasbro said that he has Xiao Feifei, running fast and flying high.

  Lan Shiruo gave her fat son a kiss, and looked at the four cubs, “Your task is to protect yourself. The five people must stay together and cannot be separated, and none of them can be less, understand?”

   "Understand, Aunt Lan, rest assured, we will protect Brother Lebao." As the boss, Cui Zipeng is very responsible and stable.

Lan Shiruo rubbed his head, "Be good, Le Bao has Xiao Feifei, you are the most important thing to take care of yourself, and at the same time guard each other's backs, you are a whole, no one without anyone, remember. "

   "We remembered, Aunt Lan, don't worry."

  "All good children." The situation here is beyond expectation. Lan Shiruo originally thought that there were no more than 10,000 people, but now she regrets taking the cubs into the tiger's den.

  "Give Tan Chong to them." Ao Chengyi suddenly said, and Lan Shiruo and her friends were stunned. Is this okay?

  Ao Chengyi squeezed her daughter-in-law’s hand, "You have to trust them."

  The boys are the happiest. They have always wanted to do something for the big team, but the uncles and aunts guarded them so well that they had no chance to show off.

  After finally getting the opportunity, I naturally had to win it and said hurriedly, "Yes, Aunt Lan, we can, you believe us." The four cubs looked over together, their small eyes gleaming.

  "Mom, Le Bao is great and can protect Grandpa Tan." The little thing rubbed his fat face on Lan Shiruo's face, his big dark eyes blinked and blinked, and his little eyes looked very sincere and hopeful.

   Lan Shiruo pinched his fat face, he should really try to believe them once. "Okay, Leopard brother, can you carry two people?" Just in case, the panther rides faster.

   "Roar" is no problem.

   The mutated Panther is very big. Although it can't keep up with the expanded general, it is not much different from the reduced Xiao Fei. The body is strong, the limbs are strong, and it is not a problem to carry three or four hundred catties.

   "That's good, Uncle Tan, rest assured to follow a few bastards, we will pay attention to it at any time, don't worry."

Tan Chong waved his hand, once or twice, the continuous day and night bumps made Tan Chong a little weak, but his mentality was good, "I believe them, you don't have to worry about me. "Although the dream is not fulfilled and there are regrets, but death is not afraid of, he has been dead several times. What's more, during this period of time with the Dragon and Phoenix team, he had a very comfortable life. He might not be able to study his own ideas if they were handed over to interested parties, so he didn't need to make them personally.

  Lan Shiruo smiled, "Don't worry, no one will die. We are still waiting for your research results. It is up to you to eat good fruits and vegetables in the future."

   Tan Chong smiled and waved his hand, not forcing it.

  Lan Shiruo smiled and turned to look at Wang Hu and Nie Liangbao and his party, “We will equip you with weapons. You only need to deal with carrion, and you don’t care about zombies, save your life.”

   "Okay." They know their abilities are limited and can't help much, so they can only help a little bit if they try not to delay them. With the support of the Dragon and Phoenix team's weapons, one more chance of winning.

After entering the city, the team of zombies did not stop and went straight to the city center for another half an hour. They were thrown into a large shopping mall. Outside the shopping mall was full of zombies and rotting corpses, grinning at them, and in their gray eyes, Can still see the greedy intentions, should really want to tear them.

Most of the people in L City were arrested. One-tenth died on the road. Seventy to eighty thousand were still alive. Among them, forty-five thousand were disabled. Most of the intact people were so scared that they could not walk and were picked up. Yes, this will cry a lot.

  Lan Shiruoyuan still wants to unite all the forces that can be united, but according to the current situation, there is no force to unite.

  I just hope that these people don’t hold back.

   winked at Wang Hu and Nie Liangbao and asked them to take people to a quiet place.

  The two understood, and led the people and the Dragon and Phoenix team to the staff passage of the mall. There was no glass wall here, and how other people were thrown in, how they collapsed on the spot and didn’t move. It was very quiet.

  Lan Shiruo each gave a charge and bullets, and also gave countless small black pills made by Ding Jiajia. It has been slightly improved. It does not need a remote control and just hits the ground directly. The power will be smaller, so as not to injure herself.

I also took some remote control. The weaker zombies did not dare to fight face-to-face, but they could run after throwing them. This kind of little black pill can prevent Tier 4 mutant beasts from moving to the maximum, and can also blow up their bones. Life-saving is good.

"It's getting dark. They shouldn't **** all of us tonight, so we still have time. We will wait for tomorrow to start after dawn. After you go out, don't stop, keep running out, take out the carrion, and we will stop it. Zombie. I left the car outside the city. I didn’t care about it. I don’t care about other people, but you are a thousand people, I hope there are not many of them. Also, don’t let me know anyone who uses a companion to back up for their own lives. ,Understand?"

   "Understood." Thousands of people nodded.

   "Boss, should I pick some powerful ones to stay and help?" Wang Hu himself is a Tier 3 ability, and he can't deal with Tier 4 zombies by himself, but a few people can still deal with it together.

   "I can stay," Nie Liangbao said, "I have a Tier 3 rain ability, which is quite special. I didn't feel embarrassed to expose it before, but now I think it should be able to come in handy."

   "Rain ability?"

  Everyone was stunned, is there such a power?

  Nie Liangbao hooks his lips. For this reason, it seems that he has not found the same ability as himself. It feels too eye-catching, so he has never exposed it, even his previous teammates have not said it.

  (End of this chapter)

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