Chapter 320 320 Fight 5

  Tan Chong, what time is this? Is it the legendary internal strength? It's amazing.

Ten zombies, six were dead, and four others. Le Bao didn’t let Xiao Feifei intervene, but just took him to stay on the top of the building. Watching the zombies come, his big dark eyes were bright and gleaming, harmless and harmless. simple. His face was white and tender and round, and his chubby looked soft and cute. Tan Chong thought that the other cubs or the panthers would save him.

  Never, after they dealt with the zombies in front of them, they actually ran to clean up the zombies that climbed upstairs, not worrying about the little bun at all.

Tan Chong felt that it was time for him to take action. He was righteous, and he opened the door of the iron box as if he was dead, shouted, and rushed forward with his skinny fist, "Damn monster, have the ability to come at me, puff" his feet slipped. , Fell a big horse and almost knocked out his teeth.

  Cub beast

  Tan Chong doesn’t know if he’s going to get up. It’s too embarrassing, why don’t he lie down for a while? No, he has to save the babe.

   Regardless of his old face, he stood up, and what caught the eye was that four zombies crashed to the ground under the eyes of the little bun.

  Uh, let’s lie down for a while.

   Ten zombies have been delayed, and countless zombies have already climbed up. Le Bao took out the shuttle and handed it to Tan Chong, "Grandpa Tan, it’s tight."

   "Don't worry." Tan Chong didn't want to lose face, so he quickly started.

  Lebao greeted Xiao Feifei and went to the tall building next to him.

  Wang Hu and Nie Liangbao drove the chariot speeding on the street, seeing all the carrion vehicles blocking the road as nothing, and directly crushing them.

Throwing dynamite small black pills and bombarding them with artillery, they were busy, but more and more zombies and carrion were surrounding them. When the time comes, they will be layered over, even if the chariot can go up to the sky, they won’t be able to move. Will be trapped and die in place.

After discussing the wireless power, the two vehicles merged and drove into the street where Lan Shiruo and the others were moving. But at the same time all the corpses were brought to this place.

   There are pros and cons, and there is nothing wrong with it. The same is true for the plan discussed at the beginning. Together, you can concentrate your efforts.

  The convoy that went out first has reached the second ring of the city. They are the fastest from the beginning, slowing down slowly, and leaving as much as possible with a large group of carrion corpses.

  The carrion is not fast, they walk too fast and it is easy to leave the carrion behind.

The    chariot has been changed into a convex shape, and it took a large group of troops out of the city, shelling all the way, igniting raging fires along the way, and the residues wantonly.

  Occasionally, there was a fish that slipped through the net and rushed into the chariot circle and rushed into the truck. The tank did not pay attention to it. If even these fish that slipped through the net could not be dealt with, the thousands of people on the truck would be dead.

  The big team is getting closer and closer to the tall buildings. Hundreds of Tier 5 zombies and 20 or 30 Tier 6 zombies swarmed.

  The Dragon and Phoenix team no longer passively waits for them to come forward.

   Lan Shiruo spread his hands and set off a huge wave, "Zhang Yun."

   "Understand." Zhang Yun covered the water with her hands, the blue water wall instantly turned into a milky white ice wall, around the big team, blocking the corpses chasing from all sides, forming a large vacuum zone in the middle, the size of a football field.

   is another soaring water column, frozen into icicles by Zhang Yun, vines bring all the beasts to the top, and the top is a platform that can accommodate forty or fifty people.

  Lan Shiruo draws a bow and shoots arrows, dozens of times in succession, and after scattered, thousands of arrow feathers flew out.

  Ao Chengyi fired at the same time, sending out thousands of rockets. For a time, the blue and the red complemented each other, which was really beautiful.

  The zombies dodge left and right, most of them escaped the arrow rain and jumped quickly.

  Guo Zi stretched his arms to attract thunder and lightning. The scorching sun was in the sky, lightning and thunder continued to cleave, falling on the zombies, all turned into coke, but the lightning strikes were not dense enough, the zombies were generally fast, and not many were struck.

  A zombie had already jumped onto the ice wall, and Yunshui Yao Lu Chaoyang simultaneously waved the vines and thorns and pulled them down.

  Han Qingquan gushed out a large amount of black energy, assisted by Ding Jiajiafeng's ability, the black mist rushed towards the zombies, which consumed a lot on the way, and fell on the zombies.

  Goshawk breathed fire in the air, setting a lot of zombies on fire.

   The zombies jumping on the ice wall, trying to jump up and drag the goshawk down in mid-air.

  Goshawk despised, just about to take off and avoid it, his mind suddenly stabbed and fell straight down.

  The zombies underneath opened their blood basins and screamed to pick them up.

   "Not good," Yun Shui Yao threw out the vine to pick it up, and he felt a sudden pain in his head and almost planted an icicle.

  Lu Chaoyang's eyes are quick to protect his hands, but it is too late to pick up the goshawk.

  "Biao, 咴咴" Xiao Feifei screamed, and the zombies on the ice wall who wanted to pick up the goshawk were the first to plant the ice wall.

   Lan Shiruo threw out the water chain and entangled the goshawk. Before dragging it back, it was about her brain tingling. "Um" he snorted involuntarily.

   "Mental power zombie." Ao Chengyi's face was ugly, but he couldn't find the master.

   took over the little daughter-in-law and dragged the goshawk back.

  It took less than a minute to go back and forth, and when it was halfway, the goshawk himself slowed down, waved its wings, and jumped up.

   "There." He Lian let out a cold snort, opened her lips slightly, and whispered "Ah", she didn't know it was useless, she just wanted to clean up the mental power zombies out of instinct.

Hiding aside, the mental power zombie who tried to continue to harm the zombie was taken aback. It didn't know the pain and uncomfortable, but it knew what it wanted to do in the first second, and the next second, it was full of slurries and didn't know anything, and it was spinning around in a daze. , Worse than those carrion corpses, at least the carrion corpses can prey on their own, and can smell the smell of blood and red raw meat.

  He Lian was overjoyed, "It turns out to be useful."

  Lan Shiruo smiled, "It should only be useful for sane zombies, you can practice more."


  Cracks have appeared in the ice wall, and the sea of ​​corpses is about to rush in. The icicles cannot withstand any attack.

  The fighting position is between the two tall buildings, Lan Shiruo took out the hanging basket, and the little partner consciously went in, "Goshawk."

  "呖" Goshawk dived down, grabbed the gondola and took off.

  Ao Chengyi took out the explosive bag and threw it into the air, "Shui Yao Chaoyang."

   "Understood." The two simultaneously stretched out the vine and wattle, patted at the explosives, and shot into the dilapidated high-rise buildings on both sides of the road. "go."

  "Hit" the goshawk soared into the sky, and at the same time the two floors collapsed, blocking the street between the two floors, and the sea of ​​corpses that had just broken through the ice wall was also instantly submerged.

  And the Tier 5 and Tier 6 zombies in the tallest building were not dead, they quickly climbed up the tall building and jumped into the void, trying to catch the large team in mid-air.

  Ao Chengyi and Lan Shiruo kept shooting arrows, the rain of arrows fell, dense like rain, and no zombie escaped.

  It’s just that some didn’t hit the key, and they were still jumping.

  Guo Zi struck down with thunder, and it was completely solved.

  Downstairs, the regrouped corpses began to climb the wall, or stepped on the same kind to come upstairs, Wang Hu and Nie Liangbao led the small group away.

  The five boys of Lebao and Tan Chong ran to the tall building in front, and they were fighting the second round of zombies in the tall building.

  If Lan Shi took a look, the cub and the beasts were able to deal with it, so he called the goshawk to move forward. The two buildings, which were already full of corpses, continued to explode.

  If Lan Shi wants to fly directly to the highest building, but before taking a few steps, Goshawk let out a scream and fell straight to the ground.

  "It's a mental zombie again." The little partner grinned his teeth.

  (End of this chapter)

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