Chapter 335 335 Someone makes trouble

  Maomao This technology is immature, but it is suddenly shocked. There should be many people who only dare to tell the truth, and the effect is still good.

  The team is very long. The big team queued from morning to noon, only halfway through the front, "The efficiency has been improved."

  The little friends felt the same way. They took out food and sat next to them and waited slowly.

  The first lineup has already entered the city, and around two o'clock in the afternoon, it is the turn of the big team.

  Lan Shiruo let the thousand come first, they go last.

  An hour later, it was the big team’s turn to introduce himself to Mao Mao.

  Lu Chaoyang fiddled with the little thing a few times, and then he instigated it, "Maomao doesn’t know anything."

  A pair of manipulators, covering the big round face, a little bit like concealing ears and stealing bells.

   Le Bao couldn’t like it, "Mom, can we take Maomao back to play?"

  If Lan Shi thinks about it, no one will come for the time being, so she just brought it back and let Lu Chaoyang help strengthen her, "Yes, take it."

   "Wow, that's great, let's go play together." Xiaopang took the manipulator in his hand and became a good friend.

  Maomao also likes his little master. When he was born, the little master had already left. He has only seen the little master in his memory, but the little master in his memory is very small. "Maomao plays with the little master."

  The cubs also like Maomao, chatting around.

Many things have been injected into Maomao’s mind. Fang Dengwen is the creator of it. His style is largely similar to Fang Dengwen’s, but then Yun Hengfei came to him, and his temper was very detached. Maomao passed it over in his hands. To have a naughty and naive temperament, it is very in line with the wishes of the cubs, and everyone has a good time together.

  Lan Shiruo tells Fang Tongtong to hide Maomao first, so don’t be found. In the same place, Yun Shui Yao made a phantom.

  Then successfully boarded the sightseeing bus to the city.

  After entering the city, everyone was placed in the stone house. They were all unfamiliar people. Now they can’t be placed inside, so they have to observe here again.

  When they arrived, everyone was still gathering in Shicheng, in a mess, obviously dissatisfied with the situation in Shicheng, and clamoring to leave.

  Some are clamoring to arrange a good meal and lodging, and they have supplies to rent or exchange.

  Some want to hang out in Shicheng, saying that they understand the situation here and decide whether to stay.

Wang Hu looked at Shicheng, as expected, the birds don’t shit, but they don’t dislike it, the sky will come to the people, and then the bosses exercised here. They also want the undamaged body of King Kong.

  Tan Chong looked very sad, this place does not seem to be good for growing crops.

  The big team's lips twitched, thinking a little bit too much.

  Xia Xun puts her hands around her chest, calmly watching everyone making noise. The mouth on the shoulder was broken and the mouth was cursing, and he didn't know which TV plot it was, which irritated many people.

  Xia Xun doesn’t care about it. Maybe it’s already desperate and broke the jar.

  There are many guards around, all in a daze, watching these people make a fuss, as long as they don't make a move, they don't make a move.

  The big team led the descendants of Qianlai to back up, blocked the exit quietly, and then watched the play quietly.

  In the crowd, some people looked at each other. During this period of time, I had already figured out Shicheng. It was such a big place and there were so many people. It was not scary at all, and you could do it.


  In an instant, a person with mental powers rushed towards Xia Xun, catching the thieves and the king. Here, Xia Xun looks like a head.

  Xia Xun lightly raised her eyes, her eyes fluttered, and she found the person with mental powers in the crowd without any hindrance, stared calmly, and coldly curled her lips.

  The psychic power person's doubts flashed past, and his brain suddenly felt painful as if it were about to explode. Suddenly woke up, there was fraud.

  But the companion didn't notice his strangeness, and had already rushed out.

  At the same time, not his companion, but also rushed out with someone who came to find fault.

  The change came very suddenly, everyone exclaimed and backed away again and again.

  There is an open space in the middle.

  The guard leaps into the open space and fights with the fault-finder.

  Xia Xun took a step back, full of worry, running away, and the guards also appeared weak, seemingly invincible.

   Yan Tian regained his senses from the past, and didn't even want to rush out, "Where is the bastard, dare to run wild in Shicheng." Behind him, the teammates rarely saw the boss so straightforward. After a moment, he rushed out to help.

  Lin Ting hesitated and did not move. This stone city did not look very good. She didn't want to stay. It happened that she was destroyed. Yan Tian's team didn't need to stay. They could leave together.

  Jiang Quanshun, Yan Cong, these two people met high-level zombies for the first time. When they were attacked at night, they were working together. There was also Xu Benying at that time. This time I took a team to visit Shicheng. After all, Shicheng was so popular that it was covered with a veil of mystery for no reason, giving people a desire to explore.

  I just didn’t expect to meet this, and when I looked at each other, there was a smile in my eyes.

  The Dragon and Phoenix team can be handed over. Hearing news about the Dragon and Phoenix team this year has strengthened this idea. "Let's help."

Immediately, Ni Yueping and Situ Weikui rushed out with his brothers. Since the last time he ransacked M City together, he has had an idea. This time, it is to implement this idea. They want to join Shicheng, "Count us." "

   Tan Zhen Jia squinted his eyes, but did not move. Although the Dragon and Phoenix team rescued him, he still fell short of Shicheng.

There are many unmoved teams next to   . They are thinking about whether they can pick up some points after watching the excitement. However, looking at the appearance of the Shicheng family members on the walls, it seems that there is nothing to pick up. This trip is doomed to be disappointed.

  Five teams help each other at the same time, the situation in Shicheng is reversed, and Xia Xun raises his eyebrows, where are so many cuties?

  Looking at the lively crowd, watching the situation being reversed, grinding teeth, and not knowing where the rat feces are coming from, taking care of things and not falling short, so rushed out.

  Behind the people, the big team saw it clearly, "There are still good people in this world."

  Good people, yes, people who protect the interests of the big team are good people in the eyes of the big team.

  The battle is fierce, the two sides are in a stalemate, and no one can defeat the other.

  The people who find the fault worry that it takes too long and changes are prone to change. After all, how can I say that they are now on someone else’s territory, so a group of people jumped out of the crowd.

The guards of   Shicheng have always appeared to be weak. The main combat strength is the five teams of Yan Tian. It was very difficult to deal with the people before. There is another group, and the heart is falling down. Do you want to explain in Shicheng today?

  The people who found the fault looked very brave. In addition to the large number of people, Yan Tian's five teams were completely suppressed, and they could only defend themselves in an embarrassing manner, and they were about to lose.

   His mouth was pecking at the hair, and he stood lazily on Xia Xun's shoulders, "All the monsters and ghosts have been active, and you can start to slay them."

  Xia Xun's forehead twitched, and her mouth was broken during this period of time, as if she was watching Zhong Kui.

   However, they are indeed manifested, and with a gesture, countless black hole muzzles stick out from the stone castle, "Friends, the warm-up exercise is over, little cute ones, come here."

  (End of this chapter)

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