Chapter 373 373 Stone City Crisis II

  The Shicheng guard who finished throwing the explosive bag did not stay in place, and went up the stairs in the inner room. From time to time, he threw some explosives and released some abilities.

  In just half an hour, most of the people crowded with Shicheng were killed. The crowd was no longer as crowded as before. These people were no longer passive and would only be beaten, and they began to fight back.

  At the waist of the gourd, countless stone city guards gushed out, and they fought with these people. The people hiding in the fortress and the house are always ready to put cold guns to cover the guards outside.

  The invader is regarded as being attacked by the enemy, frightened and angry, knowing that he has been deceived, and now there is no way to retreat, and he can only slash and kill desperately. In this way, there may be a chance to survive.

  In this game, you are invited to enter the urn. It seems that Shicheng is in possession of the victory, but no one dared to relax their vigilance before the last second.

All the Shicheng people are more angry than these invaders. Their good homeland is not counted by others, and they want to kill them for their own possession. Even the saints have to swear if they don’t kill these people. Live in vain.

  So, every move and every style rushed to the enemy's life, extremely cruel.

  Xia Xun has been standing on the gate wall, always paying attention to the situation inside and out.

  When I saw another large group of people approaching quickly, my heart sank again and again. "Go and inform Kong Fenglin that a large force is coming, ready to fight."

  Mouth is a perceptive person, knowing that this is a special time, so I don’t make a second mistake, and I’m going to spread the word honestly.

   After Kong Fenglin listened, the blue veins on his forehead thumped. These **** **** are endless, are they going to heaven?

   "Let the beast army prepare, and the guards of the second class will also prepare." The guards next to him responded, ran away quickly, and passed the message.

   On Xia Xun's side, it was discovered that the situation was not quite right. Although the large troops were approaching, it seemed that they were not in a hurry to attack, but instead seemed to be waiting for something.

wait for what?

  The light in his eyes flowed, and he could see things that were unobstructed from a kilometer away. Therefore, his command room was very high and could not be blocked by rows of white poplars, allowing him to see everything outside.

  The feeling this group of people gave him was really bad. They were anxious and couldn't help but exert too much force in an attempt to see farther.

  Both eyes were instantly congested and painful, but I couldn’t take care of it too much.

  With a sudden heartbeat, he saw it.

  "Huh" brain stabbed in vain, and someone attacked his brain. He quickly retracted his gaze and scanned the crowd in the direction of the person coming.

  Mental power person?

  The light in his eyes circulated rapidly, and at the moment when his mind was shattered, he finally found the righteous master, exhausted all his abilities and fought back.

   "Huh," two unobvious muffled hums sounded at the same time.

  The person with mental power ability was backlashed by the ability and suffered multiple damages. His face was pale and fell to the ground, convulsing all over, waiting for the last bit of life to pass.

   Xia Xun’s eyes were red, blood and tears flowed wildly, she was completely unable to see, her brain was hurt, stinging, and she was dizzy and confused. The mouth was broken before he came back, he found the communication tube in a smear, pinched his fingertips into the wall, his arm muscles trembled because of excessive force, "There is an air attack, hurry up." A sentence was almost said through gritted teeth, and then he fell to the ground without knowing the personnel. .

  Kong Fenglin’s heart jumped twice, his voice tightened, “Come on to the tower, fast. Also, turn on the power grid, right now.”

  The words fell, regardless of whether the stone city was in war or not, he rushed into the crowd and rushed to the tower at the gate of the city.

  After a few years of getting along, they are already relatives, family members, and they must exist without anyone, Xia Xun, don’t get into trouble.

  Kong Fenglin's ability is very strong, now it is a Tier 4 electric ability, wherever he goes, he carries a silver electric whip, and no one dares to approach him.

  Stone City said it was big or small, and it relied on two legs to run. Even without these enemies blocking the road, it would not be possible to run a lap in two or three hours.

Before Kong Fenglin ran up to the tower, the guards who were close to him had already gone up and checked Xia Xun’s situation, “Kong, Xia is dizzy, his eyes hurt, and his breathing is weak. I don’t know if there are any injuries in other places. I’ll take them first. He goes down."

  Kong Feng Lin Xin's mouth was heavy, "Okay, I'll take care of him, and be sure to protect him."

"rest assured."

  Kong Fenglin took some people, and two hours later, he sent Xia Xun to the hospital.

  The test result is not very good. I am not sure whether my eyes are good or not. I am very likely to be blind in the future. My brain has been attacked by mental power. I have been seriously injured and may become a vegetative person.

  Kong Fenglin's fingertips fell into his palm fiercely, and now he was full of anger and needed to vent, "Do my best to cure him." He left a word, turned and left.

  The air raid has been going on for more than an hour. For more than an hour, Kong Fenglin's mind was all on Xia Xun, but the enemy had the upper hand.

  The air raid was a large group of mutant birds. How the enemy drove them, Kong Fenglin didn't know, nor did he want to know.

  The power grid was destroyed, several holes were made, and a lot of them got in.

  Below the cave was specially reserved for beheading.

   "Let the birds and beasts fight."


   "Open the city gate and let the beast army follow me out."

  The guard opened his mouth. It was too risky. Even if they wanted to take the initiative, it was them.

  "Brother Kong, Shicheng can't live without it"

   "Follow it." Kong Fenglin interrupted the little brother coldly.

The guard knew that Brother Kong was holding the fire and gritted his teeth, "Okay." He had to take some brothers and stay next to Brother Kong. It was really dangerous. He used his body to block it. No matter what, he must protect Brother Kong and Shicheng. Without me, my family can still live without worries, but without Kong Fenglin, no one would want to live.

  Kong Fenglin didn’t know what the younger brother was thinking, he just wanted to let out the evil fire in his stomach.

  These **** deceive people so much, they really think that Shicheng is a soft persimmon, anyone can pinch.

After the    team assembled, Kong Fenglin gave an order and rushed out with people.

  The people outside the city are still observing the situation. After all the mutant birds have attacked in, they will attack the city and take advantage of the fishermen's profit.

  Don't think, the mutant birds haven't attacked for a long time, don't say, the stone city at the end of the crossbow dare to take the initiative to attack, how dare they? Who gave them the courage?

  In doubt, with anger, greeted him.

  The war in and out of the city was fierce, Lugan clung to the gourd waist, staying firm and calm.

  Alive, so happy for everyone, dead, here is his burial place. Those who want to live can only step on his body.

   "Let everyone pack up, pack light, and be ready to evacuate at any time. The escorted team counts the number of people. No one is missing."

   clenched his fists, he knew that this was the worst plan, "Yes."

  Everyone in the bottom of the gourd heard the order to pack up, their hearts were extremely heavy, they didn't want to go, they wanted to fight with everyone and guard the stone city together.

  But I also know that they are cumbersome. The people who sweat and bleed in front are all to keep them alive. If they stay, they can't help and will make everyone's efforts in vain.

  So, even if you don’t want to, start to act and wait for the arrangement quietly.

  It’s just a heavy footstep, thinking about what I can do for everyone.

  Before, the battle in the city gradually came to an end, and all the enemies were annihilated, but the damage to Shicheng was not small. Those who were able to fight continued to stay at their posts, and the disabled were quickly sent to the hospital for treatment.

  (End of this chapter)

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