I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1052: ["The king told me to come to the mountain"! 】

amusement park.

There is a stage on the south side of the venue, and more and more people are around.

The host is a young beauty, not very beautiful, but it is also very good, and the sound is a professional announcer. Zhang Wei is doing this job. He can smell it when he is in the face of his peers. She was filled with a smile and held a microphone. "Good parents, good friends, I am the host of the CCTV Radio Channel Children's Channel. You can call me a little edge, or you can call me a little dream." ”

Someone really knows her below.

"Ah, dream?"

"CCTV Children's Radio?"

"I know her!"

"Yeah, I am taking my children every day to listen to her show!"

"It used to be listening to the sound. I didn't expect the dream to be okay."

"What is this activity? How are there bands and instruments?"

Everyone is very interested.

Yuan Meng smiled and said: "Now, we want to broadcast a special program for Children's Day on the Children's Day. The signal will be synchronized to the radio." Look at the watch, "It will take about a quarter of an hour to start, so I need everyone to cooperate, we This period of activity is a singing competition. It can be a child singing on the stage, or a family unit. We invited a professional band to accompany you, and three teachers from the Central Conservatory of Music gave everyone a score. The participating families can get prizes, and the top three prizes are rich. Please register."

The prizes are all behind.

The three judges also took a hand with everyone.

"singing competition?"

"And there are prizes?"

"Wow, live?"

"Really fake? Live to CCTV Children's Radio?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the equipment on the spot and the staff, and knew that these were real-life live broadcast equipment. He used to work with the radio, and of course the door was clear.

A lot of children are screaming.

"It's a big bear baby!"

"Mom, I want this!"

"Dad, let's participate in the competition!"

"I want too!"

"Good, join!"

"We sign up!"

"We also sign up!"

“Can you really broadcast live on the radio?”

"Which songs can you sing? Then I will sign up!"

Parents and children are very enthusiastic.

Zhang Wei has no interest, let alone the live broadcast of the radio. It is the live broadcast of the TV station. He doesn’t know how many times he has been on it, and like CCTV’s children’s radio channel, if you want to invite Zhang’s star to this level, then It is necessary to give Zhang Wei a notice fee.

"Go." Zhang Hao greeted Chen Chen.

Chen Chen did not move.

Zhang Wei turned back. "What are you doing?"

Chen Chen raised his hand and pointed to the gift of the first prize in the prize area. "Zhang Wei, I want that."

Zhang Wei said: "Do you know what it is?"

Chen Chen nodded, "Know, Big Bear Baby."

The prize is good. The first place is a children's cartoon doll in the world. It is quite big, and it seems to be a limited edition. It can't be bought with money.

Zhang Yan said: "Do you not like watching cartoons now?"

Chen Chen looked at other children, they are holding their parents' arms, and many people want the limited edition big bear baby.

Chen Chen also pulled Zhang Zhang’s arm. "Zhang Wei, I want this too."

Zhang Xiaole laughed and said: "What are you going to do, seeing others want you?"

Chen Chen nodded, "You give me a win!"

Zhang Wei, "Can you sing?"

"I will."

"is it?"

"But it’s not good to sing."

"That is not!"

"...oh, will you?"

"Oh, I will? How can you be so funny, what can I do! But what is the strength of this game, do you know how much I have to pay? I sing a song, don't give me one or two million. I don’t even think about the notice fee. I am desperate for a bear."

This is not Zhang Hao bragging - forced, he does have this value now.

Zhang Yan pulled her, "Go."

Chen did not move, looking at the next pair of parents.

A little girl of five years old screamed at her parents. "Dad, mother, I want a big bear! I want a big bear!"

The father smiled bitterly. "But Mom and Dad don't sing well."

The little girl’s tears are coming down. “I don’t care, I want a big bear!”

The father gritted his teeth. "Well, my daughter has spoken, and my father can't do it. I will sign up!"

The little girl cheered, "Hey, my father is long lived!" I took a sip on my father's face.

The mother took the child and his dad, and smiled and said: "You don't go to shame."

The father patted his chest. "For my daughter, I also recognize it!"

Chen Chen looked at them without hesitation.

The little girl also noticed Chen Chen’s gaze and looked curiously. “Sister, do you want a big bear too? You can let your father participate in the competition.” She pointed to Zhang Wei.

Chen Chen said: "I don't have a father."

The little girl screamed, "Everyone has a father."

Chen Chen looked at her and said with no expression: "I don't have it."

The parents said that they were busy pulling their daughters and quickly said to the man in sunglasses next to Chen Chen: "Sorry, sir, childish, I am sorry!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Nothing."

The mother asked aloud, "Is the child's parents?"

Zhang Wei was silent for a moment, whispered: "All have passed away."

The mother took a sigh of relief. "Look at me, sorry!"

Chen Chen did not say a word.

Zhang Yan looked into her eyes and thought of her life. Suddenly her heart was sour and somewhat painful. He knelt down and said to Chen Chen: "That big bear, do you really want it?"

Chen Chen nodded, "Yeah."

Zhang Hao made a snap, "Ode." After that, he stood up and said: "I am going out today, and I will give you the big bear to win back!"

For a moment, this fight is high-spirited!

He seems to have changed a person, striding up to sign up!

A few minutes later.

The live broadcast started.

Yuan Meng stood on the stage. "Hello everyone, here is the CCTV Radio Station Children's Channel. I am your host's dream. I am now at the Beijing Amusement Park. There will be a special singing competition here. The number of on-site registrations has already been Reached thirteen groups, we will want to..."

At the same time, the broadcast also began to broadcast live.


Zhang Yijia.

Dad is cleaning up the room and just flipped out the radio a few years ago.

He asked, "Is there a battery at home? On the 5th."

Mom grinned. "What are you doing with it?"

Dad: "Look at the good and bad, throw it bad."

Tune a few stations.

Dad said: "I can really use it."

The mother suddenly said: "Wait, just that Taiwan, CCTV children's radio station? Live in the Beijing amusement park? Xiao Yan does not take Chen Chen to go there? Singing competition?"

Dad opened his voice a little more. "Listen! Do you say that Xiao Yan and Chen Chen will participate?"

My mom grinned. "When you smash your son, he will sing."


on site.

The first family has already appeared.

"Little rabbit."

"Open the door."

"I won't open, I won't open."

This is the song of a fairy tale that Zhang Wei once broadcast on the radio. At that time, it caused quite a big reaction, and many people would sing.

The family sang in general, but still won a lot of applause!

The teachers of the three middle-central conservatory also applauded.

Then there is the second group.

The third group.

The father of the little girl who spoke to Chenchen before was the seventh group. He was very nervous after he stepped on the stage. The hands holding the microphones were all awkward. After all, it was a live radio broadcast. Some people in the venue had never experienced this. Almost every group of families has this performance after they have taken office.

The little girl shouted: "Daddy cheers! Dad cheers!"

But when I heard my daughter's voice, my father suddenly got a waist, picked up the microphone, and sang a song under the accompaniment of the band.

Singing badly.

Even the tune.

But the little girl shouted and cried, "Dad is awesome!" Pulling the mother's hand: "Mom, Dad is awesome!"

The mother smiled and said: "Yes, your father is the best."

Chen Chen looked at the little girl and her parents without a word.

Zhang Wei did not see this at all, deliberately taking a shot of Chen Chen’s head. "It’s me, haha, look at me."

Chen Chen looked at him, "Can you do it?"

Zhang Xiao laughed, "Well, you are inside."

Yuan Meng looked at the stage, "I have the eighth group of players to appear."

Zhang Wei pulled Chen Chen to the nearest position in the audience. Only then loosened her hand and smiled and walked onto the stage. Many people looked at him in this dress, and they all looked weird. You see who is wearing a mask in the summer. Also wearing glasses?

Yuan Meng also looked at him more and gave him the microphone.

Several teachers of the band asked him, "What are you going to sing?"

Zhang Wei took off the mask. "Give me a rhythm." He used to communicate with the people and make his own needs clear.

The people of several bands are actually not very professional, and they are a little dizzy.

What do you mean?

Do you still want to sing original songs?

Who do you think you are?

Chen Chen looked at Zhang Wei on the stage.

Next, a small hand held her. "Is that your father?"

On the side of Chen Chen, she found out that she was just the little girl. She said: "No."

Someone below stares at the sunglasses youth on the stage.


"what happened?"

"This person is really familiar!"

"Ah, really!"

Everything is ready.

Zhang Wei stood there, recalling the singing state when he could not sing at the beginning, clearing the scorpion, the voice was deliberately distinguished from the clown, and then he saw the gaze of Chen Chen, and his heart began to get sour again. . Chen Chen, don't be sad, your father and mother are gone, isn't there a big sister? Isn't this still me? I am not your father, I don't know how to be a father, I really don't understand, but I can assure you that as long as you need me, I will be by your side!

Trust me!

I must be there!

So, be happy!

The music is ringing!

The accompaniment of folk music hit it!

Zhang Wei raised the microphone and sang everyone in the opening.

"The sun is blinking at me." He squinted at Chenchen!

"The bird sang to me, I am a little goblin who works hard, not sticky!" He pointed to his chest.

Everyone is wrong.

What song is it?

What song is this?

original? Did you write it yourself?

The host's dream is also stunned!

Zhang Wei walked to the front of the stage and reached into a flower basket and took a flower.

"Don't ask where I am from."

"Don't ask me where to go."

"I want to take the most beautiful flowers."

"A small public offering to me!"

He bent over and inserted the flowers on Chen Chen's head. Then he pulled Zhang Chen and pulled it to the stage. He bent his hand and held it on his left shoulder with an amazing force.

Chen Chen live!

Zhang Wei smiled and sighed:

"Oh, almost forgot!"

"The king told me to come to the mountain."

"I turned the world around."

"Play my drums."

"Twist my cockroach."

“Life is full of rhythm.”

"The king told me to come to the mountain."

"Catch a monk for dinner."

"The water in this mountain is very sweet, not awkward!"

For a time, the cheers of the audience burst!

The children are excited!

Parents are also fascinated!

sounds amazing!

This song is so nice!

The three judges are stupid!

The teacher of the band's accompaniment is also awkward!

I rely on this is a singing competition for children's entertainment. What song are you? This song is too **** professional, right?



Mom said: "Hey, this voice?"

Dad was surprised: "Is it my son?"

The mother cried: "He really went up with Chen Chen?"


A music production company.

A department manager also accidentally turned on the radio and was idle in the office. Suddenly, the song came out and he and the other deputy manager of the office were paralyzed!

"This song?"

"Who is this?"

"Singing is not good, but this song..."

"Have you heard it? What song?"

"I haven't heard it, original?"


on site.

Zhang Wei took the microphone in one fell swoop and sent it to Chen Chen’s mouth. He knew that Chen Chen was smart.

Chen Chen looked at him, Zhang mouth stupidly said: "The sun blinks at me, the birds sing to me."

Zhang Wei took it and laughed: "I am a little goblin who works hard and doesn't stick to people!"

"Don't ask where I am from."

"Don't ask me where to go."

"I want to take the most beautiful flowers."

"A small public offering to me!"

Said, Zhang Hao picked up a flower, and slammed it into the head of Chenchen!

Chen Chen suddenly smiled.

I am very happy to smile.

Zhang Wei saw her laughing for the first time, it was the first time!

At first glance, I sang more excitedly. I also sang and danced playfully, shaking my head and looking very ridiculous.

It’s very ridiculous, but the parents of the little girl just underneath can’t smile. They know that the sunglasses youth are not the girls’ dads. They know that the girl’s parents have passed away. I don’t know why, the eyes are a little red. They don't even know where this tears come from!

Some moved!

More is admiration!

Zhang Huan swayed on the shoulder and sang:

"The king told me to come to the mountain."

"I turned the world around."

Chen Chen also sang together:

"Play my drums."

"Twist my cockroach."

“Life is full of rhythm.”

"The king told me to come to the mountain."

"Catch a monk for dinner."

"The water in this mountain is very sweet, not awkward!"


Cheers broke out!

A song is over the audience!

This is not a children's song. At least it is definitely not a simple song for children to listen to. It contains unconditional love between too many loved ones, and even many adults are infected!

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