Chapter 402 402 Dark Shadow

Little Lebao tilted his head and thought, "No, I don’t think I can absorb enough, Mom, it doesn’t hurt me, I can sense it, and it’s not harmful to Xiao Feifei. Mom, can I go there? Xiao Feifei. along with me."

Lan Shiruo frowned, the little guy is very smart and can accurately judge whether things are harmful, but she still can't help but worry, but Xiao Feifei can be quite relieved, "Yes, but once you detect the danger, just Do you know if you want to leave right away? Don't be greedy, don't worry your parents."

  The little guy patted his chest and promised, "I know, mother can rest assured, Le Bao understands it."

  Ao Chengyi hooks her lips, the stinky boy knows a fart, "Don't speak big words, honestly pay attention to safety."

  Le Bao snarled, unwilling to kiss his father’s distrust.

  Lan Shiruo smiled and rubbed his son's little head, "Go, Xiao Feifei, look at Lebao, and be careful."

  "咴咴." The owner is relieved.

  Lebao sat on Xiao Feifei’s back, and one person, one horse and one horse, rose into the air and headed towards the beam of light. On the horse’s back, Lebao waved his paws at the big team, revealing a mouth of millet teeth.

  If Lan Shi smiles helplessly, she still has to worry in her heart.

  Ao Chengyi is calm, intuition that the beam of light will not harm small things. Besides, boy, there is nothing wrong with being beaten and beaten.

  The beam of light seems to be very close, but in fact it is a kilometer or two away.

  Xiao Feifei’s figure carrying Le Bao is getting smaller and smaller, and the little friend is staring closely, still a little nervous.

  One person and one horse move fast, Xiao Feifei's color is exactly the same as the beam of light. From a distance, it almost blends with the beam of light. The little Lebao can only show a little black in a pure white, which is completely negligible.

Le Bao approached the beam of light smoothly. At least there was no explosion or faltering as they thought, and he had been advancing at a constant speed. With how pitiful eyesight, he could see the expression on Le Bao’s face, it was still excited, happy, excited, nothing. Uncomfortable.

  Just when the big team gradually felt relieved, an accident occurred.

  A black shadow passed over the head, so fast that everyone only saw one phantom. If it weren't for Sombra to be incompatible with everything here, the big team might not be able to find out yet.

  The things here are colorful and very lively, and I have never seen any dark shadows.

  The black shadow went straight towards the beam of light. The big team didn't know what it was, but intuition was not a good thing.

  Ao Chengyi was the first to react, "Goshawk."

  "呖" Goshawk crowed, swooped down, and followed the black shadow with Ao Chengyi.

  Lan Shiruo followed closely, "Jiangxiang."

   "Wow," came the master.

  Zoomed in instantly, like a calf, bent her legs to let Lan Shiruo sit on it, and then ran wildly with her legs staggeringly fast.

  Four leopards hurriedly carried their owner, dragged the girl man, and chased after him wildly.

  This will completely ignore whether it will explode, whether it will be empty or not.

The animals didn’t understand what was going on, but instinctively felt that something was happening. Sa Yazi ran around, as if she was very curious about the things around the beam of light, and ran back sneakily. She was too curious, and seemed to have no sense of too much power. Too many scruples.

  Ahead, as soon as Le Bao approached the beam of light, he was attracted by the powerful force here.

  The power on the beam of light echoes the power in his body, very close, and there is a faint calling and traction.

  The little thing relies on instinct, while approaching, while absorbing crazy, it is fascinated and intoxicated, and its small expression is particularly cozy. The whole body is soaked in the light, and it becomes like a dream.

  The sharp corners on the top of Xiao Feifei’s head became more and more crystal clear, and they were also wrapped in luminescence, showing a tendency to grow up.

  Xiao Feifei also likes fluorescent light, carrying her own little master, circling and dancing around the beam of light, her open wings are like angel wings, holy and pure.

  One person and one beast were completely invaded in the comfort wrapped in the beam of light, and no danger was approaching.

The black shadow is very fast, and the speed power of the sixth order can not capture its real shadow, but its forward process is not smooth. Fluorescent light can hinder or even destroy it, every inch forward. , It seems to be suffering from the pain of scraping bones, every inch of it hurts.

  The black shadow is not afraid of it, and flies toward the beam of light with all its heart. The shining light swoops on it, and it does not care, but the angry shining light hinders its speed.

   Sensing the chase behind him, his gray eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of contempt flashed, speeding up his advancement.

  Ao Chengyi hung on the goshawk's legs and hurriedly chased after him. However, the goshawk was as fast as lightning, and it made the distance farther and farther. Seeing that the shadow was about to catch up with Lebao, Ao Chengyi was too anxious.

  Wave, draw a bow and arrow, shoot a rocket, and go straight to the shadows.

  The black shadow did not stop because of the rocket, but just a flicker, easily dodge it.

  Ao Chengyi frowned and met a strong enemy.

Sitting on the back of the general, Lan Shiruo had already caught up with the Goshawk. Watching Ao Chengyi’s rocket fail, he quickly filled up ten water arrows, and then dispersed into a hundred, encircling him towards the dark shadow. However, he was still avoided by the shadows.

  The young couple didn't look good on their faces, and they didn't know if the dark shadow existed in the center of the earth itself, or came after them.

  If it is the latter, it can be seen how strong they are. After so long, they haven't noticed at all.

  If it were the former, his purpose could not be a beam of light.

  I can’t think much about it, I can only speed it up.

  The speed of the four leopards behind him was not as fast as that of the general and the goshawk, and they fell far and wide, and the little friends could only watch with anxious eyes.

The black shadow has arrived behind Le Bao, Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi anxiously sweated out of his forehead, Colabao and Xiao Feifei were completely infiltrated in the light, and the light around them became more and more intense, forming a vague thin cocoon. , Completely ignored the shadow behind him.

  The black shadow and gray eyes are shining, and from under the black robe, sticking out black claws like dry wood, they go straight to Le Bao's back vest.

   "Le Bao."

   Lan Shiruo shouted, but Kokebo and Xiao Feifei had no reaction at all. Lan Shiruo burst into tears, and Xiangxiang was almost flying on all four legs, which was still a long way away.

  Ao Chengyi even shot a few more arrows, but the arrows fell in the air and were unwilling to stop, even if they could stop the shadow for a moment.

   Disappointed, the arrow feathers had no effect on the black shadow, and the black claw continued to move forward.

  Ao Chengyi's face was cold, the Goshawk sensed the master's mood and uttered a cry, which stimulated a lot of potential, but it was still far from being able to quench the near thirst, and could only watch the black claws fall on Lebao.


  The soft and shining light burst out with powerful force at the moment the black claw approached, directly shook the black shadow flying, fell from mid-air, and smashed to the ground.

  Lebao and Xiao Feifei did not know this, they were all in the warm thin cocoon woven by the light, receiving the washing of power.

  The big team is at ease, as long as there is nothing wrong, speed up and move forward.

  The black shadow was smashed to the ground by Zhenfei, and did not cause any damage to it, but touched the flashing light at that moment, which made it very uncomfortable.

   stood up and tried to approach Lebao again.

  Ao Chengyi, Lan Shiruo had already arrived, turned over and got off the beast, and went straight to the shadow.

The    ability turned into a long sword, piercing it straight.

  (End of this chapter)

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