I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1041: [Time VS clown! 】

On Weibo.

Someone broke the news.

"The ugly victory!"

"true or false?"

"Really, I am **** on the scene! The program group has collected the mobile phones, but the buddy brought them both, and now they are stealing the Internet in the toilet!"

"How many votes?"

"Three hundred votes to more than one hundred votes, too great!"

"I fainted, I sang four times, and all the cows - forced four times, how is the clown so powerful?"

"This, this is not scientific!"

"It's more powerful? Today's clown god, the specific is not spoiler, you will know when you watch TV tomorrow! Right, the first round, time also won, but also a big score to crush spinach! And today's scene An accident, your sister, I looked around, all said to be in Minnanese, I was stupid, and later I learned that it seems that the advertising sponsors in Xiamen and Chaoshan came with local staff. A full or two hundred people! Then broke the news, the identity of the time is basically determined, is the flag of the Minnan language - Zhao Qiquan teacher! He sang the Mandarin song in the first round, the Mandarin accent can also be heard! ”

“All are the audiences who will speak Minnan?”

"Rely, it's still a fart!"

"What is the situation?"

"At that time, the light will definitely win!"

"How did Beijing TV station do it?"

"The ghost knows that this mistake is too big!"

It was not long before this meager hair was removed and it was deleted.

I don't know if I deleted it myself, or communicated with the Beijing Satellite TV.


TV station.

Inside the lounge.

Zhang Wei looked at the screen in the room.

The first promotion ticket, time to get, the second ticket, also received the hands of the clown, and now began the final competition for admission tickets.

Petal rain VS sunset red.

In the previous episodes, the petal rain and the sunset red also directly or indirectly handed over. According to experience, the winning face of the petal rain accounted for 90%, which is a great advantage. Today, the debut, the petal rain Played very well, she once again used the false sound of the first phase of the second period, from the beginning to the end are floating false sounds, voices and ethereal, although not reaching the third stage of her time is the **** play But it is also remarkable, quite good, basically belongs to her normal level to play.

The guests looked at it this way.

The audience thinks so.

Zhang Wei also believes that the petal rain will win.

But when the sunset red appeared in the microphone, a lot of people were paralyzed!

Still slow songs.

Still love songs.

However, today's sunset red is terrible. Whether it is singing or sound or selecting a song, people can see that she is different. It is simply playing against the sky, and the state is very good!

The singer is like this. The basic strength is one thing. The live play is another matter. For example, Zhang Wei is a typical on-the-spot player. Usually he can sing in general, but when he arrives at the scene, he can play a special role. outstanding. Today, the sunset red is undoubtedly also in this state. A classic old song, "A few times in the sunset," was sung by her. The three-stage program was quietly warmed up, and the fourth period of recording, the sunset red finally broke out!

Even Zhang Hao listened very convinced!

The petals of the rain are also applauding the sunset red!

The result is coming out!

Petal rain: 218 votes!

Sunset red: 281 votes!

The sunset red actually won the petal rain and won the third promotion ticket!

This is what everyone didn't expect, but after listening to this group of singing, it is also reasonable. Some people analyzed that even if the clown is in the first round and the sunset red, the two songs are difficult to distinguish. If you win or lose, you really don’t know who wins and who wins. This game is not only the clown and the petals will sing in the rain, the people who can stand here, will not be able to survive one day, suddenly, in fact, no one is worse than anyone!

And the key point is that many people have analyzed before the game, the attention of the petals rain is too high, from the first period her topic has not stopped, after the third period, the audience sings to her, Singing and selecting songs are too familiar, and there is less expectation. Instead, it was sunset red, and it has not broken out. Suddenly, the audience felt surprised!

Thinking of this, many people are even less optimistic about the next singing of the clown. Like the petal rain, the clown's early attention is too high. He is now facing the same situation as the petal rain. Moreover, today's scene is a time. Home!

The first round is over.

Rested for fifteen minutes in the middle.

Originally, it was the game of the elimination zone. Today, it is still necessary to eliminate the two players, but several singers soon received the notice.

Han Qi knocked in the door, "teacher."

Zhang Wei looked at the past, "What's wrong?"

"You are ready to prepare." Han Qi said: "I am coming to you soon."

Zhang Wei asked: "Now?"

Han Qi said: "The petals of the rain teacher are a little uncomfortable. The director group decided to record the competition in the promotion area, so I will be there soon."

Zhang Hao nodded, "Okay."

He has already been ready, and it doesn't matter at all.

Han Qi cheered him: "You cheer!" In fact, she is very wrong in her heart, there is no confidence at all, if under normal circumstances, she does not think that today's clown will lose, but the problem is that now is not a normal situation, the scene one The younger half of them will speak Minnan. They are all directed at the songs of Minnan. In such a state, how do clowns fight with time? He sings well and is also a Mandarin song, and the audience does not necessarily buy it!


on site.

The guests also received a notice.

Dong Shanshan took the stage and said something to the audience. "There is a little adjustment in the temporary. Let's record the competition in the promotion area in advance."

When the words came out, the atmosphere was different at once!

"Directly contending for the song king of this period?"

"Time is going to play?"


"I have been waiting for you!"

"When is the time to face the clown?"

"look forward to!"

"What are you looking forward to?"

"what happened?"

"You will know when you look over there. This round is estimated to be no suspense!"

Many viewers look to the side.

I saw countless audiences dressed in two batches of the same clothes screaming in Minnan. Some people are shouting for cheers. Some people are shouting the name of time. When I heard that time and clowns are about to debut, the atmosphere will be on the scene. It’s warm, and a lot of people are here today. In fact, this is the moment. The time has been a challenge book for the clown. It’s been a big fan in the country. Everyone is waiting to see it!

Boot up.

The song king fights to begin!

The host voice sounded, "I have time - time."

The applause bursts!


"Come on!"

"Mr. Zhao cheers!"

"Is it good to sing Minnan?"

"Don't sing Mandarin songs!"

"Time, I love you!"

Time smiled and walked onto the stage, saw the audience's expression, heard the shouts from the scene, he was in a good mood, and his confidence was very good. Even this is not a matter of no confidence. On today's stage, in this almost Where he is at home alone, time has never thought that he will lose, he has no reason to lose, and he will not lose, because today he is only a singer who sings Minnan. His advantage is overwhelming. He wants now. All you have to do is sing the song well, and this song king is stable!

Before, the clown's singing really made him very shocked.

Later, the sunset red singing also surprised him.

In the case of singing Mandarin songs, Time thinks that they can't win the two. Today, the two people are in a good state, but if he sings the songs of Minnan, it is different! Even if there are so many factors in the audience that there are too many people who can speak Minnan, time has his enthusiasm. The first round of the Mandarin song he sang very well, but that is not his true level. He is a Taiwanese singer. The best thing he sang is the song of Minnan. In both languages, his strength is completely different. It is totally two people!

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