I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1060: [Musician's victory! 】

The industry is sensational!

Are people in the film and television circle frightened?

"The music industry and several associations have fought!"

"It’s so fierce!"

"I can see that I am full of blood!"

"This buddy is really good!"

"They are really dare to talk, so many people are standing out? All the music industry's predecessors, singers, new people, songwriters are standing out?"

"This scene is bound to go down in history!"

"What will be the end of this struggle?"

"I don't know, now I see what the relevant associations have reacted to!"

"They certainly can't handle it. One person and two people are okay to say that dozens of people and hundreds of people are protesting against this piece of music. There are also many old artists singing in the Republic, as well as the art group. The heavyweight singer, there is a king, how do they deal with it in a few days? This must first be a question mark, and the most important thing is the attitude of radio and television, but the radio and television has not been heard!"

This is a big event in the music industry!

With the participation of so many stars, no one knows no one!

Netizens are also very excited!

"A song caused such a big mess?"

"Served the clown!"

"Which star is this cargo!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

"Support music people!"

"I also support!"

"This time, you must give the music industry a compliment!"

Many people are always paying attention to the development of the situation. This is too big. If one fails, it may actually cause a wide-ranging shuffle!


the other side.

Bai Li is on the phone with one person.

"White secretary, hello."

"Director Han, I can find you."

"Going out to the meeting these days, I just came back today."

"Do you hear about it?"

"I have heard it."

"What the **** is going on there? How suddenly did you make a decision about the closure of a musical piece? Who is this? Who agrees?"

"Isn't your radio and television just doing related things? Is the document going to be released soon?"

"We have a related document about music and film and television works, but what do you say? How can you not allow non-positive energy music to be broadcast and created? Have you seen the documents we have made? You are all Do you know what the original intention of the document is? We want to regulate, not to suppress, not to ask for a reason! What is it? What do you think is now? How many musicians are doing, you think about it. Have you had any consequences? Have you considered the negative impact of this incident?"

"White Secretary, your radio and television has your considerations. We must have our considerations here. After all, our division of labor is different, and..."

"You told me and ah? Well, I can tell you that this is what the Wu Bureau personally told me. The Wu Bureau is now abroad. Today, the plane can come back. If it doesn't work, I can, wait for Wu." The bureau came back at night and let Wu Bureau personally contact you, ok?"

Director Han heard the words and said: "Where can you let the Wu Bureau call me personally?" smiled bitterly: "White secretary, you can not harm me."

Bai Lidao: "The things that your capital city cultural department is doing this time, the radio and television industry is very dissatisfied here, it is not that I am hurting you, it is your own chaos! We only have one request now, immediately withdraw your previous guidance, and that The so-called guide books of several related associations! After the final document of the radio and television industry was released, everything was based on the instructions of the radio and television!"

Director Han said: "I can't do this, really."

Bai Li was annoyed. "Okay, you can find someone who can be your master!"


after an hour.

A leader over the cultural department was alarmed!

This leader is not the leader of the local cultural department, but the head above!

It may be that Bai Li or the leader of the radio and television industry passed through him. He only knows that the so-called guidance documents of the local departments below are simply hearsay, very rigorous, because the documents on the radio and television side have not yet officially come down. Ah, but because of the authority of the department, under the misunderstanding, other institutions have been promoted as the holy decree, which has caused this unstoppable situation!

The leader and the radio and television have been communicating for a long time.

Two departmental agencies conducted a simple but in-depth discussion of the incident.

In the end, the leader of the cultural department called a Beijing-based cultural department that provoked the incident. It was a stink!

"Is it very easy to produce some high-level variety shows in the country. What do you do for me? Can't you be good? Can't you see our works go abroad? Are all the music of positive energy? Music is art, The expression of art is diverse! What is the positive energy? Even this tolerance and artistic level are not, what cultural careers do you still do?"

"Leader, we..."

"Remove the guidance immediately!"

"Yes, yes, we know!"

"The next time, you will roll my roll!"

"Leader, I am sorry! It is a misunderstanding of our understanding of the policy! We will not be next time. This time, this is a misunderstanding!"

"The future of this stall, left to the comrades of the radio and television to manage, you have nothing to do with nothing! This is not a mess!"

In this world, the cultural sector and broadcasting and television have relatively vague terms of reference. There are different places and different functions. However, most of the decision-making power of entertainment circles is mainly based on broadcasting and television.

"Understand, understand!"

"Say again, it’s not an example!"

"Yes, no next time!"

The leader of this cultural department is very open-minded, and the relationship with Wu Zeqing is also good. I will deal with this matter immediately. In fact, even if there is no Wu Zeqing's relationship, he will manage this kind of thing. The local department staff under him made mistakes in decision-making and misunderstood some policy decisions. This triggered such a big rebound now, the entire music industry. I’m angry, so if he doesn’t want to intervene, he has to talk. If he doesn’t want to make a fuss, then it’s really going to be a big mess. He has to manage it. You can’t break a pot of soup because of a mouse. They The cultural department has always been very open-minded, and they rarely intervene in the scope of radio and television!

Soon, the previous guidance document was withdrawn!

Didn’t say anything!

No warning signs!

It was revoked directly!

Netizens have a sharp eye.


"That file is withdrawn!"

"Look, the previous guidance file is gone!"

"Incorrectly deleted?"

"It is impossible to delete it by mistake!"

"That is, what is the tone?"

"It's set! It's definitely set!"

“Wow, the leaders of the Ministry of Culture praised the International Song!”

“There is another head of the Ministry of Culture who likes it!”

"I rely, it is true!"

Everyone was shocked to discover that the clown's song "Internationale" was praised by several leaders who were certified by the official microblog of the superior cultural department!

There is even a leader message: "Oh, a very nice song, a very nice word, reminds me of things many years ago, some awkward, those memories at that time, really good."

The radio and television soon issued a document. In the appeasement of the music people, it was clearly stated that the previous "guidance opinions" were not issued by them. The norms they formulated were only strict song names, stricter vulgar and death-inducing works, no One-size-fits-all! In fact, this is not a compromise between the broadcasting and television or the higher-level cultural departments, but they really do not have this meaning, all of them are made by the people below!

Toned has been set!

The netizen was shocked by the heavens!

Music people cheered for a while!

Even after a few minutes, on the music list, Zhang Wei’s "A Family Book" and "The King Called Me to the Mountain" were released, and continued to laugh at the Billboard!

Of course, the first position is "Internationale"!

"Internationale" is almost in a crushing posture, directly on the top of the list, and the first in the month!

Yes, the month is the first!

Just one day!

One day directly hit the first place on the monthly list!

This is a very small number in the history of the music list!

However, the clown did it!

This song is done!

[Check in at a foreign hotel around 3am, write a chapter around the clock, try your best! 】


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