I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1028: 【Double kill! 】

Side of the field.

Yesterday, Huanghua sighed: "It's me."

Spinach cheers: "Come on, Huanghua brother."

"What do you call it?" Yesterday Huanghua said: "Hey, do I still need to play?"

Spinach smiled: "You can't advance anyway, let go and sing."

Yesterday, Huang Hua looked at her silently. "Are you comforting me?"

Spinach nodded: "Yes."

Yesterday, Huanghua almost shed tears. "Thank you."

The atmosphere at the scene was not easy to stabilize.

Dong Shanshan immediately announced the next player to appear.

Yesterday, Huanghua took a deep breath and took a big step to go on stage. He knew that he was definitely not playing. Whether it was a sunflower or a clown, he was much more powerful than him, and people already had a lot of popularity on this field. Yesterday, Huanghua was released, and the last song was enough to show off my best side.

With this feeling, a song sings down, he actually played very well!

The guests were surprised.

The audience was very surprised.

Even Huanghua didn't even think of it yesterday. This second song can be played much better than his first song. It is really super-level!

The elimination zone is over.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Well, there are sunflowers and clowns back to the stage."

The sunflower and the clown are back.

When the audience saw it, the applause thundered!



"Li Yu!"

"Li Yu!"

Shouted again!

Dong Shanshan maintains order. "Oh, everyone is quiet, a few guest teachers say two words? Who are you optimistic about this round? Who can advance?"

The guests were silent.

Dong Shanshan simply named, "Yao teacher?"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "I am a layman, I can't say anything professional. I will listen to what other teachers say."

Zhang Xia spoke up. "I will talk about Huanghua yesterday. I still don't recognize who you are, but I think you should be famous in the music scene. Your first song is a bit nervous, a little bit, not playing yourself. The strength of the second song is not the same, singing well, choosing the songs, you make me feel like you are like Chen Guang teacher when you are young, full of potential."

Yesterday, Huanghua was slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, Teacher Zhang Xia, I dare not compare with Teacher Chen."

Zhang Xia indulged for a moment, "Then is the sunflower under the stars. In fact, many people know who you are. Your level sings such a strong song. I am not surprised at all. Of course, I am not surprised. I think you are today. Not very in a state. As for the clown, I still can't say it, it's really great. This "I really love you" cried me, thank you and the team behind you, write such a song!" She is talking about things and not targeting them.

However, AMY is more inclined to speak. "If I choose, I will definitely choose a clown. Whether it is singing or singing, I have won the other two. I am very disappointed with the play of sunflower today. Although it is also good, it has not yet reached me. That point!"

The sunflower didn't say anything.

The clown did not speak.

In fact, sunflowers are not as bad as AMY said, but Li Yu is not going to be a man, and the means of doing things are too great. This makes AMY not have a good impression on him. Can you expose your identity outside the program? Buy media? Pull the ticket? Suppress other singers? Ok, then our guests can also suppress you on the show! Didn't you hear that only the state officials set fire to the people not to light?

Some audiences can't listen to it.


"What are you talking about?"

"How good is Li Yu singing!"

"What the singer of the clown sang!"

"You don't have long ears?"

"What a guest! Also a professional?"


Some fans of Li Yu are annoyed!

Chen Guang ignored the noise there and asked: "The clown, you are not really a fragrant - Hong Kong singer?"

Wang Chase also said: "Are you?"

Before the clown's Cantonese version of "We are in the people", it was too standard, and it was too funny. I laughed and smoked a lot of people. No one has ever guessed that the clown will be a Cantonese hand, but Today, this song once again ruined everyone!

Who is this?

Where is the singer?

Chen Yidong stared at the clown. "Can you disclose a little?"

AMY also asked, "You said that you are a star above the second line? Is it true? Also, where is your home?"

They are too curious!

They are curious about the identity of this person!

The words, the clown thought about it, picked up the microphone and sang it:

"I am home in the Northeast!"

"On the Songhua River!"

"There are mountains and plains everywhere, soy sorghum!"

A bite of a bit of a tune!

The audience and the audience all followed the fainting!

Big brother!

Don't you make trouble?

no kidding!

What is this with?

Before you pretended to be incense - Hong Kong people, this time loaded with the Northeast! ?

Everyone has taken this person, and the most convincing is that no matter what, this mouth can sing, and it is still decent!

Dong Shanshan also laughed and laughed beside him.

Who is this!

How can you tell the truth in your mouth?

The sunflower under the mask also looked at the clown coldly!

Yao Jiancai is also watching him curiously. This person is too curious? In addition to his old partner Zhang Wei, how can there be another wonderful in the entertainment circle?

Dong Shanshan immediately said: "Well, let's start voting. This is a knockout. Only one singer can stay. Please be careful and cast a vote in your hand!"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere is tense!

The sunflower looks down to the stage.

The clown did not say a word.

"Give Li Yu!"

"Give a clown!"

"I really love you, I have never heard such a good song!"

"Do you know Cantonese? You?"

"The lyrics are on the screen, can't you understand?"

"The song "I really love you" is the only song I liked the first time I listened to it! Really **** cow-forced! And also the scene! Mother's Day! Today's two songs of the clown are too touching. Hearing it, he is singing from the heart! I used to think of the clowns in the first two games, but now I know that he is the **** today!"

"I like that "Life is more than just the eyes of you!"

"Hurry and vote!"

"Ah, Li Yu is leading!"




"Li Yu!"

The audience under the audience can't wait to fight!

Dad doesn't quite press the voter. After all, the age is getting bigger. It is a little difficult to accept new things. He gave the voter to Zhang's big sister. "Dan Dan, help me vote."

The big sister said: "Okay, who are you going to vote for?"

Dad didn't hesitate, "The clown!"

Mom also said: "Give me some."

"Who are you giving?" The older sister looked at her.

Mom said: "The clown."

The three sisters wowed, "All give clowns? Me too!"

Mom seriously said: "Today, even if Zhang Yuanqi is coming, which king will come, I will also give the ticket to the clown!"

The second sister called: "I am also! I originally supported Li Yu, but the two Cantonese songs came out. Whoever sang well and sang poorly, the contrast is too obvious! The boundary between the two songs is too obvious. Alright!"

"Do you really hate you?"

This is a song of little love and love.

And "I really love you"? This is a song with great love!

The number of votes is constantly changing!

Sunflower has been leading!

The clown is second.

Yesterday, Huanghua last.

Ten votes...

Fifty votes...

One hundred votes...

When Li Yu saw this scene, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and thought that his popularity was still there. What the clown would sing, he should not lose, he was a former star, a famous domestic big-name, Can you lose to an anonymous singer who doesn't know his identity?

However, when voting entered the middle and late stages, Li Yu’s face finally changed!

The clown is catching up!

Then, the clown is overtaken!

Li Yu’s face is dark!

what happened?

How to do it?

Vote for me!

You **** me a ticket!

What do you eat? What are you doing?



The clown never looked back at the screen, and he waited so quietly.

At the end, Li Yu did not dare to look at it. He was sullen in the direction of the audience. He was so anxious. He would rather be offended by the Beijing TV station and other singers to burst out of the situation, just to Today's singer, for the sake of the future singer, he wants to pull the popularity in "The Masked King", he wants to return to the ranks of the stars! But now, he doesn't know why, not only can the song king not get it, but he still has to face the risk of being eliminated? How can this be! This, this **** is unreasonable!

Finally, Dong Shanshan said loudly: "Okay, vote is closed!"

The audience is quiet!

Many people have changed their faces!

There are also many people who are exclaimed!

"The winner is..." Dong Shanshan announced: "The clown!"

For a moment, the audience applause!

The sunset red is a little bit exciting - moving!

The spinach is called!

Hu Fei shouted, "Good!"

Han Qi was so excited that he almost cried, "Win! Win! The clown teacher won!"


This is incredible!

The first round of the petal rain, the clown takes over the second round!

Double kill!

The two of them directly gave Li Yu a double kill!

This task, which no one thought might be completed, let the petals rain and the clown work together! The people in the Jingcheng TV group don’t know what to say!

Some people can't believe it!

Someone is stunned!

The assistant Xu in the background almost gave up something! Son of a bitch!

Li Yu on the stage did not breathe in one breath!


Why on earth?

Petal rain?


Who is this fucking? ?

Dong Shanshan suddenly said: "Sunflower teacher, yesterday Huanghua teacher, I am sorry, this round you have been eliminated, in fact, you sang very well, the guests and teachers have also evaluated, now you choose to unveil or not Time, do you need to think about it?"

A face was placed under the sunflower mask.

Dong Shanshan had no choice but to ask again.

Just listen to the sunflower road: "I don't reveal the face!" Then I stepped down directly, and I didn't even leave a sentence!

Too shameful!

Too much face!

Now Li Yu has no face to face!

His face is swollen! !

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