I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1031: [The ugliest star list! 】

on Monday.

Get up early.

Zhang Wei took a glance at the latest domestic artist rankings. His popularity has dropped a little bit. In fact, it is not a fall. The popularity value is definitely going up, but it is too slow or simply not moving. Others The overall popularity of the stars is rising, so it seems that others have fallen. Although "Meng Masked King" is a program created by Zhang Wei, he is neither a general director nor a host of the program. Even one of the exits is not available, so "Meng Masked King" has spread all over the country, but The popularity of Zhang Wei is still limited. This is not an accident, he feels normal, and he has nothing to do with it, as long as the ranking is not lost.

Zhang Wei pays attention to other stars.

AMY popularity has soared.

Yao Jiancai's popularity has soared.

And Chen Guang is also.

A few of the guests who participated in the "Mongolian King" commented on the popularity of the program because of the huge exposure and ratings of the program. The most obvious is Dong Shanshan, as the sole host of the show, her identity is special, although the whole story is not much, but the popularity is the fastest growing!

The singer who has already been exposed is the same.

In the first round, the "King of the Wonderful King" was eliminated, the popularity continued to rise, and the commercial performance continued. I heard that the price has risen by 50%. The "Yellow Flower of Yesterday", which has just been unveiled in the past two days, has greatly increased its popularity. This morning's news revealed that he is preparing to hold a national tour concert. His brokerage company has already promoted the momentum. It is necessary to know the popularity level of Huanghua before yesterday. At most, he barely supported him to open a medium-sized concert in the first-tier cities of Beijing and Shanghai. Now, people can already tour the country. Of course, the attendance rate is still unknown.


Petal rain?

Sunset red?

As far as they are concerned, no one knows that once these people unveil their masks and reveal their identity, the popularity must be erupted. It must be much more than the singers who have already exposed them. Their popularity Now they are all accumulating. Who is the final winner? It depends on the next game. It depends on who can stay until the end. It depends on who can win the final song of the finals!

In short, the show has won a lot of people.

Well, of course, there is an exception, that is, the sunflower under the stars - Li Yu.

The popularity of Li Yu has also risen, but the rise is not satisfactory. It is not enough for him to re-enter the ranks of the first-line stars. According to the original heat and momentum of the sunflower, if Li Yu is on the stage, the popularity should be the most up, but the world is unpredictable. The change on the field is not thought of by anyone. No one wants Li’s loss. Miserable, let the petal rain and the clown play a match directly to the "double kill", the most lack of virtue is the clown, but also the knife and the foot and the foot to Li Yu's face, Li Yu is so bad that even the mask is not After he stepped down, his Weibo has been silent, which has had a great impact on his popularity. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops. His popularity has not risen much, but his reputation has been thrown out. It is estimated that it will be short-term. Can not slow down, and the position from the front line is getting farther and farther.

Probably like this.

Zhang Wei’s mood was good, and he sang a few songs in the bed.


The mobile chat software rang.

In the group, someone @he.

Ning Lan: "Boss Zhang, haven't worked yet?"

Zhang Wei sent a smile, "The house is idle."

A look at their chat records, has been brushed a lot, although this group is a king of heaven or a second-line big coffee, but has been relatively active, a group of people every day idle - forced - egg - pull, Zhang Wei Usually, I don’t like to chat. I have blocked the group.

Ning Lan said: "Zhang Jie is looking for you."

Zhang Wei wondered, "Well? What?"

Zhang Yuanqi came out, "Tell you personally."

Zhang Wei typed and said: "You said."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Which is the clown?"

Zhang Yan sweated a bit and compiled a message: "I don't know."

Ning Lan: "Are you not a program group?"

Zhang Wei: "I just plan, I didn't participate in the production."

Zhang Yuanqi: "@陈光, Lao Chen? Do you know?"

Chen Guang also came out. "I am a guest. Zhang does not know. I don't even know. I have always been a clown. Now the whole music scene is guessing him!"

Fan Wenli appeared. "Is there a guess? I am also curious."

Xiaodong in the spring garden combination: "Hey, Fan sister, to be honest, are you going to the "masked king"?"

Fan Wenli: "No."

Ning Lan snorted, "Install!"

Fan Wenli: "..."

Chen Guang seems to be shifting the topic. "Xiao Dong, Li Xiaoying, your spring garden combination, is it going?"

Xiaodong: "Where do I know."

Chen Guang: "You don't know your teammates?"

Xiaodong: "You still don't know what you are."

Chen Guang: "Hey!"

Ning Lan: "Boss Zhang, are you writing songs to the clown?"

Zhang Yanyan, "No."

Ning Lan: "Is it? @霍东方, is your company old?"

Huo Dongfang also came out. "Isn't it? Laohe rarely writes songs to strangers."

Zhang Yuanqi: "If an acquaintance? The songs of the clown are more powerful than one, can't it be out of thin air? Hurry, who knows who the clown is talking to me."

Chen Guang: "I also said to me, I am going to cooperate with him!"

Ning Lan: "Old Huo, are you a clown?"

Huo Dongfang: "Ah? What is it with!"

Xiaodong: "Hey, how do I feel that Huo Jiaozhu is guilty? Isn't it really you?"

Huo Dongfang: "..."

All sorts of random guesses, all kinds of wrangling.

Then, a big coffee actor said: "Don't mention the clown thing, Lao Li is still in the group, leaving Lao Li to face, huh, huh."

"Hey, Lao Li is also unlucky."

"forget it. I'm done here."

The people will not say it anymore. This is still a good idea. Although many people think that Li Yu’s work is really a bit unconcerned, people’s petals and clowns can’t blame others.

"Hey? Is it meager and voting?"

"Oh, this is it!"

"Haha, is this election coming again?"

"What selection?"

"The link was sent, see for yourself."

Zhang Wei is also curious about the location. The link jumps to the meager homepage. The headline is very eye-catching. It turned out to be a meager selection of the star value list, which is the most popular and least popular with the meager year after year. Welcome to the selection of stars is a truth.

The two selections each year have a lot of attention.

At 12 o'clock noon today, the domestic star value vote was officially opened!

The chat information in the group is constantly refreshed.

Xiaodong: "Who was last year?"

Huo Dongfang: "Last year champion Ning Lan, Zhang Jie third, I seem to be the eleventh? Or the twelfth?"

Ning Lan is not very embarrassed: "I am the company to brush for me, a new play to be on the screen, make a situation in advance, don't mention this."

Zhang Wei is stupid: "Can you brush?"

Ning Lan: "What do you think?"

Zhang Wei: "There is a chaos in your circle."

Xiaodong: "Hey, Teacher Zhang, you are also a circle!"

Chen Guangfa said: "Oh, Zhang Dao can be a circle with us. Can you see who in the entertainment circle can be as chic as he is?"

Ning Lan: "I can't argue this year, Lao Chen, you still don't want to fight for your wife? It also helps people."

Chen Guang: "She has no play, I am still almost the same."

Ning Lan: "You are getting it, you are vying for the ugliest list."

Chen Guang: "..."

Zhang Wei asked: "Is the ugliest?"

Ning Lan: "Is there boss Zhang, do you really care about the big and small things in the entertainment industry? Although this list is not official, the topic is always high, and the last two headlines are definitely no problem."

Zhang Wei ridiculed himself: "Since entering the entertainment circle, I have been busy with people fighting every day. Where can I pay attention to this?"

As soon as I heard this, everyone laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"makes sense!"

"In the entertainment circle, I will serve Zhang Wei!"

"Yes, when can you change this temper!"



Mom and Dad are already cooking.

Zhang Wei eats while brushing the meager.

Mom asked him, "Well, why?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Listen to them that there is a list with a high degree of topic, what is the most beautiful star list in the country, and the value of the face selection, I see if I can be on the list."

Mom turned his eyes. "You still have to eat."

Dad was speechless. "What color do you have?"

As a result, Zhang Wei did not appear on the list. His recent attention was not high, and his exposure was almost no, so the topic was naturally less.

The most beautiful star list.

First: Zhang Yuanqi (72 million votes).

Second: Hu Xue (650,000 votes).

Third: Petal rain (610,000 votes).

The fourth is a king.

The seventh is Huo Dongfang.

Dong Shanshan actually went to the list, in the 17th place.

Hu Xue is a three-line female star. The length is very beautiful, but the popularity is not high. I can have this ranking when I come up. It is estimated to be brushed up, just like Ninglan last year. What surprised Zhang Wei was that Dong Shanshan and the petal rain could even be on the list. Dong Shanshan understood that people were really beautiful, and they caught up with the "Mongolian King" and it was easy to understand. But the third place in the petals rain? She didn't even show her face. How did the audience know that she was good or not? Does everyone guess who the petal rain is? No!

Then, Zhang Hao owed, and glanced at the list of the most ugly stars in the country.

By 12:30.

The ranking is as follows:

First: The clown (99,000 votes).

Second: Zhang Wei (71 million votes).

Seeing this ranking, Zhang Wei took a chopstick to the table and almost smashed the street!

My mom shouted: "Hey? Are you on the list?"

Zhang Yan’s face is green!

"I look." Mom took his cell phone and enjoyed it. "The most ugly star list? Are you second? Hey! Ok, it means that your attention is still quite high, although it is not working. But fans are also thinking about you."

Zhang Wei is annoyed: "This kind of attention is useful!"

My mom pointed to the screen. "I am not the second one. Isn't there a first place for you?"

With this mention, Zhang Hao is crying!

I am going to his sister!

The first place is me too! !

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