I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 332: 332 The Bandit Going Down the Mountain

  Chapter 332 332 Bandits go down the mountain

  As for why she didn’t plan to take other people with her, it was because she didn’t know how many there were. It is not that she is unwilling to share the method, because the methods she knows are not applicable now, and Han Jia cannot be cloned.

  So, when everything is uncertain, she can only take care of the people she is close to. After all, she is a selfish person.

  If the number is large, everything is easy to say, and she is not a stingy person.

  The group of people rushed to the place where the baby was out. The road was densely packed with people. Thousands of people guarded the big team in the middle, and walked out of the bandits going down the mountain with five and six, arrogant and arrogant. "Get out, get out, get out quickly." Anything that gets in the way is pushed away.

  Other people see that they are many and powerful, they dare to be angry but dare not speak, and they all hold the baby’s important mentality.

  Although this virtue is a bit boring, it is very useful. The big team is rare and high-profile. Under everyone's resentful and enviable gaze, it went all the way to the cave entrance.

  The entrance of the cave is indeed very big, and their thousands of people only occupy a small square of land.

  Nie Liangbao and Wang Hu flattered in front of the big team, "Boss, this is the place, be careful, don’t get too close, it’s dangerous."

  The little friend ignored the two goods and craned his neck to look into the hole.

  The two goods are not exaggerated. They are indeed dangerous. They just stretched their necks a little bit, and they clearly felt the scorching temperature when they came out of the hole. They were only separated by a line, and the temperature was at two extremes.

  The temperature in the cave did not overflow at all, and I don’t know why.

  The bottom of the hole at least a kilometer deep is piled up with a lot of red material the size of a fist. It is really hard to see what the material is. It seems soft and hard.

  "Tsk, the Creator is really amazing. I have lived so much of my life, and this is the first time I have seen such a magical thing." Tan Chong was very emotional. Following the Dragon and Phoenix team, what he saw was rarer than ever. Before I changed it, I was in the trash every day. How could I see these.

  The friends said that this matter really has nothing to do with them, and they can be seen next to anyone.

   However, things are indeed magical. "Shiruo, is this right?" He Lian asked.

  The little friend looked at Lan Shiruo. Lan Shiruo nodded, everyone exhaled, and it was done.

  I will consider how to do it below.

   "Boss, it doesn't look like young or old here, let's do more." Wang Hu leaned over.

   "Hey, I dare to think about it." Someone sneered next to him. It would be nice to get one. I want to do more and dream.

  Wang Hu's temper was unbearable, "What's the matter with you?" The rough finger poked the speaker's nose directly. At any rate, she is a charming girl, and she doesn't know that she deserves to be single. The big team doesn't care about it.

This girl was really sweet. When Wang Hu's eyes stared, she wiped her tears, let alone poking her finger on her nose. She instantly resembled a frightened rabbit. Her eyes were red and she hurriedly hid behind the handsome guy next to her, tears streaming down her eyes. The complaint, "Brother Nan, he bullied me." She was delicate and soft, and the pear blossoms were like rain, which matched the lotus flower very well.

This brother Nan was grabbing the baby with his heart full of eyes, and didn't notice the movement here, until the girl he cared about was crying for help, her heart ached, and she hugged her arms into her arms to comfort her, "What's the matter, Lian'er? Tell brother Nan, be good, Don't cry, brother Nan feels distressed when crying." Take out the handkerchief and wipe the rainy face of Li Hua. The two of them are like glue, which is really rare. It is even more idol drama than idol drama.

  Many people moved to the side silently, rubbing their arms by the way, and there was a little stomach acid reaction.

  Lianer, a big team? Pity? Which company?

  I didn't care about it, but what I said was really a bit spicy ears and spicy eyes.

  Actually, this is someone’s love story, and they shouldn’t comment on it. However, the word Lian’er cannot be tolerated, especially He Lian, what’s not good to call it, let’s call it Lian.

  Although they know that this lotus may not be the other pity, it always sounds like a lot of imagination.

  Especially the lotus and the white lotus on the opposite side complement each other.

  Little friends stick to the bottom line. They are a reasonable team and a very friendly team. They can't do it just because of a name. It's inappropriate or inappropriate.

  So, you have to bear it and don’t look at it.

  Wang Hu, this rough guy couldn't bear it, "Grass, I'm so disgusting, dog. What are so many men and women making?"

  Girls and guys feel relieved, sometimes the team needs two impulsive subordinates, and accidentally talked about their hearts.

  "You" handsome brother Nan pointed at Wang Hu angrily, "You don't have to spray manure with your mouth full, a big man bullies a little girl, do you want to be shameless?"

   "I want your grandma's legs, the stinky lady owes her mouth to clean up, and you owe a tortoise, brothers, come on."

  "Yes." Thousands of people glared, and stepped forward together, frightening many people.

  The glue-like duo turned pale in fright. Their teammates hurriedly dragged them away. The heroes didn’t suffer from immediate losses. At first sight, this group was not a good person.

  Wang Hu took a sip, "Counsel." Turned his head and started flattering again, "Boss, how can I do it?"

"let's go."

  Lan Shiruo takes the lead, and the big team leaves.

  Thousands of people are stupid, why did they leave?

  Hurry up, "Boss, don't we do it?"

  Large team but they were silent. A group of people scratched their heads in anxious manner and did not dare to ask more, so they could only follow behind them honestly. Yan Dada didn't have the aura of when he came, and his lonely and lonely back looked very embarrassed.

  The direction of the big team is completely opposite to that of the collapsed mine, and it is not the direction of returning to Qinzhou. The people of Qian Lai are even more confused. What is this going to do?

   "Here." Lu Chaoyang took the lead and stopped. This is also a mine, facing the subsidence area from north to south.

  Everyone gathered on the other side, there is no one here.

   "What are you doing here?" Nie Liangbao asked.

   "Just watch it quietly."

  Okay, Thousand Lai people watched quietly.

  Guo Zi took out his gangster from his bag. This guy has short legs and doesn’t walk fast. Guo Zi usually carries it on his back. If no one is around, he will go to the space.

  Lu Chaoyang calculated the position and depth, "Come on here, go down from here, don't worry when you meet the miner, try it first and then move your mouth, know?"

  Her mung bean eyes rolled and nodded.

   "Okay, go ahead."

  The big team hurriedly retreated ten meters collectively. The goods dug up a hole, but the six relatives did not recognize it.

  It was the first time that other people saw Han Jia dig a hole, and they were shocked for a long time. No wonder it was rumored that the Dragon and Phoenix team stealing things were magical. If you want to come, you can’t get rid of this stuff.

After more than ten minutes, the adult-sized hole was almost eight or nine hundred meters deep, and everyone could feel the heat overflowing from the hole.

   "It's done."

  Lu Chaoyang said, “Because of the depth of the hole, it does not look big when viewed from above. In fact, the hole stretches for more than ten miles underneath, but the rock here is relatively hard and has not collapsed.”

  Thousands of people nodded, no wonder.

  (End of this chapter)

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