I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 358: 358 Peeling the Giant Python

  Chapter 358 Chapter 358 Peeling the Python

One by one, they turned 360 degrees in mid-air. They were shocked and angry. Fortunately, if they had come here earlier, they would have died just after they set foot. Now they are all Tier 6 and still so inadvertently. Fighting, being oppressed over and over again, thinking about it, I'm so heartbroken, there are people outside the world, so I can't be complacent.

   flipped several times in the air and landed on the ground. Before he could stabilize his figure, a black tail swept across.


  One by one, the big team felt the pain of the fractured bone, and flew out directly, hitting the tree trunk, and their faces were distorted with pain.

  These two consecutive python tails did not give the big team a chance to breathe.

   Lebao’s chubby face was extremely silent, staring closely at the dark shadows that appeared and disappeared in the dark, very quickly, this thing was so fast that it didn’t find a chance to attack.

   "Xiao Feifei, I am underground, you are on the ground, search at the same time."

  "咴咴" knows the owner.

  One person and one beast, spreading along a point and searching for a mile without letting go, but not even a ghost shadow was found.

When    still wanted to move forward, the goshawk breathed the fire so well, suddenly it was caught by a thick snake's tail.


   The screaming scream was even more oozing than being bitten by a piranha at that time. Eagles have always eaten snakes, but now it’s feng shui taking turns. Uncle Ying feels that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, which is too embarrassing for the eagle. It seemed that it was so weak that Uncle Eagle cried.

  Does it also have a face?

  The little friend got up from the ground with difficulty, Ao Chengyi's black eyes narrowed, and anger emerged from the bottom of his heart, which was the first time he was so embarrassed.

   Throwing out the chain of fire and entwining it around the tree trunk, actually throwing herself into the air, "Xiao Feifei."


  Xiao Feifei slapped his wings quickly, and Ao Chengyi pointed his toe. With the strength of Xiao Feifei, he jumped up again and grabbed the goshawk’s foot.

  The fire chain wraps the python tail, climbs up, and hangs firmly on the python tail.

He took out a dagger made by mineral spirits and pierced it on the tail of the python, splashing sparks violently, but did not hurt the python, Ao Chengyi's face sank, and his hands pressed hard, "pouch," plunged into it. In the tail meat of the python.

  It happened in just three seconds, not to mention the little friends, even the giant python who wanted to wring the goshawk into meatloaf could not react.

   The "hissing" pain prompted the giant python to subconsciously loosen its tail, and the goshawk broke free, its bones were dislocated, and it couldn't fly anymore and fell straight down.

  Lan Shiruo hurriedly threw out the water to stay in, and handed it over to Duan Jianghe. "You deal with poisons, I'll go up and help." The words fell, and he jumped into the air.

  The pain of the giant python was only a moment, and then it was angry. He twisted his body and tried to shake Ao Chengyi off. After finding that it was in vain, the python tail was rolled up a little bit, trying to roll Ao Chengyi into a meatloaf.

  Ao Chengyi's fire ability turned into a spear, reaching his side.

  The python tail is very powerful, and the long spears turned into supernatural powers are all curled up and bent, and it feels like they are about to break.

  Ao Chengyi quickly turned out two more handles.

  The giant python was very angry, the hateful human, the python tail swept away, and it slammed on the tree trunk fiercely.

  Ao Chengyi was shocked to roll his eyes, his internal organs were rolling.

  Lan Shiruo actually climbed onto the python's head. This giant python is really big, the whole body is forty to fifty meters long, and the two of them are thick. Lan Shiruo looks very petite on the python's head. Wrap yourself around the python's head with a water rope to ensure that it won't fall off.

  The anger of the giant python rose up, the ant on the tail did not turn off, and another one came on the head, which was really hateful.

   Suddenly dived and plunged directly into the soil, Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi was shocked, and quickly turned into a shield with sharp horns to protect the front end.

  The bottom of the ground is dark. The soil here is not hard, but the roots of the trees are developed and tough. One of them can not pay attention and can choke their necks. The two hurriedly turned into a power knife.

  The python speed is too fast, and the two are exhausted just trying to protect themselves.

  Under the ground for just a few seconds, and then out of the ground, it was as long as a few centuries, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and pain all over the body.

  The giant python didn't wait for the two to slow down, and the huge body hit the tree trunk again.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi

   is almost falling apart.

   "Xiao Feifei, let's be together, hurry up." Le Bao finally caught the giant python's head, and a powerful mental force surged out, and joined forces with Xiao Feifei to ensure that one hit would be hit.

The red-eyed python suddenly felt a tingling pain in the brain, and the body twisted desperately, hitting the tree, the ground, and from time to time to the ground to run two laps, trying to get rid of the tingling, no matter how, the tingling followed closely. , Without stopping for half a minute.

   Suffering Ao Chengyi and Lan Shiruo, the two of them were on the python, unable to advance or retreat, they could only follow Dianpei and leave, leaving most of their lives.

  Lebao and Xiao Feifei became fierce, vowing to kill the python in one fell swoop, completely ignoring whether it would hurt their parents and master.

The giant python went mad, and the poison seemed to feel the powerful pressure, which faded like a tide. The little friend was relieved and went to see his eldest brother and sister fighting. With a constipation-colored face, he lighted three sticks of incense and silently mourned them in his heart. Really guilty, they are powerless and can't help.

  Fortunately, the giant python is not a corpse. After knowing that he is exhausted, after a madness, he gradually exhausted.

  Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi saw the right time, gritted their teeth fiercely, gathered the little energy left in their bodies, and the blade forged with mineral spirits fiercely plunged into the scales of the giant python.

  "Come on," Ao Chengyi threw a chain of fire at Lan Shiruo. Lan Shiruo was connected by water. The two were entangled and pulled each other, approaching each other from beginning to end. The skin and flesh under the blade followed by cutting apart and spreading.

   "Ah," the two of them used their hands to exert all their strength, and the veins violently agitated.

   "Roar" the giant python roared in pain, and suddenly it was as powerful as an ox.

  The two clenched the handle of the knife tightly, but didn't let go, even if the blood surged, they didn't loosen it. He broke his stomach all the way, pulled out a long bloodstain, and merged in the middle of the snake.

  At the same time, the two turned over and their abilities turned into iron claws. While one of them grabbed the python skin, they wanted to peel the python.


  Lan Shiruo yelled out a word with difficulty, the dazed little partner hurried forward, divided into two groups, and pulled out like a tug-of-war.

   "Hoar" the giant python twisted and struggled, dusty, blood raging, trying to bend over the python's head and devour the human who hurt it.

  Lebao and Xiao Feifei gritted their teeth to release their mental power and contain the python head.

   "He pity, shoot." Lan Shiruo almost squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

  He Lian quickly retreated, transformed into a crossbow, aimed at the giant python’s open mouth, and fired one after another, producing more than ten arrow feathers.

   "Roar" This is the python left in the world, the last roar.

   "Hu" Lan Shiruo slumped on the ground, her hair was painful.

  Ao Chengyi forced her to come over and kissed her daughter-in-law. He re-released the container and did nothing. He would sleep for a while.

   Lebao Xiao Feifei was almost exhausted, and lay down together, the goshawk bones were connected, and he couldn't make any major movements. He was lying next to him, the only intact general incarnate as a guard, guarding the side.

  The other friends dragged their tired bodies, cleaned up the surroundings, laid down simple defenses, and lay down.

  (End of this chapter)

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