I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 104: [The predicament of TV station public service advertising! 】

The next day.

Cloudy and cloudy.

Today, Zhang Hao’s car was limited to the number, and he threw it in the parking lot of the community. He took the subway to go to work. The people were a little bit more. The subway didn’t get crowded. When they arrived at the unit, they were a little late for a few minutes.


"Is Teacher Zhang coming?"

"Mr. Zhang, good morning."

Hou Ge Xiao Lu, they all greeted him. Yesterday morning, Zhang Weichu came to see them. They also called Zhang Wei’s real name or “Xiao Zhang”. Now that they understand Zhang Wei’s bullying, they all changed their name. Xiao Zhang became a "teacher Xiao Zhang", very polite. In the organization, in the business unit, in the private sector, in the entertainment circle, basically the same, you have deep qualifications, you are big, your reputation is high, then others will have to respect you.

Xiao Lu took the initiative to pour a glass of water to Zhang Wei. "You drink."

"Thank you, I will come by myself." Zhang Hao did not dare to support.

Waiting for the younger brother smiled: "Yes, Teacher Zhang, Hu Ge has just come, I am looking for you, you may not be there. Maybe there is a Hugo who wants to take you to participate."

Zhang Wei hurryed: "Hey, blame me for coming late, where is Teacher Hu?"

"Hu Ge is also working here." Hou Ge smiled and said: "Wait a minute later."

When the voice just fell, Hu Fei entered the office area and saw that his colleagues were very happy to get along with each other. He was also very pleased. Unity had power. This is what he hopes to see. He also does not want to call too many people to come in. The reason is that people have a lot of miscellaneous mouths and misunderstandings. The relationship between colleagues is not good. Although he still has a little reputation in the industry, he can jump over and start all over again, build his own team, and give himself to the channel. Columns strive for maximum rights, do a good job, do a good job of ratings, and do too many things, so they need a stable and united rear position.

"Mr. Zhang, you come with me." Hu Fei smiled. "There is a meeting on the channel. I don't have an assistant. You can go with me. Oh, I am not taking you as an assistant, but I am calling you in." But it is not just for you to be in front of the scene, your literary level can play a big role behind the scenes."

Zhang Yan said: "Mr. Hu, what is it?"

"Public service advertising, let's go, you will know when you go." Hu Fei took him upstairs and explained to him when he took the elevator: "The above policy was made a month ago, it is media politics, we must The literary channel made a public service advertisement on saving electricity, but it has not been done for a month. In fact, it can't be said that it is not done well. It just didn't pass the above. Seeing that the deadline is coming tomorrow, our channel leaders are also very anxious. This is to convene everyone to make suggestions and help discuss the advertising content together."

Zhang Haoran, I understand.

Small meeting room upstairs.

A long table with less than twenty seats.

When Zhang Hao arrived, they were all filled up. They seemed to be the heads or employees of several columns of the literary channel. Zhang Wei and the inside saw several familiar people, one youth, and one Women are the examiners who interviewed him that day.

When I saw Zhang Wei, several people gave him a look.

"Old Hu, huh, huh, you are the slowest." A middle-aged man greeted him.

"Leader is not here yet, not late, Rah, this is Zhang Yi teacher of our column group, you can take care of it later." Hu Fei seems to be familiar with him.

The middle-aged man said: "That is your person. I don't want to take care of it. But Xiao Zhang's name has long been a slap in the face. What is the position now?"

Hu Feidao: "The guest host, as well as the copywriting work behind the scenes may have to be arrested by Xiao Zhang. There is no way. Our column can't compare you all, there are fewer people, and we can only have multiple jobs."

The women interviewed by Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Xiao Zhang is still suitable for writing a copy. There aren't a few of our channels that are harder than his pen, and those who can do more work."

Everyone is sitting down.

Hu Fei whispered to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Yucai knows that the middle-aged man is called Wang Meng, the director of the music list, and the woman who interviewed him is Jiang Fen, the general director of the entertainment broadcast.

At this time, there were five or six people coming in outside, one of them was the channel leader Wang Shuixin.

Director Wang is not very good today. He walked over and sat directly in the first position. He didn’t say anything. First, the cup gave a whole cup of tea to drink. It seems that Xu has just passed away, and the blind man is there. At the end, I put down the cup and said: "Well, let's have a meeting. Everyone should know the contents of the meeting today. It is to set the public service advertisement. It must be done today. In the afternoon, it will be reported to be approved for approval. After the approval, tomorrow is the latest. When the deadline is over, it’s going to be on TV, and there is no time."

In the end, it was probably the staff of the TV station that advertised with the director Wang.

A staff member handed in a sample, perhaps that the copy was more accurate. "This is the two ideas that we just worked overtime last night."

A staff member distributed the attachment to each participant.

Zhang Wei also got a copy and opened it.

Wang Shuixin fixed his eyes and looked at it. He threw the copy on the table without looking at it. "This is also called creativity. Is this what you call creative?" Wang Shuixin knocked on the table: "Everyone who saves electricity is responsible for saving electricity. Is there anything new for everyone to start?"

The staff of the advertising department said: "Leader, now the domestic public service advertisements are like this, simple and clear, otherwise it is to shout slogans, to slogans, or to explode data, write how many people have no electricity, write one Writing everyone is wasting a huge loss of electricity, we also want to innovate, can not be innovative, this is already the limit of public interest advertising."

Wang Shuixin is very angry: "If you don't do well, you can't do it well. What are you looking for?"

The man was silent for a moment. "Leadership is our responsibility, then we will conceive."

"I didn't have time to hear what I said. I have to make a result today, and I have to do it." Wang Shuixin said: "I also know that there are bottlenecks in public service advertisements, but there are bottlenecks to break through. The above also asks for our channel. This is a policy advertisement. I don’t want to lose it. I don’t ask anything else now. I don’t ask the reason. I see it as the result. It’s the idea, otherwise it’s not passed.”

The people in the advertising department are not counting on. They have handed in more than a dozen demos this month. The results have been beaten back. Wang Shuixin said to everyone: "Calling everyone is brainstorming, who has any good ideas." Creativity can be said, "It seems that he is really anxious. If this policy task is not completed, the above must be held accountable. Everyone will not be better.

Jiang Fen asked: "How many seconds does it take?"

Wang Shuixin said: "There is no requirement, but it must be within fifteen seconds according to the law. If it is a long-term public welfare, it is best not to exceed twenty seconds."

Jiang Fen suggested: "Otherwise, if you can't innovate on advertising words, I can't do it? I have a good one - energy saving, the continuation of life."

Wang Shuixin shook his head. "Not good, it is still too unusual."

Wang Mengdao: "What about the word? The gentleman must have a degree, and the power should be awakened."

"It's too cold." Wang Shuixin said: "The above requirements are creative, not secluded. The idea is that it can make people shine or everyone can't think of it." He said, he was also upset, "You guys." Can the idea be broadened? Is there so many people in the art channel that it is difficult to live by a public service advertisement? Is it a good idea to think of it?"

The person in charge of the other column group smiled bitterly: "Leader, we are engaged in administrative work. It is not our strength to engage in creativity. The advertising department can't think of it, and we are even worse."

Wang Shui new fire road: "If you don't have a problem, you have to think that you can't pay the task."

The person in charge was joking, and this time he was smashed back and did not speak.

Then, several people in the column group put forward their own ideas, but Wang Shuixin was not satisfied, all of them were vetoed - no new ideas

But everyone is very helpless.

New ideas?


What is the idea of ​​saving electricity?

After so many years, I have been written by various TV stations.

Wang Shuixin looked at Hu Fei. "Old Hu, you didn't give any ideas to your group. Let you come up with an idea, not to let you sit and drink tea."

Hu Fei has not engaged in public service advertisements, and he has no good ideas. He is also the same idea as everyone. Public service advertisements have now achieved their heads. They have entered the bottleneck period, and they are always normal. Even they can only continue to Going to the same thing, because this kind of public service advertisement is basically impossible to create, how to innovate? A saving electricity, can you still create it in the sky?

However, Hu Fei did not know how to answer. The other responsible persons and staff members did not know how to make a difference. Zhang Wei spoke.

"I have a creative idea." Zhang Yi language is amazing.

Hu Fei heard his eyes bright, yes, he only remembered Zhang Hao, but there was a pen around him. "Mr. Zhang, you talk."

Wang Shui's new eyes look at Zhang Wei in a complicated way. "You speak."

See everyone seeing it, Zhang Weiqing Qing Zizi, public service advertising? Of course, he will not, this is learning broadcast, where did you learn advertising, but although he does not understand, but his world's high-level people understand, and the world Zhang Hao has seen a lot of public service ads. The implantation on TV does not look good, so I still know. The public service advertisements of the two worlds have their own strengths. The world pays more attention to details and language. It is especially good in small areas, such as some. The slogan Zhang Wei was a little surprised, this is a place that is much stronger than him. However, Zhang Wei’s public service advertisement in the world also has its advantage, that is, creativity – this is the only place where public service advertisements are much stronger than the world.

Who can stipulate that public service advertisements cannot be creative?

Can this still stump me? I want to be a One Piece... a big star

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