Chapter 419 Chapter 419 Sober Rong Dazhi

In their view, the Dragon and Phoenix team always prides themselves on being kind, benevolent, not abandoning or giving up. They arrested people back. If the Dragon and Phoenix team is not afraid of self-defeating, not afraid of infighting, and not afraid of disintegration, they will definitely save them. Then, they The chance to get the baby is here.

  The idea is not bad, but whether he has the strength to match his ambition is not known.

  After the analysis, the big team just sneered. These ten forces are so arrogant, they have offended all the forces here, and many people want to clean them up.

  After that, the big team spent three more days and lost a small note to forces other than the ten forces. There was only one sentence on the note: Be prepared to divide the ten forces.

  More than forty forces received the note and their reactions were mixed.

  Some thought it was a prank, some thought it was a conspiracy, some thought it was a good opportunity, but no matter what it felt, it was silent and silent to put the note in them. Lee Center, what they think is the safest place, they are all panicked. If it weren't for a traitor around him, how powerful is this person?

They live in the yurts used by the herdsmen in the north. They are placed in rows. The borders of the station are separated by deep trenches. They are densely packed with people. It is easy to tell who is who, and it is not easy to get in. Besides, the supernaturalists There are so many, it is really not easy to escape the layers of eyeliner monitoring.

  They dare not imagine, if such a person comes and sneaks, will they be able to stop it?

  After being shocked, they began to send people to inquire about the news, but without exception, it was quiet and there were no signs.

  All the forces except the ten major forces are also exploring each other to see if they know something, but obviously, no one knows.

  During the exploration process, I learned that all the forces had received the same note. I was shocked, but it was not obvious on the face, and I didn’t know what the **** it was.

   But in any case, the note is weird, inexplicably a bit of the illusion of being in a horror movie, with hair standing upright. At that time, he began to doubt this note again.

  After having doubts, some people face it, some ignore it, some wait and see, and some wonder if they can make a fortune.

  The big team started to act in this atmosphere.

  On this day, the sun has just risen, and the rays of sunlight are reflected on the orange sand, casting layers of orange halo, which is very dreamy.

  People in their dreams gradually wake up from their dreams.

   There was a loud noise, the head exploded, and the ground shook with the noise, completely awakening the half-dreaming and half-waking people.

  I am sober, my mind is still confused, I don't understand whether this is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

  They were ready for the next sound, but after a long wait, there was nothing.

  For three days in a row, this kind of sound will blast in the headspace of the top ten powers in turn every three hours, but the top ten powers have not even figured out whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

   Forces other than the top ten forces, but my heart is starting to get excited, is this really a rhythm to be missed?

  Who can swallow a big power alone, then it is definitely a proper boss, and dominance of the world is just around the corner.

  The more I think about it, the more excited I get, sneaky, with a lot of small movements, I am afraid that I will slow down and be taken advantage of by others.

  I don’t know the top ten forces, but they are still angry in the inexplicable explosion.

Over time, they seemed to have discovered something. It was just an explosion. There were no casualties or property damage. While doubting, they also discovered that this matter seemed to have been suffered by only the top ten forces. The other forces were very quiet and excessive. Quiet, there are no people watching the excitement.

  This can't help but make the top ten powers start conspiracy theories. Is this a means for other powers to unite and deal with the top ten powers?

  The more I think about this, the bigger the possibility.

  The entire north is under the nose of their forces. If there is an invasion by outsiders, they can't be ignorant.

  To make such a movement, it is absolutely impossible for one person to complete it. Thinking about it this way, it becomes more and more certain that other forces have joined forces to cause chaos.

  If they find the culprit, they will naturally not give up. Recently, because of the sudden outbreak of parasites, the base people are panicked, and finally calmed down, thunder came again, and they continued, without anyone else's action, they disappeared by themselves.

  Want to come, other forces also knew about the parasite incident and wanted to take the opportunity to take them down and seize the northern forces.

  Oh, I don’t know how to live or die.

  The top ten forces are very angry, vowing to take down these people who do not know the so-called.

  In a quiet night, the ten major forces got together and began to discuss how to annex other forces.

  In this regard, the big team said it was very good. People's hearts can always surprise you inadvertently.

  After the big team stirred up the muddy waters in the north, it was silent for two days. Isn't it time they always have to prepare for these people?

  The northern forces are indeed preparing. They know that the current calm is just the calm before the storm. An exciting moment will soon be ushered in. Success or failure lies in this move. You have to make full preparations for everything.

  In such a brainstorming situation, only one person remains awake.

  Rong Dazhi piled up in the chair bored, because of the decline in living standards, the fat on his body has been reduced, and the big golden chain on his body is still there. Although it still looks like a nouveau riche, it is no longer so greasy.

   glanced at the father of the same number as his, blushing, and his heartbeat accelerated with excitement. He had already begun to figure out how to divide the forces in the future, which piece of land he wanted, and what materials he wanted.

   has even begun to imagine dominating the world, giving pointers to the world.

  Rong Dazhi just wants to hehe, although he is lazy, he has been fighting his father and ate the old since he was born, but it is rare to have a sober mind, a heart not greedy for power, and live as he pleases, with great wisdom and foolishness.

   "Father, be quiet, it's weirdly hot."

Rong De shook the big golden chain on his chest and smiled wryly, "Son, don't you want to eat fresh vegetables? I heard that the top ten forces have produced a lot of high-tech planted vegetables, which are fresh and tender. Yes, Dad will get it for you then."

  Rong Dazhi's heart was stagnant, and he inexplicably remembered what Lan Shiruo said to him when he left when he was in W city. She said, you should grow up, your father is not a superman, and he will not live forever.

His eyes fell on Rong Deju’s old face full of pleats because he was smiling, his eyes were muddier than before, and his temples were all white hair. Although he still looked fat, he knew that many times his father was there. The panting is because the body is too weak and the back is no longer upright.

  Rong Dazhi sat up and looked at Rong Deju seriously, “Dad, let’s go to Longfeng City. We don’t need any power or benefits. We will just live a flat life with the family, okay?”

  Rong Deju’s smile froze on his face, and for a moment he didn’t understand what his son meant, “Dazhi, is it boring to stay? Or dad ask you to send you to Dragon Phoenix City for a while?”


  Rong Dazhi suddenly wanted to cry. He was in his thirties and had not done anything. He knew how to eat, drink and have fun every day, even in the end times.

  In just a few years, my father is almost dozens of years old, but he still spoils him and lets him play.

  (End of this chapter)

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