Chapter 337 337 Excited

  Everyone feels grief, and dare not look down on Shicheng anymore, not only for its strength, but also for its cruelty. Although I don't know where this bald, small stone city has the confidence to fight against so many forces, but the courage is worth learning from everyone.

  Xia Xun squinted, looking for the crowd, "There is one more."

there's still one? Sa Bing frowned, it was his fault that he didn't finish killing.

  "Go and find," patted Monkey One on his shoulder.

  The monkey’s nose is also good, and it can find enemies hiding in the dark.

  Not only did Houyi look for it, but also Hou2 to Houqi. It's just that this person hides very deeply, is a stealth ability, and hides in the crowd. There are too many people, and I haven't found it for a while.

  Fang Tongtong smiled and pulled Ji Yi-neng's hand.

  Kiichi can subconsciously bend down and whisper, "What's the matter?"

  Fang Tongtong whispered in Ji Yineng's ear.

  Ji Yi can raise his eyebrows and push Fang Tongtong aside.

  Suddenly slammed backhand towards the empty space next to him, a muffled hum, sounded in the Thousands of People, and everyone quickly gathered around. This was a tacit understanding formed by staying together for a long time.

  The figure appeared, and Ji Yineng's fist was smashed so hard that the smash made people back again and again and fell into Wang Hu's arms.

  Wang Hu stretched out his hands, hugged the person, and leaned forward with a particularly wretched smile.


  The person being hugged

   "You're looking for death." The old face flushed with shame, and he raised his hand and wanted to tear Wang Hu. He was disgusting.

  Wang Hu pushed the person out and hit Nie Liangbao. "Send you off."

  Nie Liangbao was disgusted by Wang Hu, and quickly pushed away in disgust, "Return it to you."

  Runaway like sandbags

   "I will kill you"

  The roar of "pop" came to an abrupt end.

  Wang Hu slashed down and cut off the man’s head, his eyes raised in anger, staring at Wang Hu.

  Wang Hu shrugged, "He stared too scary, I'm timid, and I won't let it be when I'm scared."

  Nie Liangbao rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

  Xia Xun came over with a smile and shook Wang Hu’s hand, feeling that this was a fellow man, "Brother, what is your last name? Where do you call? Do you have family and friends? Where do you work? Is there any plan to change jobs?"

Wang Hu smiled more cheaply than Xia Xun, "My little brother's surname is Wang. He comes from a foreign land. Behind him are my family and friends, especially my bosses. I follow my bosses. I live as the boss and die as the boss. The ghost of this life, the next life, life after life will follow the bosses, and will never leave."

  The big team is disgusting.

  The brothers behind him rolled their eyes to the sky.

  Xia Xun didn’t expect to be loyal, either. He didn’t want to be unfaithful. Although the words were exaggerated, this is the reaction that people in the same way should have, understanding.

   Looking back, blinking, some of them are familiar.

   Blinked again, tilted his head and looked at the big team, with a little ugly feeling.

  The big team felt that his virtues were very hot-eyed, and reached out to remove the disguise.

  Xia Xun was stunned, and then overjoyed, slapped his thigh, "Boss", the boss almost cried with joy.

Then he really sobbed, sitting on the ground, like a bear child, and constantly kicking his legs. The dust was flying in the sky. The person next to him stayed away silently. Without knowing it, he yelled, "How did you come back? How did you come back? Ah, woo woo woo, boss, why are you guys coming back." There were a lot of tears and nose, which seemed like just unpredictable.


  Sa Bing's seven brothers were ready to come over to meet them. He was frightened. They stood by and looked at the big team helplessly. The bosses shouldn't be scared away.

  The little friends have a black line on their faces, and the welcome ceremony is a bit special, they don't want it.

  Kong Fenglin and Lu Gan brought people over, their faces were hard to say.

   Kong Fenglin kicked Xia Xun disgustedly, "I'm so embarrassed, get out of here."

   Xia Xun sobbed and choked, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, leaning against the big team.

  The little friend moved aside silently, it was really dirty.

  The broken mouth fell on Lebao's shoulders long ago, ruthlessly complaining about his owner. "A shameful thing."

  Lebao happily touched his broken mouth, sometimes it’s fun to say what he said when the mouth is broken.

   "You are back." Kong Fenglin stepped forward, his eyes could not hide his excitement, obviously he also wanted a big team.

  Lugan seemed very at a loss next to him. Coming to Shicheng was the most sloppy thing he had ever done in his life, and it was also the most right thing.

  Lan Shiruo smiled and nodded, and looked around, “Well, I’m back. Thanks for your hard work, Shicheng has become very good with your joint efforts. You are doing very well. Mr. Lu, are you still used to it?”

  Lugan hurriedly nodded, “I’m used to it, I’m used to it, thank you, if it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be me today.”

   "We are a family now, don't say these kind words," looked at Kong Fenglin again, "how do you know we are back?"

  Kong Fenglin smiled, "Deng Wen said that Mao Mao was instigated, and guessed that you might be back."

Maomao showed his figure from Le Bao's side, met Kong Fenglin's eyes, and hid behind Le Bao in fear, "Le Bao save Mao Mao, save Mao Mao." Le Bao is not as tall as its long legs. It is a cover. Nothing,

  Lebao is not tall, but he has a sense of justice, "Uncle Kong, don't punish Maomao, it was Uncle Lu's messenger, you can call Uncle Lu."

  Lu Chaoyang, who is lying down with a gun, has no conscience.

  Kong Fenglin smiled and rubbed Le Bao’s little head, “It’s good that Le Bao has grown up so big. Don’t worry, if Uncle Kong doesn’t punish Maomao, he will find you Uncle Lu.”

   Then greeted the little friends one by one, and said to Ao Chengyi, "Fortunately not insulting my life."

  Ao Chengyi patted Kong Fenglin on the shoulder, "Yes."

  Although there is only one word, it is enough to express his affirmation of Kong Fenglin. Kong Fenglin is very happy.

  Others also hurried over, and they were very excited to meet again after a long absence. The monkeys danced around the cubs, very happy.

  The big team expressed their affirmation and praise to everyone. The Shicheng brothers were very happy, and many of them joined later. When they joined, the big team had already left, and they had only heard of it in the legend. Now that I see real people, I don't know if I have heard too many glorious deeds, and I feel very excited.

  Watching the lively outsiders also sighed. This is the legendary Dragon and Phoenix team. It does not seem to have three heads and six arms, but the prestige in Shicheng seems to be very high.

  The big team didn’t know what these people were thinking. After greeted their family members, they looked at the cute little team of the fifth team.

  Yan Tian and his team did not expect it would be such a coincidence, the Dragon and Phoenix team also came back, quickly got up and came over to say hello.

  To the Dragon and Phoenix team, they are in awe. It is true that the Dragon and Phoenix team impressed them too deeply. No matter what is good or bad, it is always fresh in the memory.

  Lan Shiruo took the lead to look at Jiang Quanshun, Yan Cong, Ni Yueping, and Situ Weikui, "Welcome to Shicheng, thank you for your righteous action."

  The four teams waved their hands again and again, their meager strength, Shicheng would not need it, but it is still very excited to receive the sincere thanks from the Dragon and Phoenix team.

   "It's just a small matter. I didn't expect it to be so coincidental. You guys are also coming back today."

   "Yes, it's a coincidence. Several people live in Shicheng a little longer, let us do our best to be a landlord."

  The four teams twitched their mouths. I'm afraid it won't last long in this place. The bare rocks are full of rocks and no one is inhabited. How can they live for a long time, "Okay, excuse me."

  (End of this chapter)

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