I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1039: [I am very ugly, but I am very gentle]

The next group.

Masked Marshal vs Clown.

Yao Jiancai: "The song king of this issue is not easy to argue."

Zhang Xia: "Yes."

Chen Guang: "Look at this group first."

AMY: "Look at which two people can advance, and time to sing the king."

Wang Chase: "Who is this masked marshal?"

Chen Yidong: "This mask is very good."

On the stage, the masked Marshal appeared, and a very domineering style attracted the attention of the audience.



Zhang Wei has not been influenced by anyone. He has already begun to prepare for the stage, close his eyes, and is using his way of tai chi to keep his heart in his heart. No matter who the opponent is, no matter who is in the area today, he only needs to sing his own song.

It's that simple, isn't it?

The impetuous is going away, he is in good shape.

After a while, Han Qi knocked on the door. "The clown teacher, the masked marshal is finished singing."

After two seconds, Zhang Hao opened his eyes and stood up. "Okay, go."

In front of the waiting area, the time was standing with his shoulders standing there, I don’t know if I was watching the performance of the masked marshal at a close distance, or waiting for the clown.

Time looked at him, "I am waiting for you in the promotion zone."

The clown looked at him.

Time: "But it looks like you don't want to win."

Han Qi looked at the stage and looked dignified.

The smoked wine cellar of the Masked Marshal is very charming.

He sang:

"Until years after breaking up."

"I still can't forget your tenderness."

"You said that you are too ugly to match me."


"I let go."


Countless viewers are intoxicated!


"This is definitely sing!"

"Too much work!"

"it is good!"

Several guests were applauding and felt very good.

Zhang Xiadao: "Who recognized it?"

"The sound is familiar." Chen Guang racked his brains.

Dong Shanshan declared, "There is a please - clown!"

Yao Jiancai stunned, "A group of clowns and masked marshals?"

AMY said: "The clown is not easy today, and the enemy is on both sides! If you enter the promotion zone, sometimes waiting for him, the key is that he will not necessarily win this game."

Zhang Xia sighed and analyzed: "Unless he can come up with a song that is especially surprising, it is already in the fourth period. Everyone knows that he sings well, although the audience will give him some feelings. Extra points, but the freshness may not be much, and his expectations are higher, so he and the petals rain have come to the present, but every step is very difficult, see what song he will sing today, This is very important."

Chen Guang said: "The first meager ugliest star has an impact on him. At least some viewers may change his attitude towards him."

AMY is on the side, "Is it a list of everyone's jokes? Isn't it?"

Chen Guang calmly said: "Because you are beautiful, you can't understand how difficult it is for us to look like people in the entertainment industry. It's too difficult."

AMY said: "Are you not very good now?"

Chen Guang smiled bitterly. "That is the bitterness we have eaten. You have not seen it."

Yao Jiancai also feels deeply. "In this circle, when others pay twice as much, we have to pay five times and pay ten times, and we don't necessarily get the same opportunities as others."

Zhang Xia sighed. "I can understand."

AMY and Wang chasing a few people are also silent.

The clown slowly stepped onto the stage.

Han Qi silently said in his heart: Teacher cheers! Come on!

The petals rain came to the waiting area.

The sunset red is also coming.

Neither of them thought that there would be such a tacit understanding.

Sunset red: "How come you?"

Petal rain: "The clown's song is still to be heard at the scene."

The sunset red smiled, "The same."

Petal rain asked casually, "The clown is really not good?"

Sunset Red Hing said: "I asked him in the morning, he said yes."

? Petal rain: "Who are you optimistic about?"

Sunset Red: "The clown, he always gives people a surprise."

The reaction from the audience is also very different!

Someone is applauding!

Someone started!

"Finally got to the clown!"

"look forward to!"

"What are you looking forward to, my male **** is broken!"

"Yeah, the clown I imagined should be very handsome!"

"How have you seen you before?"

"There has been an analysis on the Internet. I have already guessed that he is really very general. It should be a good one. I still like a handsome male singer!"

"me too."

"I really loved the clown, I can't love it now! I am Yan Guan! Oh!"

"The masked marshal is definitely a handsome uncle!"

"Yes, I have decided to give the ticket to the mask!"

"I haven't thought about it yet, is the clown really ugly?"

Especially a few little girls, some of them can not accept the fact that the clown is not a handsome guy, is tangled there.

The light has gone out.

The clown did not start.

This is his habit, everyone knows, and all of a sudden quiet!

Time looked at him below, this is the first time he listened to the clown.

The guests and the audience are also watching him.

Zhang Wei stood on the stage and felt the eyes of countless people around him. For a moment, some people didn't know how to sing. It was like this moment, and countless complicated emotions piled up in my heart! His path is really too difficult, some are seen by others, some are not seen by others, and Zhang Wei is almost step by step with his teeth. Because of his ordinary appearance, he can hardly even pass the minimum threshold of the entertainment industry. Because his appearance is flat, he does not know how many criticisms and doubts and unfair treatment he has suffered! Some people will even judge his character and character directly with his appearance! He has seen it more than once. Some Han Xing, fans don’t even know how to handle him. Even if he doesn’t know what his personality is, he’s greeted with a greeting. Fans are crazy and don’t know. Said that he is kind. In order to help the people who are being bullied, Zhang Hao fights with people. In order to help the people to talk and confront people, he has done a lot. He has really done a lot, but no matter what Zhang Hao does, there are people who are jealous of him!


Why is this happening?

Zhang Wei picked up the microphone, lowered his eyes and gently placed it on his lips.

The guitar sounds soft, very light.

"Every night, in the wilderness of dreams, I am a proud giant."

“Every morning, in front of the bathroom mirror, I found myself living on the edge of the razor.”

Many people are jealous of seeing this song title!

Chen Guang is amazed!

AMY is surprised!

The audience is also worried!


This song...

Zhang Yan sang with her eyes closed:

"In the jungle of reinforced concrete, in the life of the call."

“Calculating the gap between dreams and reality.”

Please trust me!

Please believe me!

I am not a wicked person!

I am Zhang Hao... really not a wicked person!

Suddenly, he opened his eyes to the audience and looked at everyone. He reached out and grabbed his chest-mouth, singing aloud to everyone with a shocking voice:

"I'm really ugly."

"But I am very gentle."

"The appearance is indifferent."

"Inner fanaticism."

"that's me!"

Hearing here, Chen Guangteng stood up and stood up!

"I'm really ugly!"

"But I have music and beer."

"A little humble."

"It's a little weak."

"But never back down!"

AMY is already called, "Oh my God!"

Spinach stunned under the stage, "I am going!"

The sunset red looked at the petals rain, "this..."

Even the time is gone!

The audience also heard the stupidity there, even the cheers and applause were forgotten. How can this be? How are you still? Have such a song! ?

Today's Zhang Wei is particularly pious, and there are some emotions that can't control the voice. Some of his voices are trembling. He doesn't control the details of the sound at all! Because this is a song he always wanted to sing, because there is something he always wanted to say in this song!


I'm not nice to see!

In the entertainment circle of this handsome man, I don’t really look good. You don’t see me as the host. In fact, sometimes I don’t really express it. I don’t know how to tell you what I’m saying, I’m Zhang. I never hurt people, I never conscience, I can give you all my things, I can go to the fire for my country-home and people--, but I really don't know what to say!

I can show you my heart!

Do you want to see it?

I can really show my heart to you!

It is really red, it is hot!

Do you understand?

You... can you understand?

"Every morning."

"At the edge of the city."

"I am a lonely face."

"Every night."

"In the wilderness of music."

"It turned into a fanatic giant."

"On the endless stage."

"On the other side that is not understood."

"Emission of the dignity of life and self."

Suddenly, Zhang Hao once again grabbed his chest-front clothes, grabbed it very dead, and grabbed it very hard, as if to pull out the heart:

"I'm really ugly!"

"But I am very gentle!"

"Day in the day!"

"Night is immortal!"

"that's me!"

"I'm really ugly!"

"But I have music and beer!"

“Sometimes excited!”

"Sometimes low!"

“Very good at waiting!”

Yao Jiancai’s fist does not know when it has been pinched!

Chen Guang’s eyes didn’t know when it’s red. When he wanted it, the clowns helped him. The song sang in his bones, so he couldn’t wait to pick up the microphone and go to the stage!

The audience is also boiling!

Can be seen on the lens screen, there are several male audiences actually crying!

This is not the effect of the show, nor the people hired by the program group. They really fell into tears. This kind of scene and atmosphere and the clowning voice of the clown make many people who feel the same can no longer control!

Yes, they are ugly, they are humble!

But they are really gentle and never back down!

I just said that a girl with her own control has wiped her eyes and said: "I only like handsome guys. I don't like the stars that look a little bit unsightly. I used to, and it must be in the future! But who told me why? Why? So like a clown!"

Suddenly, the music stopped.

Now it’s quiet to the extreme!

Zhang Wei held the microphone, and only his soft, clear-song song was left in the audience:

"I'm really ugly."

"But I am very gentle."

"A little humble."

"It's a little weak."

"But never shrink back."

Time is silent.

He was silent from the first sentence of the clown. They asked themselves, if he used the same Mandarin song and the clown with the PK, can he win?

the answer is negative!

He found that he might not win!

The clown who sings this song, no one can win him!

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