Chapter 315 315 mighty chariot

  The zombies who were madly afraid of roaring and rotting gradually calmed down. They were not afraid of the daytime, but they were very annoying, and their spirits seemed to be melancholy.

  Lan Shiruo kissed the little boys, "protect yourself obediently, and go out of the city if something goes wrong, you know?"

  The cubs nodded, "Don't worry, Mom, Lebao will protect his brothers and sisters and Grandpa Tan." The little thing patted his chest, not scared at all, but rather excited.

   "Aunt Lan, don't worry, I will take care of everyone." Cui Zipeng is steady, and looks much more reliable than Lebao.

  Looking at his mother’s relieved little eyes, Xiao Lebao was too dying and suffocating. When he grows older, he will be able to make his parents believe in him just like Zipeng's brother.

Lan Shiruo smiled, "I know you are the best, go, be careful, don't get caught." Turning around and nodding to Tan Chong, "Uncle Tan protect himself, there are grenade and Xiaohei in his backpack. Maru, follow a few bastards, if there is an accident, you can use these things to save your life."

  Tan Chongxiao, after a night’s rest, his spirits improved a lot, “I know, don’t worry about me, I can’t help a few bastards, and I won’t mess with them.”

   After some instructions, the five cubs quietly went upstairs with the five beasts. Tan Chong nodded to Lan Shiruo and the group and followed behind. They were going to the rooftop of the big shopping mall.

  No carrion has been lost in the big shopping mall for the time being, so it is relatively safe. Others didn't have the time to deal with them, and the zombies outside didn't understand them. Anyway, as long as they were in the mall, they couldn't do anything.

  When the sun shed the first rays of sunlight, Ao Chengyi took out the chariot that helped Rongde retreat from the enemy, and improved it. The power, speed and defense have doubled, and the shape has become more majestic.

   There are hundreds of vehicles as soon as they are released, each of which can accommodate dozens of nearly hundreds of people.

  Thousands of people looked very excited, which man does not love cars, especially cool chariots.

  Rao is that the shopping mall is big enough, so many cars appear, but also crowded, and even squeezed down a lot of partition walls, but fortunately, it does not affect the main body.

  The shocking picture, the crying and desperate person looked dumbfounded, and even forgot to cry. What are these? How did it appear? What are you doing here?

  The chariot appeared, and the movement was not small, naturally it also alarmed the zombies outside, but they didn't understand. The movement will only make them irritable, and then roar, showing their desire for strangers.

Lan Shiruo looked around, using enough people in the mall to hear the sound, and said, "I will give you a large truck. If you want to leave, get in the car and run behind the line by yourself. But after going out, our people don’t It will protect and rescue. It is your own responsibility for life or death. Think about whether you leave yourself." Waved and released an ultra-large truck that can normally accommodate thousands of people, but it can hold three or four thousand people in a crowd.

  The only little space was filled with large trucks. Everyone was crowded in the corner, with different expressions and surprises.

  If Lan Shi doesn’t think how many people are willing to leave, one car is enough.

  Sure enough, many people expressed dissatisfaction with that sentence of life or death. Why did they encourage them to go out, and regardless of whether they were alive or dead, they would not go out to find death and set others as living targets. They were not stupid.

  Lan Shiruo sneered, people are like this, selfish and cowardly, save others by oneself, never look at others with kind eyes. Also, what kindness is there in this world, selfishness can live long. "You have three minutes to think about it. It's not out of date. Wang Hu, let everyone get in the car."

   "Yes." Wang Hu was very excited. He and Nie Liangbao divided the thirty or forty people who remained with them into two teams, each leading a team and driving a chariot, and the other chariots were divided among the other brothers.

   Team up, jump into the tank, and wait for an order to act.

  The inside of the chariot is not exciting from the outside. It is spacious and comfortable, with plenty of ammunition, high-end top-of-the-line equipment, and it can walk sideways wherever it is.

  People who are still hesitant are entangled, whether to leave or not, they will die if they stay, but it is unknown to leave.

  If you are unlucky, you will die before you go out, but if you stay, you can die later.

When most people weighed the pros and cons, one person finally moved. This man had a broken leg, had not been treated for a long time, had been infected, inflamed, and even decayed. In addition, the bumps and toss of the past few days and nights made him lose. Half-life. To live till now, depends on one's own good quality, young and resistant to creation. It's just that the high fever and pain let him know that it won't be long before he will die, and he will die without waiting for being sucked by the zombie.

  Now is the only chance. He made a desperate bet that he will make a profit if he goes out, but he will not lose money if he dies. He immediately jumped into the cab and said, "I'm leaving."

   There are two, and nearly a thousand people jumped into the car, all wanting to take a gamble.

  This operation made those who had been determined not to leave began to waver.

  It’s just that Lan Shiruo didn’t give them another chance.

  The sky is already bright, the sun rises, and a new round of scorching the earth begins.


   With an order, the chariot turned into a semicircle, smashed into the glass wall, cleared the way with artillery, and bombarded the front and the left.

  The artillery is powerful, and one shot out can blast hundreds of carrion zombies, and those close to it can directly blast into scum. The muzzle is on the roof of the car and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. The chariot moves forward at full speed.

  The post-dawn war has started completely. This battle is also the real first battle between humans and zombies.

  The chariot was rumbling forward, and everything it passed was crushed into thin slices, and the artillery roared. It shocked not only the sight but also the sense of hearing and inner touch. Many people were inspired by this picture.

  The zombies and decayed corpses were caught off guard, but they didn't know what the fear was. They only knew that there were strangers out of the suppression range, and they could eat.

  "Wow" roared forward, like moths fighting a fire, magnificent and decisive, but before they got closer, they had been bombarded into scum.

  The people in the chariot blushed with a thick neck. It’s been a long time since they played so happy, no, they’ve never been so happy.

  The truck saw the right time and drove into the encircling circle of the chariot. In an instant, the chariot merged the semicircles to form a full circle. It moved forward at full speed, bombarded from all directions, and met the gods and the Buddhas along the way, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

  Countless carrion zombies rushed away, chasing them like crazy, yelling, and flaring their teeth and claws.

  The faces of the people sitting in the truck were pale and extremely excited. They only wanted to hurry up, and hurry up, as long as they were out of the city, they would be safe.

  Looking at the chariot, their hearts were fierce. They envied the people sitting in the chariot.

  The people who stayed in the mall were envious of them. Looking at such an airtight cover, everyone regretted it and knew that they should also go up. But now I want to catch up, but I dare not. I can only look back and look at the big team with enthusiasm, the only life-saving straw.

  The big team ignored them and was not afraid of them, even if they jumped the wall in a hurry.

   Lan Shiruo nodded to Nie Liangbao and Wang Hu, "Go, be careful."

  (End of this chapter)

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