I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1004: [Two songs of the clown! 】


More than eight in the morning.

Jingcheng TV, near the side door of the main building, Han Qi stood alone in a position she thought she was not very eye-catching, and looked around from time to time, seems to be waiting for someone.

Not far away, Xiao Lu and Dafei laughed and came over.

"Hey, Xiao Han?" Xiao Lu Yi.

Han Qi smiled and said: "Lv sister, flying brother, good morning."

Dafei wondered: "What are you doing?"

Han Qi blushes: "I, I will wait for the clown teacher."

Dafei asked: "Is the clown about a nine-point song?"

Han Qi nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Luhu smiled and said: "That must be grasped. Other singers have finished the line yesterday, and they are worse than the clown teacher." When she said this, her smile suddenly stopped again, and depressed: "It is the public opinion that is not very good for him in the last two days." Favorable, many people have questioned the clown's victory, relying on the lyrics to save the field, and what kind of sympathy? In the afternoon, the program began to be recorded. If he plays, it will definitely be very stressful. It is very likely that the audience will be voted when they vote. Public opinion affected."

Han Qi airway: "What depends on the lyrics, they don't know anything!"

"In any case, you have a snack, and the status of the clown teacher's nephew is also a problem, you follow up." Then, Xiao Lu and Dafei entered the main building.

Leave Han Qi angry and worried.

Really angry!

What do these media know!

What do these netizens know!

Why do you marry a clown teacher?

Han Qi continued to look around and wait for someone. Today, she came to "block" the clown. Every time she appeared in the stage without knowing it, she appeared in front of her. Han Qi just went to the door today and waited. She really I want to know where the clown is sacred. She also confidently relies on her own dealings with the clown. If the clown is standing in front of him, she should be able to recognize the person. There are many labels for the clown in her mind. .


Professional singer.


short hair.

About 30 years old?

A star and his two assistants came in front.

Han Qi immediately stared at him, not right, not him. This person is here to do the show, a talk show invited him, hey, another one, no, this is a host of their TV station.

As a result, the clown did not wait, but she waited for her idol.

On the parking lot, Zhangye pulls the door and goes straight to the building.

Along the way, many people greeted him.

"Oh, Teacher Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang is good."

"Mr. Zhang, early."

"Good morning, guide."

Not only are they masked the songs of the Wang column group, the other departments of the Beijing Satellite TV and the column group are also very enthusiastic after seeing Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei’s "Mongolian Song King" made the Beijing TV station win the first national TV show for the first time. Even if it is not the "Mongolian King" group, everyone feels very excited. Because of the action, the ratings of other programs have also increased slightly. This proves that the program "Meng Masked King" is leading the Beijing TV to a higher stage and embarking on the road to strong TV. Naturally, many employees of Beijing TV Station are also willing to remember Zhang Hao's good, because everyone knows that if there is no Zhang Hao out of the mountain, with the strength of their many columns in Beijing, it is impossible to make such a show!

Zhang Xiao smiled very much and they nodded.

I turned to the door.

Han Qi was already nervous. For a moment, she stood particularly straight and dared to say hello. She did not expect Zhang Hao to answer her. "Mr. Zhang, good morning!"

Zhang Yi heard a sigh, and then I saw Han Qi, smiled a little, "You are too early." Then I went upstairs and didn't say much.

Can be heard, Han Qi is excited!

Teacher Zhang talked to me! Talk to me!

She is really a **** fan of Zhang Wei. It is the kind of blushing neck and truss as long as someone on the Internet says that Zhang Wei is not good. Originally because of the clown teacher's business, she was in a very bad mood today, but in the morning, Zhang Hao's "You are early", and let her feel better, the whole person is spirited!


Why aren’t the clown teacher still coming?

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

Half an hour.

It’s already nine o'clock, and the appointment time is up, but the clown hasn't come yet.

Han Qi quickly called the clown, but no one answered. She could only give the music director Bai Yuanfei a beat, and said: "White teacher, the clown teacher may not be very good, haven't arrived yet, you see the songs. is not it……"

On the other side of the phone.

Bai Yuanfei said strangely: "The clown? He has arrived?"

Han Qi stunned, "Ah?"

Bai Yuanfeidao: "We are already singing."

Are you here?

I am going to go!

When did you come from you?

You are not moving in an instant? ?

Han Qi almost fainted, blocked for a long time and the results were not blocked. This clown is so mysterious. Did he come in from the back door or the canteen door of the canteen? Why don't you go out of the way! Han Qi’s curiosity is about to explode. Like many viewers across the country, she wants to know who the clown is! Why don't you show up? Why do you hide your identity so carefully? What are your reasons for not showing up? Even the staff of our column group can't know? Hey, is it really special... ugly?

She immediately started her brains.

What are the ugly stars in the entertainment industry?

Tang Dazhang who said the cross talk?

South Korea’s Li Anxu?

Still the athletes in the sports world?

Anyway, in the eyes of Han Qi, anyone who has passed through Zhang Wei feels ugly.

Look, this is a **** fan!


Rehearsal room.

This is a very large venue, which was approved by the Beijing Satellite TV. In addition to the musical instruments and equipment, there are also cameras. Some of the shots may be cut out and broadcasted, so several masked singers generally arrive. After the Beijing Satellite TV, they are all videotaped. Unless the singer makes a request, such as not placing a camera lens in the lounge, the column group will respect the singer's opinion. For example, the clown is doing this.

When Han Qi came over, the clown had already arrived.

Music Director Bai Yuanfeidao: "Go again."

The people of the Miracle Wheels nodded.

Today's lineup is very large, and seven or eight folk music teachers are invited.

Han Qi did not bother to disturb, but quietly found a place to sit down under the stage and listened carefully.

The music is ringing.

The teachers of the band watched the clown give them a score and started playing.

The clown stood on the stage with a mask and gently picked it up with the music. "Hey, um, oh..." The whole process was followed by a nasal sound.

Han Qi snorted in his heart.


The teacher’s nephew is still not good!

The first song was tossed for a long time before it was arranged.

The clown said: "The hard teachers are here."

Han Qi is a sigh, hey, listening to the clown teacher is much better than last week, but also talking with a scorpion? Is it intentional to hide the sound? Or is the scorpion not completely good?

Bai Yuanfei worried: "Is it OK?"

The clown nodded. "The song is hard, so I can't sing."

The band guitarist asked: "Is it a side effect of closing the needle? You are too desperate, and the three needles go down, the gods can't stand it!"

The drummer also sighed and shook his head.

The clown said: "So my nephew can only stay in the official singing."

"Yes." Bai Yuanfei said: "You should not sing it out first, so you can do it as you can, and try to keep your strength. Let's come to the second!"

However, the second one exceeded their expectations. It took him more than two hours to rehearse, and each band teacher was too tired.

What song?

Why is it so cumbersome?

is this necessary?

Isn't it a scorpion, so you want to get a soundtrack? With the atmosphere on top?

Ugh. The band's people have no hope for this round of the clown!

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