I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1016: [Masked singer identity exposure! 】

PS. Put today's update, by the way, give the "starting point" 515 fans a ticket, each person has 8 tickets, vote to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!


Recording the day.

In the morning, my parents haven't gotten up yet. Zhang Wei has already sneaked out of Dada and went out to buy it back soon. Then she asked her parents to get up and eat, and her mouth was still in a small tune.

Hey people!

I am so happy today!

He has been stunned for a few days.

Mom wondered, "What motivated you?"

Zhang Hao said: "Hey?"

Mom said: "How did your kid become like a man these days? I bought it earlier and washed clothes. Do you have anything? If you have something, let me say, let me and Your father has a mental preparation first, you are so cold and diligent, I really don't get used to it."

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "What can I do? Isn't this Mother's Day? I have to behave."

Mom can't believe his evil. "Do you want to borrow money? There is still something in my bank card. If you need to talk, don't be embarrassed."

Dad also nodded: "Yes, your mom has money."

Zhang Hao fainted, "What money do I borrow?"

Dad said: "Don't be embarrassed to speak."

Zhang Wei vomits blood, "I am not embarrassed!"

The mother asked: "How much is it?"

"I want to...what I want, I will let you both get dizzy." Zhang Wei has no idea what to say, and can't laugh and cry: "Okay, you have to eat early, I have to go to Jingcheng TV first." Now, look at what happened on the show. I have already greeted them with the ticket. You can go directly."

"Got it."

"I am going to be a child."

"Don't you borrow money?"

"...I don't really borrow!!"

The door is closed.

Zhang Hao was so angry and funny that he went underground and drove to the unit.

The result has not yet come out of the cell door, mobile phone text message prompts, received the tail number is XXXX 10,000 yuan remittance, this bank card tail number is quite familiar, is the mother.

Zhang Wei is dressed!

You really give me money?

He doesn't have a job right now. He doesn't take much money from the commercial show. But he also has no place to spend money! He said that his buddy is usually lazy in the eyes of his parents. Just bought two days earlier, washing two clothes, my parents are suspicious.

Yes, where is the reason for this?

He was really happy these days, and the marriage proposal has become, Wu has already promised, even if Zhang Wei was promoted to the first-line star, he is not so radical-moving now, but Wu Zeqing, his coveted daughter-in-law, So he took it, he felt like a dream. Although the specific how to get married, how to see the parents, when to end, these are still to be determined, but also have to be discussed, but in general have been fixed, the old Wu can not run, Zhang Wei also put down a heart, now He is very energetic and never has such a high spirit! This kind of attitude naturally brought to life, and the result was misunderstood by my parents!

Everyone's Mother's Day sends gifts to send money.

He is good, and he has collected money from his mom.

Hey, hold it, it’s all the mother’s father’s heart, Zhang Yan’s cheeky face is closed, it’s just right, the car should be maintained, and the money is just used.


Beijing Satellite TV.

Rehearsal venue.

Zhang Hao had put on the mask and costume of the clown.


"Hey, clown."

"The clown teacher is here?"

As soon as I saw the clown, several band teachers enthusiastically came up to say hello.

The clown said with a donkey: "Not busy?"

Guitarist: "Not busy, after an hour, the petals rain teacher rehearsed, in fact, it was already arranged yesterday, but she wants to sing twice again, looking for status."

Clown said: "Give me this hour?"

The guitarist smiled and said: "Yes."

The clown said: "I want to play two more songs."

Give the score to them.

Music director Bai Yuanfei and a few of the band were stunned.

Bai Yuanfei Qidao said: "Are you not lined up two times yesterday?" /p>

The clown said: "I want to add two more candidates. I don't know which one to sing. I have to think about it."

"You are really improving." Bai Yuanfei looked at the band teacher.

A few people in the band have pondered and agreed, "No problem, come on!"

In a few masked singers, the clowns are most familiar with the band's people. The "Red Rose" is also good, "Wolf" or "Fake", they are too appetizing for them, they are all It’s a rock-and-rock origin. On this stage, the clowns sang rock and roll. Of course, there will be some sympathy.

Han Qi looked closely at the bottom.

The rehearsal begins.

This time, the clown still didn't sing, just follow it, mainly to grasp the rhythm, but also to break through the problems and details of the arrangement. Zhang Wei is a live-type player. He habitually loves to give people some surprises or surprises, so he doesn't like to smash the songs in advance, so it's boring. This kind of thing is incredible to other singers. If you sing without singing, dare to go straight to the stage? That is, Zhang Wei, a strong and confident person, dared to do this. In the field of hosting, he was also a famous madman. He didn’t have a manuscript. He didn’t prepare a line, and he dared to go live. Looking at the entire industry, I can't find a second person!

An hour later, the petals came raining.

Zhang Wei gave the venue to her.

Then, the sunset red also came to audition.

Just when everyone was busy preparing for the afternoon recording, there was a thing that nobody thought of, and a sudden attack was made by Zhang Wei and others and the "Mongolian King" column!

There is a masked singer violent-exposed identity!


The cause is on Weibo.

After the "masked king" fire, many people are guessing the true identity of the singers.

Clowns, petal rain, sunflowers, sunset red, these four singers who have been standing for two or three consecutive periods are undoubtedly the most noticeable, netizens are guessing.

"The clown can't guess!"

"This is the hardest!"

"The second line or more? There is no such number!"

"He may be joking, maybe not the second line."

"Is the petal rain going to be Zhang Yuanqi?"

"will not."

"How about the little winter singing in the spring garden?"

"Oh, sing very well, but I have never heard Xiaodong sing this type of song. She is not likely to have rain petals."

"The sunflower under the stars is definitely a Hong Kong singer."

"Yes, I can also confirm this 90%."

"Hong Kong sings so well, Li Yu?"


"It may be Li Nianhe!"

"Li Yu is once the biggest frontline. Although it is now on the second line, but the popularity is very against the sky, can he come to the competition? No?"

"He didn't sing Cantonese songs, he couldn't hear it."

Guess what you have.

As a result, some people went to Li Yu's meager question whether the sunflower was him or not. In fact, some netizens also ran to several other Hong Kong singers to ask if sunflowers were theirs, not just guessing Li Yu. Perhaps even the netizens themselves did not think that the meagerness of Li Yu actually turned back.

Li Yu meager: "Can this be guessed?"

He actually admitted it!

There is no sign at all!

This time, the online frying pan!

The media have also beaten chickens one by one!

"It’s Li Yu!"

"I rely!"

"Sunflowers are Li Yu!"

"A former star!"

"This, this is too big!"

"My God! Li Yu was invited?"

"This is definitely the most famous singer in the masked king!"

"Impossible, if it is really Li Yu, at his level, if there is no Zhang Yuanqi Chen Guang, the ticket music is in the presence of the music, Li Yu should take the song king during the period? Does he still have an opponent? Will be in the third period, he did not even touch the side of the song king?"

"You are stupid because he didn't sing Cantonese songs!"

"Yes, Cantonese songs are the best for Li Yu!"

"He relies on Mandarin songs to compete with the singers. If you sing Cantonese, the song king must be his, absolutely!"

"Too much looking forward!"

"It’s really Li Yu!"

"Oh, I am his brain powder! I must support him!"

"I am going to record the scene today, and the lottery has drawn the ticket. Hahahaha, I will vote for him regardless of what Li Yu sang! I always like his songs and movies!"

In a short time, Li Yu made another Weibo. "Sing two songs today, thank you for your support!"

Fans are crazy!


"Must be supported!"

"Idol, I love you!"

"Bear them!"

"Yes, abuse them!"

"The song king must be yours!"

"We all vote for you!"

"The original sunflower is the hidden god!"

"Is there still suspense in this issue?"

[The two days are particularly bad, write **** the scalp, and everyone will understand. Sorry. 】


[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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