I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1021: ["Life is more than just in front of you"! 】

This result shocked a lot of people!

Sunflower is black!

Xu assistant is stupid!

The spinach surprise was almost called out!

Yesterday, the people of Huanghua and Jingcheng TV series group almost burst into laughter!


Really won!

Get rid of it! It’s too deflated!

"Lin Yu lost?"


"Who is the petal rain?"

"Sunflowers are violent - dew identity, can't win?"

"How can he not sing Cantonese?"

"If he sings a good Cantonese song, he will definitely win!"

"Yeah, sunflower still has a hand, I want to use it when I want to sing the song king? But who would like to see the petal rain this change-state! Go out early?"

"Well, Li Yu can't fight the song king this time!"

"He will definitely advance in the knockout and can only wait for the next issue."

"Hey, he is too light enemy!"

"The petals of the rain won, there is really nothing to say!"

"If Li Yu wants to sing Cantonese songs, the petals rain may not necessarily win."

Many viewers evaluated it objectively.

But many fans of Li Yu did not agree.

"What to do!"

"There is a black curtain!"

"Do you understand music? How do you vote?"

"It is clear that Li Yu sings well! Why no one understands?"

"Like Li Yu’s teacher singing, life is really an abyss. Everything around is dark. If you work hard, no one will recognize it!"

"I'm furious!"

"Which petal rain won?"

"I am distressed by my brother!"

Seeing that Li Yu lost, some female fans were crying sadly!

The sunflowers are sloping underground, and the mood seems to be very bad!

Several guests looked at each other and were a bit funny.

The general director Hu Fei is also very happy!

Do you have such a hand? Will everyone be a soldier? Also spend money to buy media to build momentum? Still in the microblogging public canvassing? The results of it?

<> Lost in the first round!

This is really too face!

This is really painful!

Zhang Wei also smiled and did a good job. Give me the following things.

The scene was noisy for five minutes.

Dong Shanshan had to maintain the order, and this said: "There is a next singer - the clown."

The clown is the third appearance against the spinach.

The minds of the people have been pulled back.

The petals did not return to the lounge, and together with the spinach and the yellow flowers and other people, waiting to see the clown’s live singing. For the mysterious singer who won the two songs, they are very curious because no one Guess the identity of this person, not even the right number of people, as if the music suddenly burst out of such a great god, even the petals of rain are very jealous of him.

AMY clapped, "The clown is coming!"

Yao Jiancai also looked forward to: "He still sings original?"

"I don't know." Zhang Xia stared at the rapper, and the song name had not been played.

The audience looked at the stage.

The spinach stared nervously at the clown.

The clown went to the band teacher and said a word.

Bai Yuanfei flew, "I really chose this one?"

The clown firmly snorted.

Guitarist: "This song is too flat, not a good choice."

The clown smiled. "It's okay, it's it."

Band: "Okay."

This is one of the four songs Zhang Hao prepared. He has not decided which one to choose. Now he finally decided.

In the stands.

Mom snorted.

Dad is on the side, "What's wrong?"

The mother pointed to the clown. "Nothing, his shoes, Xiao Yan seems to have a pair."

Dad said: "Is it? No attention."

The mother smiled and said: "That is what I bought for my son. It is expensive."

The second sister replied: "Yes, the stars are wearing famous brands and they have money."

They didn't care, and they didn't think about it elsewhere.

The field is quiet.

one second.

Two seconds.

The lights are slowly dimming.

The rhythm of the virginity is soaking.

Zhang Wei stood in the middle of the stage, closed his eyes, then smiled, and I laughed when I didn’t know why. I remembered the "Mom" that sunflower just said. Zhang Wei is also listening for the first time. To be honest, he really doesn't like this song. Is life a deep abyss? Life is suffering? Can't believe others? Alone to be alone?

why is it like this?

Life should not be like this.

Mother love should not be like this.

At least, my mother is not.

Zhang Huan remembered his mother, a screaming, sloppy, bragging mom. He will never forget his first day at university. Mom sent himself to the school to report, holding a big bag and taking Zhang Jian to find the school. In the dormitory, lay the sheets on him, put on the pillows, put the quilt, and then feel that the sheets are not laid out, and then take them down and put them on again.

Then my mom didn't know how the eyes were red.

In fact, the Communication University of Zhangye is in the capital city, and will go home every weekend. It is not a matter of saying that it is not going back. Even Zhang Hao himself is very much looking forward to the days of leaving home. There is no first time. Discomfort from home.

But my mom almost cried.

Study hard - after finishing this sentence, my mom will leave.

At the time, Zhang Wei felt that her mother had a big problem.

My mother’s mood and emotions at that time, Zhangye University could not understand for four years, but just this moment, just on the stage, Zhang Hao suddenly understood, understood what the mother was thinking at that time, and understood the mother at that time. The phrase "to study hard."

The guitar sounded.

Fluttering the taste of youth.

Zhang Yan opened his eyes and the soft voice was heard throughout the audience:

"Mom sits in front of the door."

"Looking at the flowers and the teenagers."

"Although it has been many years."

"Remember that she is in tears."

"Those dark times."

"Those who insist and panic."

"Before the farewell door."

"Mom looked at me and said."

The drums came in.

Zhang Wei sang and said:

"Life is more than just the eyes, and there are poems and distant fields."

"You came to the world with your bare hands, and you are desperate to find the sea."

The audience's mom is stunned!

The guests were stunned!

The audience is also stunned!

You also sing a song about your mother?

Does life not only be in front of you? There are poems and distant fields?

This lyric...

The third sister pouted, "My God!"

The big sister is excited-moving: "This song is so beautiful! How can there be such a song!"

When the song was arranged, the clown was just stunned. Several band teachers were listening to the clown for the first time and they sang the lyrics. They were also moved in a flash!

The clown smiled:

"She is sitting opposite me."

"Looking down and saying goodbye."

"Although after many years."

"Remember that she is in tears."

"The time of laughter."

"Those vows and dreams."

"On the side of the breakup."

"She hugged me and said."

"Life is more than just the eyes, and there are poems and distant fields."

"You came to the world with your bare hands, and you are desperate to find the sea."

The eyes of the audience's mom suddenly turned red!

AMY looks moving!

Zhang Xia has also been infected by the picture in this song!

A viewer listened insanely, suddenly burst into tears, she thought she had insisted on coming to Beijing to pursue the so-called dreams in her teens. My father strongly disagreed and kept her at home. She even threatened with hunger strike. It was useless, and she would never forget that night, the door was quietly opened by her mother. The mother had helped her pack her bags and gave her two thousand dollars. "Your father is asleep, go. Let's go home in the capital."

This is the mother!

The greatest person in the world!

The clown's tone is very flat, and it doesn't sing and sing. It's like telling a story again. It's not too fast or slow. It's just like a boiled singer, plus the poetic lyrics, but I don't know why. Hit the soft ribs of many people, let the heart tremble!

The story is still spoken.

The clown is still singing:

"I am drifting away alone."

"There is a teenager under the knee."

"The teenager grows up day by day."

"One day I have to leave home."

"Look at the growth of his back."

"Look at him persisting and looking back."

"I know one day."

"I will smile at him and say to him."

Suddenly, the clown’s voice is high:

"Life is more than just the eyes, and there are poems and distant fields."

"You came to the world with your bare hands, and you are desperate to find the sea."

"Life is more than just the eyes, and there are poems and distant fields."

"You came to the world with your bare hands, and you are desperate to find the sea!"




maternal love.


All in this song!

Spinach smiles.

The next one is that she played, won?

Such a person, such a song, let her win!

And one of the more surprising things about many people is that they thought that the first round of sunflower lost to the petals of the rain is enough to hit the face, who can think of it, the next clown actually made a bad knife! The sunflower just sang life is abyss, darkness, loneliness, and injury. As a result, the clown actually refuted him with a song, and made up his life with a hard life!

Life is more than just the eyes!

There are poems and distances!

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