Chapter 317 317 Fight 2

Yunshuiyao cooperates with vines. The vines stretch out countless branches and turn the tips into sharp needles. One finger is thick and **** are long, directly penetrating the brain of a corpse. From a distance, the head looks like a bead on a green woolen thread. . The green velvet in the middle of the brain instantly dispersed, extended, and swelled into countless intertwined rattans, until the brain was completely destroyed, and then rolled around the crystal nucleus to shrink and retract all of it.

Countless branches bloom softly on Yunshui Yao, extending outward in a semicircle, like the tail of a nine-tailed fox, and like a screen opened by a peacock, beautifying Yunshui Yao, suffering from the small vines, and all the rough work is given to the vines. Shui Yao is the easiest person in the fight, she is only responsible for being a carrier.

  After He Lian awakened the sound, she basically abandoned the bow and crossbow, but the current situation does not apply to any abilities of the evolution of the five senses, and she is not allowed to use the bow and crossbow to attack remotely to cover for her friends.

  After several screenings, I replaced it with a samurai sword that had been used by many generations of masters. If Lan Shi doesn’t need it, Zhang Yun doesn’t need it anymore, it’s his turn to pity. Lan Shiruo had a lot of weapons in the space, but in the end he still used a samurai sword, which showed that it was fate. No matter what the fate, the little friends don't care.

He Lian is the weakest in the team. The corpses that were slashed by his friends are only rotten corpses and Tier 4 zombies. No matter how high the level is, the katana can't move. See what is in hand.

  Han Qingquan and Sister Spider cooperated, and a layer of black air floated in the air, extending infinitely, just at the position of the corpse's head, spreading a layer, slowly and quickly, and corroded silently.

  A little bit of his head was visible to the naked eye and melted into the black air. The corpse didn't know how to hide, and didn't know the danger. The black mist greeted him. Even if half of his head was corroded, he didn't feel it. He roared and rushed forward.

  Han Qingquan uses teleportation to shuttle, resolutely alone, the spider silk is tough and highly poisonous, the corpse is not afraid of poison, but it is harder than the spider silk, even the bones of the sixth-order zombie are inferior, and they will be broken.

  Zhang Yun naturally uses ice, freezing his head and breaking it into pieces. This is a useful trick. The ice power of Tier 5 freezes fast, with a wide range and high intensity. With a wave of hands, the clean ice spreads out like water. The ice crystals are shining dazzlingly under the sun, and they are also bubbling with mist. The corpses with their heads frozen cannot move, but if they are not crushed, they can also injure people after freezing. Bing Chan couldn't help at this time, so he could only release the air-conditioning continuously to make the master comfortable.

  In addition to human corpses, there are beast corpses. Not many, but not many.

  Expand the figure to the largest extent, shuttle through the group of corpses, run on a rampage, and smash the zombies directly into the frame.

  The fiery red figure, as strong as a yak, is so fast that only afterimages can be seen. Extend the sharp claws, and everything it touches is torn into pieces.

The main task of the    general is to deal with land beast corpses, but the beast corpses here are generally petite, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. They should be pets raised by the people in the city before the end of the world, and the ferocious beasts from outside have not come over.

  Although these domestic pets are not very capable after being transformed into corpses, they are equally ferocious and even more ferocious, as if they were too enslaved by humans in the past, and the resentment squeezed in their hearts can not be forgotten as zombies.

  Cats, dogs, rabbits and pigs have everything, the species is very complete, the number is not many, and the rotting beasts have evolved to the beasts, and most of them are rotting beasts.

  These are not opponents of generals at all. They have one claw, which is very easy. Their main target is still human corpses.

  In the air, the goshawk is dealing with the carrion bird that enters in disorder.

  It is close to the lake and there are many crane carrion birds. Once, it was famous for its red-crowned cranes and the largest lake in the country, attracting tourists. The cranes here are the most diverse places in the country. The environment, geography and climate are all suitable for cranes to thrive and live for a long time, so there are a large number of them.

  They have sharp mouths, sharp claws, low flying height, low speed, and victory in number. They hover in the sky above human heads less than fifty meters, waiting for opportunities.

The level is not high, the snow-white feathers are turned scarlet and dark due to decay, and the mouth makes a harsh cry. The airspace is their territory. The goshawk breaks in and arouses the scorching of blood and raw meat on the ground that they have been unable to live for a long time. Throwing forward, squeezing between the same kind, feathers and carrion suddenly fell down, disgusting and tragic.

  Goshawk has thick skin and thick feathers, feathers like iron, low-level cranes are vulnerable to a blow in front of it. It's just that the goshawks hated their screams, and became annoyed when they heard them.

  Birds are afraid of fire, but the birds that turn into carrion are not afraid. The resistance of food makes them more and more fierce and angry, like moths fighting the fire, screaming and attacking forward.

Goshawk, eagle-eyed, cold and arrogant, but just some ants, some approached, stretched out iron claws to tear them apart, and still had time to carry the zombies on the ground so much to shred them in mid-air, and follow Ao Chengyi's fireball to help. Spitfire.

The little friends are mighty, but there are so many corpses. They have more than a dozen humans and beasts. They are almost submerged in the sea of ​​corpses. There are countless corpses in the distance rushing here. The same kind of body stepped on them, layer upon layer, not far away, there was already a mountain of corpses, and the mountain of corpses was quickly approaching, rolling over like a wave, as if they would be submerged in the next instant.

   Lan Shiruo squinted and said, "Go." Their goal is the tall building behind, and it's not suitable to love war.

  Throwing down countless small black pills, blasting the corpse mountain, Ao Chengyi's fireball cleared the way, the large team ran fast, and the corpses rushed behind him, and there were rushing over from the front and the left, which was simply embarrassing.

   "Boom" Ding Jiajia pressed the remote control and exploded a splendid mushroom cloud, blocking the way of many corpses.

   "It's time for us," the top of the mall, where corpses have not yet set foot here, the five cubs and Tan Chong try to hide their figures.

  Seeing the big team running towards the destination, Lebao took out a shuttle to connect to the top of the building opposite. The corpses in that building were attracted to this side and were chasing the big team, temporarily safe.

  The straight-line distance between the tops of the two buildings is 500 meters, and they have to build a bridge over it. Le Bao is not needed, other cubs and beasts need it.

  Cui Zipeng and Huo Qingyun Tan Chong fixed one end, and Le Bao pulled the other end in their hands, patted Xiao Feifei under them, "Go."

   "Puff" momentarily, Xiao Feifei spread out her wings, her figure also instantly enlarged, jumped up, and flew into the air.

  Tan Chong, who has never seen him before, stared in surprise, unable to return to his senses for a long time, "That, is that" a flying horse?

  Fang Tongtong smiled and said, "That's Xiao Feifei."

  Tan Chong pursed his lips, well, the Dragon and Phoenix team has become more mysterious. It is not something he can explore. Just follow along.

  In just a few seconds, Le Bao had arrived at the opposite building and put his other end on the concrete pillar. A soft bridge is connected in the middle of the shuttle. Although the bearing point is weak, it is enough for the light-footed Panthers.

   "Grandpa Tan, come up." Cui Zipeng greeted Tan Chong and sat on the back of Brother Leopard.

   Tan Chong was stimulated by Xiao Feifei so much calmly, and then sitting in a panther, there is no pressure in his heart. Standing and straddling behind Cui Zipeng, Brother Leopard's back is very wide, not at all dirty.

  Cui Zipeng asked Tan Chong to hold on to himself, pat Brother Leopard, "Go."

  (End of this chapter)

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