I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1057: [For dignity! 】

This requirement is high?

The petals are silent!

The sunset red is silent!

Several guests were also silent!

After the song was finished, the clown sighed and stunned the audience, then turned around and adjusted the mood, disappointment, anger, and wrote it on his back!

The audience exploded!

In their eyes, in their ears, the songs and songs of the clown are not gorgeous at all. This song has no treble-like high-pitched sounds, and there is no skillful transliteration. Even the typhoon and the stage atmosphere are not in use. Quietly standing there, quietly telling a story and telling a story that belongs to him.

This lethality is really too big!

This resonance is really too big!

--"I am a little bird".

Some viewers thought of their own experiences and cried!

Some viewers recalled all the past and raised their fists in anger!

At this moment, the audience applauded!

"Too handsome!"

"The clown is so handsome!"

"Really good! It’s really good to sing!"

"I can't describe it anymore!"

"Really someone stood up!"

"Rely, who said that this is a children's song? Stand up and I promise not to kill you!"




Many people shouted, the more they shouted!

When Dong Shanshan stepped onto the stage, he first glanced at the clown and then said: "There is time to go on stage. The following is the voting time."

Time is a bitter smile!

How is your mother and me?

How is this confrontation at the crucial moment, always I am next to him?

Time really didn't want to go on stage, because he knew that he didn't make any sense to go up and not go up. The first round of this song, the time to kill can't win the clown, he didn't have any hope. He was also moved by this song himself, but he disguised himself very well and did not show it in his eyes. He had a moment in his heart and admired the song. He didn't admire the clown, but admire the person who wrote the song.

Yao Jiancai can't wait to talk. "Professional words let other teachers say that I can't say anything about professional music, but I have to vote for me first, I give the clown, definitely give it to him!" ”

Chen Guang said: "Give the clown."

Zhang Xia: "The clown."

AMY: "The clown."

Wang Chase: "The clown."

Chen Yidong: "I also give the clown."

The guests didn't have much to say, because they were unable to say anything about the mass association's massive resistance to negative energy music works. What they said was wrong, because this one is "I am a little bird". The song with the first negative energy, a little positive energy does not exist! But they did not escape, nor did they avoid suspicion, but expressed their opinions with the most practical actions!

Just give the clown!

No reason!

The vote of the audience quickly began and it soon ended.

Clown: 422 votes!

Time: 78 votes!

The clown wins!


Under the stage.

Hou Ge smiled bitterly: "Hu Ge, the clown has no lyrics when it comes up. We all thought it was a children's song, so I didn't think much, who thought..."

Dafei is also worried: "Can this be broadcast?"

Hu Fei looked at the two of them, "Why can't you broadcast?"

Big Fly: "But those associations are not..."

Xiao Lu also asked: "In case they come to find us trouble, can we stand up?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Fei suddenly said: "Before I also felt that I should follow the guidance of the relevant institutions, and I sang some songs of 'positive energy' right, but after listening to the song of the clown, I suddenly changed my mind! Looking for trouble? Let them find it! Zhang Wei is the biggest trouble. Let's dare to let the biggest trouble in this entertainment circle give us the master plan, and what other troubles?

Big fly, "Get it!"

Xiao Lu also stimulated - "Get it!"

Suddenly, the petals came raining.

Hu Fei stunned and looked at her.

Petal rain: "Hu guide, rest between the fields, ask you for something."

Hu Feidao: "You said, what happened?"

The petals of the rain are serious: "The second round of songs, I have to change it."

A big fly, "Change the song? Now?"

The petal rain nodded: "Yes."

At this time, the sunset red came from a distance, and after seeing the petals, she also stunned, and then did not speak, went directly to Hu Fei, "Director Hu, I want to change the song, the second song I want change."

Xiao Lu snorted, "Do you want to change songs too?"

Hu Fei looked at the two of them. "Can you tell me why?"

The petals of the rain thought for a moment, "for dignity."

Looking at her at sunset, she nodded her head, "for dignity."

Xiao Lu said: "But now it’s too late, it’s already..."

Hu Fei said: "Good! I approved it!"

Xiao Lu said: "Hu Ge, this..."

Hu Fei shook his hand. "Just like this, get ready!"



Zhang Yi came back alone, sitting on the small sofa, he drank his mouth and continued to silence. My heart sang out, and his experiences and situations in the past few years have been sung, but I don’t know why, his mood has not calmed down, but it has become more and more angry!

The vibration of the phone came from the bag.

Zhang Wei looked at the past and turned the phone out. It was his own mobile phone. The number of the caller ID was Wu Zeqing’s secretary, Bai Li.

The phone is connected.

Zhang Weidao: "Hey."

The white secretary immediately said: "Is it Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Weidao: "It's me."

White Secretary: "Wu is traveling abroad, it is not convenient to contact. She told me to tell you. She knows about the domestic affairs. She handles it as soon as possible. I will help you to contact me here. Your two songs. with……"

Zhang Wei suddenly said: "My affairs don't matter, white secretary, my "a family book" and "the king told me to come to the mountain", you can just seal it, I can accept it, I also have this mental preparation, withdraw I have nothing to do with the brain gold advertisement. It is fine to withdraw all my works. I have handled the trouble myself. Even if I don’t handle it well, I recognize it! But what does this have to do with the Masked King? What does this have to do with other singers in the music circle? Can you leave a singer to the singer? Can you leave a living path for the TV variety workers struggling in the front line?

The white secretary heard the words and said: "Mr. Zhang, you misunderstood, really misunderstood. This is really not our radio and television. We have previously done an instruction document on the names of musical works or film and television works. But this is definitely not the case. I promise you that this is really not our original intention. It is the sacred slogan of their local cultural department! It is the TV associations that are playing the piano! We have never done any similar guidance on music works! Not letting all songs be inspirational and positive energy!"

Bai Li does not know the relationship between Zhang Wei and Wu Zeqing. She knows that she still doesn't know it now, but she knows it very clearly. The absolute relationship between Wu and Zhang Wei is absolutely certain. This is certain, so Bai Li also speaks to Zhang Wei. Very polite, she put her position very positive, how she talked to Wu, how she talked to Zhang Wei,

White Secretary said: "Mr. Zhang, I will deal with this matter, I will deal with it immediately. The people below are really too disappointing! Give it to me!"

hang up the phone.

The knock on the door followed.

Zhang Wei collected the mobile phone and said to the outside: "Please come in."

Han Qi and Xiao Lu and others squinted into the house, "The clown teacher."

"Is there something?" Zhang asked.

Xiao Lu said: "Nothing, we, we just take a look."

Han Qi worried: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "I am fine."

Han Qidao: "Your state is like today... I am afraid..."

Today's clown is indeed different from before. Han Qi and the people in the program group also gave birth to a bad premonition. I was afraid that the clown would be pessimistic because of the large-scale closure and killing of music works by several associations. Irrational behavior, such as retirement?

Several people in the column group asked for a half-day attack.

Zhang Wei only understood their meaning and worry, and laughed at a time.

To retire?

Rest assured, I won't!

Even if the sky falls, I will not hide!

Moreover, isn't this still not falling yet?

Thinking of this, suddenly, Zhang Hao himself was also stunned.

Works off the shelf!

Advertising is off the shelf!

Be sealed - kill!

Music works are limited!

Several associations have come to dictate!

According to the words, any person is changed. At this time, it is estimated that the picks will not be done. The clay figurine still has three points of fire, let alone the notorious person of Zhang Wei? Who doesn't know his bad temper entertainment circle? But now Zhang Lan actually found out that anger is angry, disappointment is disappointing, but deep inside him, still believe in Lang Lang!

He realized that he was not a pessimist in his bones. He might be a natural combatant. He would be lost, lonely, desperate, but this battle that belongs to him, he will never back down!

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